Boom, just like a slap, the whole surrounding woods trembled, and the leaves flew down.

Shentu Aoshi watched the whole process, and when he saw the destructive power of this beast, he was so shocked that his jaw was about to fall to the ground.

My darling, if this slap hits a person, don't slap the person in two!

After Qin Lie turned sideways to dodge, he didn't expect that the beast's reaction was still very fast.

Many people have misunderstandings about these large species, thinking that these large species are very slow and can crush them at any speed.

But in fact, the speed of many behemoths in wild animals is not slow. Even elephants can run at an astonishing 30 kilometers per hour, almost faster than most humans.

Brown bears, as representatives of large animals, are actually very flexible. It is only because their bodies are too large that they give a false impression of being clumsy.

Just like now, the follow-up speed of this brown bear king is almost the same as Qin Lie's dodging speed, and the bloody mouth bites him in the neck.


The roar rose to the sky, and at that moment Qin Lie could almost see the fangs in his mouth and the saliva between the fangs.

Its speed is also very fast, and it is inevitable at this time.

There was no other way, Qin Lie clenched his fists and punched the brown bear in the side face fiercely, aiming directly at the brown bear's eyes.

Against these beasts, attacking where there is no fur is always the best option.

Qin Lie was still applying his previous fighting skills and dealing with the Brown Bear King at this time.

The brown bear king felt the power of this punch, and knew that his eyes could not fight Qin Lie's fist, so he gave up the attack and chose to avoid it.

It moved its eyes away from the deadly position and let its profile face accept Qin Lie's attack, which was quite shrewd.

Although Qin Lie's punch was fierce, it only hit the brown bear's fur-covered face and did not cause any damage at all.

Its face moved a little and let out a dull hum, as if telling Qin Lie: Why is your attack just scraping for me!

Shentu Aoshi on one side, seeing that he has been attacked all the time, also began to attack the brown bear, hoping to relieve Qin Lie a little bit.

He exhausted all his strength and concentrated his strength on his fist. He also chose a point where the brown bear's defense was relatively weak. This fist went down and hit the brown bear directly in the stomach.

However, the destructive power caused by the fist going down is still minimal, and the brown bear's body moved slightly, which was a response to Shentu Aoshi's punch.

But the ensuing counterattack made Shentu Aoshi complain incessantly.

Turning sideways, the soles of the back feet came out, and one foot directly landed on Shentu Aoshi's chest.

This time, the center of the chest, full of strength.

And this time, the reaction to Shentu Aoshi was much harsher than the two punches that Situ Xuan had beaten during the day.

Qin Lie saw Shentu Aoshi's incarnation of human flesh and the cannonballs flew out directly.

It almost turned into a straight line in the air, and finally crashed into a tree.

But just this attack caused Shentu Aoshi to splatter blood.

That tyrannical force was absolutely not something Shentu Aoshi's body could resist, and this penetrating force from the outside to the inside directly hit him badly!

Qin Lie saw it in his eyes, and while dealing with the brown bear, he asked loudly, "How about Brother Shentu, are you alright!"

Shentu Aoshi struggled to get up from the ground, wiped the blood from his mouth, gritted his teeth and said, "I can't die!"

After a pause, he continued: "But it's not an option for us to fight like this, this beast is like a tank, with high defense, high attack, and not slow speed, our fists are just scratching him. , but when he slaps us, we have to be injured, how can we fight this?"


At this time, Situ Xuan, who had been observing the battlefield from the top of the tree, couldn't stand it any longer, and reminded me like this: "Since I put this project to the end and call it the ultimate assessment, it must be to examine how you treat me in the past few days. The degree of mastery of the things you are talking about, when you beat eggs, all of you are very accurate, and now you put them into actual combat, and you will not be able to do them all, and you will give them back to me?"

Qin Lie and Shentu Aoshi both listened. In fact, they also knew that the key to dealing with this bear was the way Situ Xuanjiao exerted his strength.

But now the situation is too tight, and the two have not yet reached the level of mastery. Although they know what to do in their minds, it is difficult to calm down and think in real combat.

So until now they haven't played any rules.

Qin Lie knew very well how to do this. After hearing Situ Xuan's reminder, he kept breathing and kept reminding himself in his heart that he must be calm, he must be calm!

While dealing with it, I tried my best to calm down my emotions.

After finally dodging the brown bear's slap, he found this opportunity and jumped back three or four meters to distance himself from the brown bear.

The brown bear looked at it, roared, and flew like a tiger descending the mountain.

However, two or three steps shortened the distance. When it came to Qin Lie, it stood upright with its legs upright, and then raised its claws. Both claws went down at the same time, and the weight of the body directly pressed them all down.

This attack is more terrifying than all previous attacks.

This is not only the power of the brown bear itself, but also the blessing of its body's gravity, which is more than twice as strong as the original attack.

But Qin Lie, in the face of its fierce attack from the world, after pulling the distance, he finally adjusted his own angle. All his attention was on the bear's exposed belly.

Facing its downward pounce, he turned back and stiffened up.

Seeing this, Shentu Aoshi's eyes were so round he couldn't believe it.

He shouted hoarsely: "Brother Qin, are you crazy? Get out of the way!"

At this moment, Qin Lie, in Shentu Aoshi's opinion, definitely made the most stupid decision. He actually wanted to be tough with the Brown Bear King.

What are you kidding me, just in terms of power, this brown bear king is more than ten times stronger than Qin Lie.

If he was slapped by a brown bear, Qin Lie's entire bone frame would be smashed to pieces.

Fighting for strength with such a behemoth is tantamount to using a man's arm as a chariot, a mayfly shaking a tree, and courting death!

So at this time, Shentu Aoshi's eyeballs almost burst out of his sockets. He was very nervous and rushed straight to Qin Lie.

However, at this time, Situ Xuan above the treetops had a completely different reaction from Shentu Aoshi.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he whispered: "This kid, finally got enlightened!"

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