The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1259 The Little Princess Of The Cape Family

Qin Lie doesn't really care, anyway, he is not a person who likes to get together.

Zhao Xiaoying interacted with other players in the training camp, and he watched with a smile.

At this time, Wang Congcong didn't know which angle to touch, and he came to Qin Lie and gave him an elbow.

"Young Master Qin, it's alright, now you have Zhao Xiaoying in your pocket? You have a wider love path than me!"

Qin Lie didn't hide it, and generously admitted: "What's the matter? Even so, my girlfriend doesn't have one-tenth of your Wang Da girl friends."

Wang Congcong's speed in changing girlfriends can be called changing clothes.

The woman who took me to an event a week ago was this one, and the woman I took to another event a week later changed her appearance.

There is nothing wrong with Qin Lie saying that.

Wang Congcong also has a reason: "Then I deal with all my girlfriends wholeheartedly, and I have never dealt with so many women at one time like you. In comparison, you are a big radish."

"Come on." Qin Lie didn't even bother to pay attention to him, "You kid is the most scumbag in the universe, you have the nerve to talk about me, just take care of your own, let's not talk about the second brother."

After Wang Congcong heard this, he laughed.

"Actually, I said this for your own good."

"How do you say this?" Qin Lie asked him.

Wang Congcong said, "I've seen a lot of your women. I've seen Sister Ye Zi, Su Xiaoxiao, and Chen Xiaoyu. As for this Zhao Xiaoying, I think you should be careful."

"Huh?" Qin Lie really didn't expect the topic of Wang Congcong to end up here. He was very strange and asked, "What do you mean?"

Wang Congcong patted him on the shoulder, and then explained: "Qin Lie, brother, I'm not trying to provoke the relationship between you and your woman, just based on my experience of meeting so many women."

He paused and continued.

"Before your women, Sister Ye, Chen Xiaoyu and the others, looked at you with tenderness in their eyes. Although their outward attitudes may not be good to you, their eyes are the windows to the soul. When they look at you, , the content in the eyes can't deceive people."

"I can see at a glance that they have you in their eyes, but Zhao Xiaoying, after my observation just now, I didn't see that tenderness, I felt that she was by your side, and her focus was almost not on you, just now Same."

"She really loves interacting with the other girls in the camp, but she doesn't pay attention to you at all, and as your woman, I don't think it should be."

"She feels more like she's pretending to like you and then taking advantage of you..."

The final point of the sentence may be a little serious.

With the current relationship between Qin Lie and Wang Congcong, Qin Lie certainly wouldn't be angry.

But his face changed slightly: "Cong Cong, these words can't be said nonsense."

Wang Congcong spread his hands: "I also know that I can't talk nonsense, but as a brother, I will give you this experience when looking at women's eyes.

Although I don't know how you got together, I just feel that she doesn't have that tenderness for you, and I hope it's just me thinking more! "

After saying this, Wang Congcong also knew that he couldn't delve further into this matter, so he invited Qin Lie to drink in the lounge together.

As for Qin Lie, he didn't think about this in his mind, but when Wang Congcong mentioned it, his feelings followed.

Thinking back on it, the aphrodisiac I took when I did that for the first time.

Today I lied to myself with my menstrual period, and then I hurried to the training camp in the afternoon. I kept taking pictures during the process, and my attention was almost not on myself.

In the middle of these two events, Zhao Xiaoying hardly contacted herself.

It felt like she would only find herself when she needed it.

Although Qin Lie doesn't like women who are too clingy, but being mentioned by Wang Congcong, he really feels that other women and Zhao Xiaoying have a different attitude towards him.

And as the idea deepened, this feeling became stronger and stronger.

Especially seeing Zhao Xiaoying being surrounded by people at this time, she didn't care whether she existed or not, Qin Lie couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in her heart.

But after thinking about it, I don't know what it means for her, a popular little actress who lacks everything, to deliberately approach her.

In the end, just like what Wang Congcong said, I hope I think too much and put this matter to the back of my mind.

I planned to go to the lounge for a drink with Wang Congcong.

At this time, his cell phone rang again.

Picking up the phone this time, Qin Lie's reaction was even more bizarre, because the call came from abroad, and the place of origin was the United Kingdom.

British phone calls, in Qin Lie's impression, seem to belong to the UK only with the Cape family who had been in touch with them in Innsbruck.

Picking up the phone, as expected, the opposite side used an extremely smooth noon to talk to himself.

The person who contacted me was Bruni Capet, who had called him to the manor to talk in Innsbruck.

Bruni was still as polite as when he contacted him, and said, "Qin Lie, I wonder if calling you suddenly will make you feel abrupt?"

Qin Lie has always had a good impression of this noble family in Europe.

At the initial contact, the Cape family gave themselves an absolutely excellent deal.

Just let yourself go to South Korea to blow up a mine affiliated to the Xiao family outside the country, and you will forever form an alliance with yourself.

He even promised himself to give himself the dragon head after the incident was over.

Qin Lie is still ashamed, since he accepted this task, he has not made a move until now.

So when I answered Bruni, I was very polite: "Mr. Bruni is polite, there is no abruptness, I am very convenient now, by the way, about the Xiaojia mine, I should do it in the near future, I am really sorry to delay it until now. ."

"No no no..." Bruni said, "You can do this at any time. The Cape family is not in a hurry. I called this time for another matter."

"Huh?" This surprised Qin Lie.

Not knowing what he was talking about, he quickly asked, "What's the matter?"

Bruni said: "According to the patriarch's intention, we sent the patriarch's daughter, my niece, Makasha to Huaxia, the patriarch wants me to send her to you, and let you help me to train, what the patriarch means , you'd better take her with you on this mission to South Korea."


Qin Lie made no secret of his surprise.

"Makasha?" Qin Lie had naturally never heard of this person, but Bruni's word "training" meant a lot.

"The Capet family is the first family in Europe," he said. "Mr. Bruni, you are so well-bred, you are so polite and polite, the little princess of the aristocracy, what else can I train?"

"This..." Bruni was a little embarrassed when he mentioned this. "My niece may have a different personality from our entire family. I hope Mr. Qin is a little mentally prepared."

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