"If you have anything to say, I have to go back to sleep."

On the beach, Zhou Ming stretched and urged.

Zhao Yuming looked at the fire in the distance, and after making sure that no one could hear the conversation between the two, he said, "Brother Ming, can you help me kill Wang Hai!"

Hearing this, Zhou Ming, who was still a little confused just now, woke up instantly as if a basin of ice water had been poured over his head.

"I heard it right, you just said let me help you kill Wang Hai?"

Zhou Ming asked in disbelief.

"You heard right, I hope Brother Hai can help me kill Wang Hai!"

Zhao Yuming repeated what he just said.

"You're crazy, you want to kill Wang Hai? If Du San knew about this, he wouldn't make you a human!"

Zhou Ming looked at Zhao Yuming nervously and shouted.

He has been following Du Mazi for a long time, and he is quite aware that Du Mazi is definitely a ruthless, murderous master.

And Wang Hai is Du Mazi's confidant, not to mention killing him, even if Wang Hai is injured, Du Mazi will probably kill them.

"Brother Ming, I'm not afraid of your jokes, I was analized by Wang Hai."

Zhao Yuming gritted his teeth and said with a look of hatred.

Although it was embarrassing to say such a thing, in order to gain Zhou Ming's support, he still said it.

"Being anal? You mean... you were blown away?"

Zhou Ming asked in disbelief.


Zhao Yuming nodded in recognition.


Zhou Ming glanced at Zhao Yuming up and down, and couldn't hold back any longer, he just laughed.

Zhao Yuming, a dignified seven-foot man, was blown away by Wang Hai, which made people laugh out loud.

Listening to Zhou Ming's laughter, Zhao Yuming felt even more ashamed.

If it were someone else, I'd be afraid to commit suicide directly, but he is a coward who is afraid of death, so he can only endure it all the time.

Soon, Zhou Ming also realized that it was not good to laugh at Zhao Yuming face to face, so he suppressed the laughter in his heart.

"Yuming, when did this happen?"

Zhou Ming asked curiously.

"just now."

Zhao Yuming replied with a gloomy expression.

"Yu Ming, listen to what brother said, let's pretend that nothing happened. After all, the arm can't twist the thigh, and even if we join forces, we can't do Wang Hai alone."

Zhou Ming comforted Zhao Yuming.

He also had a deep fear of Wang Hai, even if he borrowed two courage from him, he would not dare to do it.

"Brother Ming, I know you must be laughing at me in your heart now, but don't forget, if Wang Hai can anal me today, it may be your turn tomorrow, and at that time, even if you want to run, you won't have a chance. "

Zhao Yuming said again.

Hearing this, Zhou Ming's brows could not help frowning.

When this kind of thing happened to Zhao Yuming, he could still gloat over the misfortune, but he absolutely couldn't bear it happening to himself.

"Brother Ming, if you want me to tell me, let's do it all the time, kill Wang Hai and Du Mazi while they are sleeping, and we will be the bosses here in the future. Isn't this more comfortable than being a dog next to Du Mazi?"

Seeing that Zhou Ming wanted to be persuaded by him, Zhao Yuming hurriedly struck while the iron was hot and continued to bewitch him.

Zhao Yuming was bullying the weak and fearing the tough. He simply didn't have the courage to move Wang Hai, so he had to win over Zhou Ming as an ally. This would give him courage, and secondly, it would increase the success rate of his actions.

Zhao Yuming's remarks can hit Zhou Ming's weakness, and Zhou Ming's face can't help but show a look of contemplation.

Although he has always bowed his knees in front of Du Mazi, it was only a temporary measure for him to survive. No one knew that he also had a strong ambition in his heart, that is, to kill Du Mazi and become a local emperor himself.

After all, no one wants to be a begging dog forever.

Not to mention that Zhou Ming used to be a corporate executive. If he was really desperate, he would not have taken refuge in Du Mazi.

"Brother Ming, don't hesitate, as long as you kill Du Mazi and Wang Hai, I will support you as the boss. In the future, I promise to follow your orders and follow your orders."

Zhao Yuming urged again.

"I can cooperate with you, but the matter of killing Du Mazi and the others has to be slow. You can see that Wang Hai is quite powerful. Even if we join forces, we will not be his opponent."

Zhou Minglue pondered and replied.

I have to say that Zhao Yuming's demagogic words are still very effective, and he has successfully moved Zhou Ming, but Zhou Ming is also a veteran, and he will never take risks if he is not absolutely sure.

"Wang Hai is very powerful, but is he as good as Zhang Fei? Zhang Fei's fierce generals were all cut off by his men in a dream. As long as we also take advantage of Wang Hai's sleep, Wang Hai will surely die!"

Zhao Yuming said with a grim expression.

There is only one thought left in his mind now, and that is to kill Wang Hai!

If he can kill today, he definitely doesn't want to wait until tomorrow.

"Yuming, calm down, don't forget, besides us, there are several people in this camp, especially that Hu Xufei, who is also Du San's licking dog. If they find us when we start, then we will Both have to die. So if we endure it any longer, we must wait for a suitable opportunity to act."

Zhou Ming continued to persuade Zhao Yuming.

"Brother Ming..."

"Don't say it, if you listen to me, then do as I say, if you don't listen, then please do it yourself, but don't pull me when you die."

Zhou Ming interrupted Zhao Yuming directly and did not give him another chance to speak.

"Alright then, I'll listen to you."

Zhao Yuming really wanted to kill Wang Hai right now, but he really didn't have the courage without Zhou Ming's help, so he could only choose to compromise.

"Yuming, I can understand your current mood, but this kind of thing can't be rushed, just bear with it, as long as there is a chance, I promise to help you kill Wang Hai."

Zhou Ming softened his tone and comforted Zhao Yuming again.

"Well, I see."

Zhao Yuming was unwilling, but at this time he could only nod his head in response.

Zhao Yuming wanted to use Zhou Ming to kill Wang Hai, and Zhou Ming wanted to use Zhao Yuming to achieve his dream of becoming a local emperor. The two of them were like each other, but in order to use each other, they joined together.

And Wang Hai, who started it, didn't know, just because he exploded Zhao Yuming's chrysanthemum, their already unstable team was completely divided.


Time flickered, and it was midnight.

Qin Lie was sleeping when an urgent voice suddenly came from his ear.

"Brother Qin, wake up."

Qin Lie opened his eyes and saw that the person who called him was Su Xiaoxiao.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Lie rubbed his eyes and asked sleepily.

"Sister Xianglan, she's getting mad!"

Su Xiaoxiao said anxiously.

"What are you looking for me for when she babbles?"

Qin Lie asked with a twitch at the corner of his mouth.

"Bah, I'm sorry, it's my mouth. Sister Xianglan has a fever and keeps shivering. You should go and see what's going on."

Su Xiaoxiao slapped her mouth and replied again.

Hearing this, Qin Lie quickly got up and ran to Bai Xianglan's thatched hut.

At this moment, Bai Panlan was lying on the grass, her face pale.

Even though she was covered with several clothes, her body was still shivering, as if she was in a world of ice and snow, but in fact it wasn't cold at all in this thatched hut.

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