After saying this, Xiao Yuanshan didn't stop, he just walked away, the medal on his chest kept shaking and colliding, making a screeching sound.

Not to mention other things, the strength Xiao Yuanshan showed today really shocked Qin Lie.

Including Li Zongqiang, the head of the equipment department is actually quite strong in his sixties.

It seems that the military department, as the country's defense force, is still full of talented people.

As for the brothers Xiao Xingyao and Xiao Xingyuan, they were satisfied to see Qin Lie suffer today.

One and two looked at Qin Lie with a playful look, and slowly followed Xiao Yuanshan and retreated.

This small disturbance caused by Xiao Yuanshan's attack finally ended at this time.

When Xiao Yuanshan walked away, Qin Lie looked at Li Zongqiang by himself, clasped his hands together, bowed his hands in a salute from the martial arts world, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Li, thank you for what happened just now."

"It's okay."

Li Zongqiang waved his hand and showed a very kind attitude. He said, "If you want to thank Lin Jian, thank Lin Jian. If he hadn't told me that you were in trouble, I wouldn't have come here."

"In addition..." He paused and said, "I also came here after seeing that you can resist Xiao Yuanshan's strength. That old man's horizontal practice qigong is almost invincible in the entire army, and many top experts in the army are there. He can't last three rounds in his hand, you can withstand it, the bones are very hard, and the strength is not bad, so I choose to help you."

"Haha..." Qin Lie laughed himself, "It's not a question of whether the bones are hard or not, it's because their Xiao family is too deceiving. I didn't do anything wrong, but he asked me to kneel down and apologize, of course I don't recognize it. ."

"Yeah." Li Zongqiang nodded to himself, "You can be neither humble nor arrogant in front of Xiao Yuanshan, and even let him eat a little bit, you are already good, it seems that Lin Jian is right, your kid is a person who can be cultivated."

"You've won the prize." Qin Lie said humbly.

"However." Li Zongqiang continued, "You just had a conflict with Xiao Yuanshan here. I want to come later, no matter how good your technology company is, he will not vote for your company. Lin Jian has told you just now. After that, you still think of a way to get Yan Shichang's vote, as for the vote I have, I will keep it for you."

Li Zongqiang said this, which is tantamount to giving Qin Lie a reassurance.

It seems that the relationship between Lin Jian and Li Zongqiang is really good. Li Zongqiang has already won 100% of the vote.

Once again, Qin Lie thanked Li Zongqiang once again.

Li Zongqiang didn't respond much to this, and nodded slightly, thinking that Qin Lie was very polite.

Finally, he said: "Okay, the time for the bidding meeting is about to start. Get ready to enter."


Having said that, Qin Lie simply followed Li Zongqiang into the auditorium of the venue.

It's just that as the inviting party, their names have been placed on their corresponding chairs.

Li Zongqiang, Xiao Yuanshan and Yan Shichang are the decision-makers of this bidding meeting, and their positions are at the front of the first row.

As for the representatives of the remaining major technology companies, they are all in their corresponding positions.

Qin Lie was placed at the back of the middle of the venue, while the traditional eight families, the Xiao family, the Xuanyuan family, the Su family and the Kong family, were arranged at the front.

It can be seen that the location arrangement this time is also related to the background strength represented by the grid.

It is worth mentioning that the Xuanyuan family did not send anyone familiar with Qin Lie over this time. Xuanyuan Tianci was not present, and Xuanyuan Hao was not there either. He was a little-known young man. It was obvious that the Xuanyuan family was interested in this tender. The conference was not so focused.

And the Xiao family sent two brothers, Xiao Xingyao and Xiao Xingyuan.

The Su family in the back is said to be the second person of their Su family, whose name is Su Weilong. According to the information given by Lin Jian, the previous Su family had experience in the production of military equipment. Cooperation is inevitable, and it is its main opponent.

As for the others, Qin Lie, who is from the Kong family, doesn't know either, not to mention the small technology companies behind.

After a little analysis of the scene, Qin Lie found that his own situation was not very good.

First of all, four of the eight great families came today, the Xuanyuan family, the Su family, the Kong family and the Xiao family.

Needless to say, the Xiao family must be against themselves. The Xuanyuan family did not come from Xuanyuan Tianci. There is no conflict between himself and the rest of the Xuanyuan family. The Xuanyuan family can be regarded as a neutral party.

Not to mention the Kong family, Kong Wei died in his own hands, and now those old things of the Kong family have long hated themselves, and they might take advantage of today's opportunity to engage themselves.

In the end, the remaining Su family was still his own competitor.

After all, the birds even thought about it, and they went up later, and before the bidding plan was finished, a large number of people would stand up and refute themselves.

Today's bidding is really a bit difficult.

Thinking like this, Qin Lie turned his last gaze to Yan Shichang, one of the three decision-makers in the front row of the auditorium.

Whether he can win this mark today is entirely up to him.

The three decision-makers are all related to the military industry. Xiao Yuanshan is the army commander and the department that uses weapons. Li Zongqiang is the minister of the equipment department and the department that makes weapons. The last one, Yan Shichang of the logistics department, is the one who provides resources and materials.

The department under the jurisdiction of the three people is the entire production line of military weapons. They are independent of each other, restrict and influence each other, and no one should look at the other's face.

Qin Lie thought so, as long as he wins Yan Shichang, his own bidding is not completely without chance.

He did his best to obey the destiny, Qin Lie couldn't think so much at this time.

And almost when he was thinking about it, Lin Jian on the stage had already started to preside over today's bidding meeting.

He read the opening remarks: "Everyone, please be quiet first, today's bidding meeting is about to start."

After everyone cooperated quietly, he continued to say: "Hello, three leaders, as well as representatives of all the technology companies on the scene, I am Lin Jian, chairman of Shenzhou Weapons, everyone here today, all It is the private enterprises and businesses that Shenzhou Weapons invited to participate in this bidding conference. Everyone should know that this is the first external bidding for Shenzhou Weapons, so we attach great importance to this conference..."

The opening remarks are not too long, mainly considering that there are more merchants who need to show on stage today.

So after speaking for about five minutes, after indicating the specific process of today's bidding conference, I directly called the merchants to come to the stage and began to introduce their own company strength and cooperation plans.

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