Qin Lie's operation turned the Xiao family and the Xu family upside down.

And he himself, watching the fire from the other side, watched with high interest from the side.

In the next few days, this incident was a joke between him and Chen Jinhu Xingfeng.

The happier you are, the happier I am here.

At this point, Qin Lie has also achieved all the goals he said before.

You Xu Ying likes to be in the dark, like to play yin, then I will drag you up from the water.

I want to see, now that you killed Xiao Xingyuan, Henry Zhang also knew that you did it, why are you hiding in the dark.

At least for a long time to come, the Xiao family's focus will not be on themselves, but on Xu Ying.

As for Xu Ying, in the face of such a catastrophe, it is estimated that he has no time to calculate himself.

In this way, he is really happy and relaxed.

Qin Lie thought about it later, in fact, as long as Henry Zhang and Xu Ying had a little bit of information, they would know that this matter was tricked by him.

After all, the photo in the hospital appeared strange, and the person Bai Feng wanted to kill was indeed himself, not Xiao Xingyuan.

As long as Xu Ying and Henry Zhang confessed that they had killed the wrong person this time, both of them were tricked by themselves, and they could still push the matter on themselves quickly.

However, the problem that Qin Lie is not afraid of is that Xu Ying and Henry Zhang had already forged an irreversible feud because of Xu Fanzhou, and it was impossible for the two of them to calm down and have a quiet conversation.

So this worry does not exist.

Then let them make a fuss on their own.

This hand relieved a lot of pressure on his body, and Qin Lie felt much more relaxed in the next few days.

Take a look at the things around you.

Tai'an Pharmaceutical has not fluctuated since the original zombie virus incident. The sales of Shenlongdan are the world's leading, and Qin Lie is printing money almost every second.

The development of Shinhwa Entertainment is also booming, and various businesses have been developed very maturely. "I Am a Goddess" is only a month away from the end, and Shentu's domineering gambling room, because of Wang Congcong's help, Shentu Mingyue's popularity has been quite stable recently, and Feng Momo has been stabilized.

If it continues like this, it will only be a matter of time before finally winning the bet against Shentu's domineering.

Tianlin Technology is the most recent development. After winning the cooperation with Shenzhou Weapons, the site selection and construction of the new factory are in full swing.

The investment is huge, and it is linked to the country, so Qin Lie does not dare to neglect.

However, with the help of He Linfeng and Lin Jian, this matter is not a big problem.

After Situ Xuan gave him guidance, his skills have also made great progress, and his body has become as terrifying as a beast.

If he encounters Xuanyuan Tianci again, he even has the confidence to stabilize Xuanyuan Tianci.

Overall, things are going well and things are getting better and better.

Qin Lie's mood has been very good these past few days, and even his skin has improved.

It's just that the Night Soul and the Skeleton Society hidden in the dark are all time bombs, and the Xiao family and Xuanyuan Tianci may jump out and bite themselves at any time. These things need to be prepared for a rainy day.

On the third day after the Baifeng incident, Qin Lie was not very busy during the three days except to go to He Linfeng during the day to check the progress of the project.

The time when the core leader of the Skull and Bones Association, Caesar, arrived in Huaxia, which Blaze said earlier, was getting closer and closer.

Qin Lie was actually waiting for this.

In addition to the task given by Han Qi to solve the Skull and Bones, Qin Lie actually had expectations for this meeting.

The last test at Xiaoyao Villa was so thrilling that it almost cost him his life.

But after passing the assessment, Blaze said that he has entered the central circle of Skull and Bones, and from now on he can get in touch with the core level of Skull and Bones.

Qin Lie is concerned about the genetic modification technology of their Skull and Bones.

Blaise said that Caesar came to Huaxia this time to discuss with him the issue of building a genetic experiment base in Huaxia—this is something he has to do.

If it is really the same as what Blaise said, then he will have direct access to the core technology of genetic modification.

While the Skull and Bones do all evil, their genetic technology is innocent.

If you can steal a little from it and leave it to your own team for research and development, if you can make new and better genetic medicines, you will not only be able to make a lot of money from it, but if the technology is harmless, maybe you can still use your skills. thus become stronger.

So Qin Lie is looking forward to this meeting.

After three days without incident, Qin Lie didn't even bother to go to Tianlin Technology today. He thought about taking a day off at home and making a chicken soup for Chen Xiaoyu to make up his body.

Seeing Chen Xiaoyu's belly getting bigger day by day, he was also full of joy.

Although I don't know what the state of the two children in Chen Xiaoyu's belly will be when they are born, they will definitely be very happy!

After buying vegetables, I came to the kitchen, Qin Lie was planning to do something.

As a result, when he arrived at the door of the kitchen, he saw Ye Yuqing busy in the kitchen.

Today, Ye Yuqing didn't even go to the company, she just rested at home, and she thought the same as herself, making chicken soup for Chen Xiaoyu.

The weather is getting warmer. In the past few months of the Spring Festival, the temperature in Longcheng has reached about 20 degrees, which is relatively hot.

Ye Yuqing was only wearing a thin pajamas at home at the moment, and the pajamas were still close-fitting, showing Ye Yuqing's figure vividly.

Moreover, the cuffs under the armpits are wide open. From Qin Lie's point of view, you can see the spring light under the pajamas.

Like a satyr, oh no, Qin Lie at this time is a satyr, standing there for a long time and watching, unconsciously reacted a little.

After all, for a beautiful woman with charm like Ye Yuqing, even watching it 10,000 times is not enough.

Feeling unbearable, Qin Lie quietly slipped in through the door, and wrapped both hands around Ye Yuqing's body from behind and under his armpits, and hugged Ye Yuqing into his arms at once.

Ye Yuqing was suddenly attacked and was a little panicked, but she knew it must be Qin Lie, so she just looked back at him and muttered, "What are you doing, you startled me."

Qin Lie said with a smirk, "Sister, you think I'm working too hard, are you making soup for me?"

Ye Yuqing refused to give him face, and denied: "Don't be too affectionate, this must be done for Xiaoyu, you, become a cow every day, what can I make up for you?"

"Really?" Qin Lie continued to smirk, blowing wind in Ye Yuqing's ear, "Am I that strong, I don't know myself."

"Otherwise..." Qin Lie said hesitantly, "Before the soup is ready, let me show you what it means to be fierce?"

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