Qin Lie hardly saw Situ Xuan in the past two days. Since Situ Xuan said three days ago that he would formulate an intensive training plan, he has not been found at all in the past few days.

Qin Lie doesn't know what his intensive training plan looks like.

But after experiencing Qiu Bai's devil training, he was apprehensive about the training methods of the older generation.

Of course, Qin Lie also knew that the reason why Situ Xuan and Qiu Bai were able to reach their level was because they had suffered hardships when they were young, and what he experienced now was definitely what they had experienced before.

As the saying goes, if you eat hard and suffer, you will become a superior person.

If you want to become stronger, lying down is definitely useless.

So Qin Lie is mentally prepared for the training plan these days.

On the second day, after Qin Lie pushed everything away, he received a call from Situ Xuan early in the morning.

After Qin Lie got on the phone, he joked with Situ Xuan on the phone, "Master, you just made the production plan for two or three days, you are planning to kill me!"

Situ Xuan didn't joke with him, and hummed on the other end of the phone: "You think it's that simple to make a training plan, this old man is not allowed to make a suitable training plan based on your physical condition, your strengths and weaknesses, and your ability to bear. The training place has to be chosen carefully, how can it be so easy.”

"Have you chosen a place yet?" Qin Lie asked.

Situ Xuan replied: "Nonsense, otherwise I'll call you for what, you call the boy from Shentu's family, go to Longcheng Airport, use your private jet, let's fly to Sichuan and Shu."

"Chuanshu?" This made Qin Lie a little surprised, "The address of our training is in Chuanshu?"

"Well." Situ Xuan didn't talk too much nonsense, and ordered, "Give you an hour, come quickly..."

After saying this, Situ Xuan hung up the phone.

And hearing this, Qin Lie's first reaction was, it's over.

When it comes to Sichuan and Shu, what is the first reaction you can think of? Anyway, Qin Lie's first reaction is that there are many beautiful women, delicious food, and spicy food. Then, the mountain is very steep. After all, the road to Shu is difficult!

On this trip to Sichuan and Shu, Situ Xuan definitely couldn't let them go to see beautiful women and eat delicious food. The core purpose of this time was to strengthen the training. The reason why Situ Xuan put the training place there now is probably the same as the mountain there. It's related.

Ouch, Qin Lie's scalp is already tingling just thinking about the towering mountains in the southwest.

But you can't run away.

Sigh, sigh, what should be done still has to be done.

Thinking that Situ Xuan only gave him an hour, Qin Lie quickly got up, washed briefly, put on a suit and went out the door.

But after he killed him and went out, two minutes later, he rushed back and took a bottle of Qiu Bai's specially made Buda wine in the bedroom--I guess, oh no, it's not an estimate, it's definitely useful!

Then he went out the door and hurried to the airport.

On the way in the past, they picked up Shentu Aoshi, and the two drove a car and hurried to the airport.

As for Shentu Aoshi, this kid was very excited. He was never quiet at the co-pilot's position along the way. The left hook and the right hook have already begun to gesture, as if he was going to show his skills in this training.

After Shentu Aoshi was beaten by Situ Xuan for a second, he has since become Situ Xuan's fanboy. It is his dream to get a little advice from Situ Xuan, and it is understandable that he is so excited that his dream has come true today.

When he came out this time, he wore a sports suit with a backpack on his back. What kind of towels, compressed biscuits, boxing gloves, these outdoor sports equipment were in.

Apparently, in his eyes, it was just the same outdoor training he had experienced before.

Seeing him so excited, Qin Lie just shook his head, sighing that he was too naive, and sympathized with him from the bottom of his heart.

With so many outdoor sports equipment, knee pads and wrist guards, all of them couldn't match the bottle of Bida wine in his hand.

Qin Lie had even seen him kneeling and begging him to give him a little bit of wine.

He drove all the way to the airport and found Situ Xuan outside the airport. As soon as Shentu Aoshi met, the senior nodded and shouted, but Situ Xuan's reaction was very cold, he just nodded slightly and went to the airport.

As the owner of a private jet, Qin Lie still had the easiest check-in procedure. After a little communication with the airport tower, the flight was confirmed. A total of three people flew to Shudu Airport on the private jet.

Because they are all in the country, the voyage is very short, and the whole journey takes only three hours, and the three people reach the land of Sichuan and Shu.

During the process, Shentu Aoshi kept asking Situ Xuan what the training method was, how long it would take, and where to train it.

It hooked Qin Lie's curiosity.

But Situ Xuan didn't reveal a word throughout the whole process, he just said perfunctorily, "You'll know when you arrive."

After getting off the Shudu Airport, the three of them boarded a bus bound for the so-called Tongwen County. The bus drove all the way to the southwest on the expressway and drove for another four hours. After getting off the expressway, It took another three hours on the ordinary national road to reach the destination.

And this is not over yet, when they arrived in Tongwen County, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

This rested for another night in the county town, until the next morning, when they boarded another bus bound for the country road, which drove for another two hours on the rough and winding mountain road, and there was no road ahead. In the village, I got off the car at a place where there was no store, and walked for another hour before finally arriving at the destination.

At that time, Shentu Ao made everyone stupid.

He thought he was going to start training yesterday, but ended up rushing for a day yesterday.

Last night, he thought that he was going to officially train today, but today he hurried for another half day.

And this situation is basically the same as Qin Lie expected.

Because as Situ Xuan was on his way, the surrounding environment became more and more remote, the mountains became steeper, and there were fewer and fewer human beings.

This is all too far away from the civilized world.

There is a mountain in the surrounding area, all towering into the clouds, and the altitude is not four, five or six thousand, so I am embarrassed to say hello to the mountain next to it.

And at the front of an almost steepest mountain, Situ Xuan finally said, "Okay, the training place for you is here."

When Shentu Aoshi heard this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and sighed: "I'm going, I'm finally here, Mr. Xuan, you've made a training plan these days, just use it for running, how could you choose such a biased place? what!"

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