The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

#1235 Can Only Be Understood But Cannot Be Expressed

Speaking of which, even Qin Lie himself did not expect that this sudden force would be successful.

He stood there, stunned for a moment, and said something in surprise.


It was this sentence that suddenly caught the attention of Shentu Aoshi next to him.

Shentu Aoshi looked over and said casually, "Hey what, you succeeded?"

As a result, wherever the line of sight passed, he suddenly saw the eggs that had been beaten out from the ground in front of Qin Lie. At the same time, his eyes widened and he said in horror.

"Fuck, you really succeeded."

Qin Lie nodded dumbly, mainly because even he himself didn't know how he succeeded, and he felt a little confused anyway.

"Well," he said, "but I feel like I'm just lucky, and I haven't mastered this power-generating technique."

As for Situ Xuan, he opened his eyes when he heard the conversation between the two, and was very surprised to see the broken egg in front of Qin Lie.

Oh, this worked?

This kid is so fast. It has only been four hours since he taught him the theory.

Starting in four hours, this kid's talent does not seem to be low.

You must know that when his master taught him this skill, he dipped an egg from a bowl and did a similar exercise. It took him two days and thousands of attempts to do it for the first time. arrive.

This kid actually only took four hours, um, Ruzi can be taught.

He quickly stood up from the stone he was sitting on, and Situ Xuan walked up to Qin Lie and asked in a low voice, "How is it, have you mastered the core skills of the power generation method I mentioned?"

"This..." Qin Lie didn't dare to answer and said with his forehead pressed.

"I really haven't grasped this. I just focused my attention on one point in the center of the egg, and then tried my best to grasp the way I put out my power, and subconsciously gave a palm, and then the egg broke by itself, what? Skilled or not, I don't know!"

If you know, you know, if you don't know, you don't know. All Qin Lie can do now is to tell the truth.

"It doesn't matter." Situ Xuan replied, "Concentration of consciousness is inevitable, and then you try your best to recall the body's reaction to the palm you just took out. After practicing a few more times, you will discover the mystery."

"Okay." Qin Lie nodded, "I'll try again."

Having said that, Qin Lie didn't dare to neglect, and continued to take an egg and try it.

Fortunately, when he just released each palm, he subconsciously remembered which part of him exerted force when the palm was released, where it was the main force, and where it was the secondary force.

In addition, the training a few days ago gave him a clearer grasp of his body, so it is not difficult to recall this time.

According to the result of the last exertion, he came again according to the last exertion method.

But obviously, the memory is not so standard, this time he failed.

But I have a feeling in my heart that this feeling is getting closer and closer to the real answer.

So he didn't give up, and followed that feeling again about three or four times. This time, the results came very quickly. About the fifth time, he succeeded again.


And this time the egg shattered even more violently than the previous one, cracks popped out, and the whole egg was directly blown into two halves!

"Fuck!" Shentu Aoshi almost became sb in shock, and said loudly, "Brother Qin, cow, cow, I didn't expect you to do it, amazing!"

Situ Xuan, who was beside him, also nodded his head with gratified eyes. This time, Qin Lie's performance really satisfied him.

The limit of the body, or the strength of the body, Qin Lie is still not the top, but in terms of skill comprehension, Qin Lie is definitely much better than these top old things.

"Quick, quick!" Shentu Aoshi urged, "Brother Qin, tell me how you did it, tell me how you feel, we are both beginners, you must know me better than Elder Xuan, give me I'll say it."


Qin Lie hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Brother Shentu, it's not that I'm hiding something from you, it's that this matter is really only understandable and unspeakable, I haven't figured out how to do it myself, but I just have a feeling that when When I focus my consciousness on the point I want to strike, my body will respond autonomously and I know how to use force. If you ask me to say how to use force and how to do it, I really can’t explain it.”

"Hey!" Shentu Aoshi was disappointed after hearing this, "Don't you think you didn't say it?"

Qin Lie: "Otherwise, you can also try according to my method, focus your attention on one point, don't think about anything in your mind, only think about the things you want to destroy, and then gather the power scattered by your body, condense it to the point where One point, go pop this egg."

"Hey!" Shentu Aoshi continued to sigh. He was so bitter and hated that he couldn't get this point at all.

I thought that every time Qin Lie could finish one step ahead of himself, could it be that he was really worse than Qin Lie.

Not reconciled, seeing Qin Lie make such a big breakthrough, Shentu Aoshi also got serious, returned to his own position, and continued to try at the water cup.

And he is also trying his best to understand and synthesize the words of Qin Lie and Situ Xuan, convert these words into some information that he can understand, and apply them to actual combat.

It turned out that even though Qin Lie finally gave him an ambiguous answer, the communication between the two students was indeed much more useful than Situ Xuan's output from a very high position.

This time, Shentu Aoshi only tried twenty or so times before he opened the egg in his cup, and because of his fierce power, the egg was impacted by such a strong force that it almost exploded.

This is good, Shentu Aoshi himself was stunned: "Fuck, how did I do it?"

"Look!" Qin Lie walked over, patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's the feeling I said, it's hard to describe, but as long as you find it, you can grasp it."

"I will try again!"

Excited for the first success, Shentu Aoshi took out another egg and tried it.

And he seems to be faster than Qin Lie's grasp. This second attempt, it took only two times, one palm hit the water glass outside, and the egg inside exploded.

Seeing this, the smile on his face gradually bloomed, and he said confidently, "Qin Xiong, I feel like I have mastered it!"

He continued: "Like you said, I can't say how to use the force method, but it's just a feeling, as long as I grasp that feeling, I can succeed!"

"Yeah!" Qin Lie nodded.

Regarding this technique, for the two of them now, as long as they can use it, it is enough, and they don't need to be able to talk about it as a theory.

After all, they don't have to explain it to others.

If so, the two of them practiced a few more times, mastered this skill a few more times, and showed the four words "practice makes perfect" vividly.

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