"If I don't come again, you two will be killed here."

Situ Xuan said slowly.

"Situ Xuan."

Qiu Bai finally saw Situ Xuan at this moment, his mouth widened, and he said with a labored smile: "You old guy, I finally see you, I was planning to come to you for a drink after finishing the work, but I didn't expect that when It's really ashamed to let you see such an embarrassed side of me every few decades."

"Normal!" Situ Xuan said, "As far as your old boy's cultivation level is concerned, it's just a little bit of a level. I've expected this to be beaten and run over by the younger generation."

"Don't stand and talk without your back hurting." Qiu Bai said, "These people are not ordinary juniors. Xuanyuan Guards are the guards gathered by the martial arts masters selected by the Xuanyuan family. You are the same when you come."

"Really?" Situ Xuan said, "Then I'm here now, and I want to see what kind of trouble these people can make."

After speaking, Situ Xuan walked to the front of the team, protecting Qiu Bai and Qin Lie behind him.

"You two are about the same," he said. "Leave the rest to me."

Situ Xuan was in front of him, although his words were understated, but the domineering arrogance on his body was shocking.

After saying this, Situ Xuancai looked at Xuanyuan Hongtu: "Boy, there are two people behind, one of my old buddies and one of my apprentices. If you want to move them, pass me first!"

Xuanyuan Hongtu was not an ordinary person, and he could see Situ Xuan's ability at a glance.

However, as a general of the Xuanyuan family, he has always been conceited, and naturally it is impossible for him to back down.

Situ Xuan came out halfway, and made the situation complicated again.

His eyes gradually narrowed, and he said in a low voice, "Senior, do you also want to interfere in the affairs of the Xuanyuan family?"

"There's no way." Situ Xuan said, "I've been practicing martial arts as a hobby all my life. When people get old, the people around them are almost dead. There are only two or three close friends. I don't want to see the only few I have. The guys are dead, I have to help with this."

Xuanyuan Hongtu: "But senior, have you ever thought about what to do if you intervene to help him, and you die with him?"

Situ Xuan smiled: "Boy, you are crazy, but you have to have arrogant capital. It's still a little difficult for you and dozens of Xuanyuan guards to want me to die."

Xuanyuan Hongtu had a murderous look in his eyes, and the tone of his speech became more and more fierce.

"It seems that the senior is determined to find death. In this case, the junior has no choice but to fulfill you!"

After saying this, Xuanyuan Hongtu will stop talking nonsense, he is the most loyal guard of the entire Xuanyuan family.

Today's killing order was personally issued by the patriarch Xuanyuan Hao. As a family warrior, even if he died, he had to complete the task.

Although he could see that Situ Xuan was stronger than Qiu Bai, that didn't stop him.

Knowing that today's battle is inevitable, Xuanyuan Hongtu took out his red stick from behind again, slammed it on the ground, then waved it in his hand, pulling out the stick flower, the stick kept spinning in the air, making a swish swish. the empty sound.

And finally, as if he had enough energy, Xuanyuan Hongtu moved his feet and rushed forward.

The red stick was swung in the air with increasing force, stirring up the entire scene.

He quickly approached Situ Xuan, and when he got close, Lingkong slashed down towards Situ Xuan's head fiercely.

The force is quite strong, almost tearing the space.

Qin Lie watched from behind and exclaimed, "Master, be careful!"

From his point of view, Xuanyuan Hongtu's attack is very fierce, with both offense and defense, and the offensive is fierce, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can resist.

He imagined that if the person standing in Situ Xuan's position was him, he would never be able to resist this attack.

Xuanyuan Hongtu can take the position of guard and commander of the Xuanyuan family, and he really has three points of ability!

But Situ Xuan, unarmed, just relied on those two hands and two fists.

Facing the stick that came down quickly from the top of his head, he went up with one hand.

Actually going to carry that stick head-on.

Qin Lie was startled, and couldn't help worrying about Situ Xuan.

You must know that a master like Xuanyuan Hongtu, although he only came down with a stick, but the force he brought out was extremely fierce. Anyone who hit the top would be beaten to pieces.

Just that one stick, splitting rocks, just one hit, no more.

Including Xuanyuan Hongtu also thought so, he really did not expect that Situ Xuan would dare to attack him with his bare hands.

I thought that Situ Xuan had three-point ability, but I didn't expect to be so stupid.

That's fine, if Situ Xuan's fighting power was removed with a single stick, things were simpler today.

Thinking like this, Xuanyuan Hongtu's downward stick became more and more fierce, and he whispered the word "death" in his mouth.

But since Situ Xuan's palm came into contact with Xuanyuan Hongtu's red stick, the result was far beyond everyone's expectations.

No one would have thought that Situ Xuan did not really fight against Xuanyuan Hongtu's attack. After his palm came into contact with the red stick, his hand followed Xuanyuan Hongtu's attack and used his strength to take advantage of the situation. .

Just like Taijiquan's leverage, first follow Xuanyuan Hongtu's attack, then sideways to avoid the main body of the red stick, avoiding the most ferocious part of the impact of the red stick.

When the attack power was almost dissipated, he took the initiative to take the red stick's head again, drew a big circle in the air, and rotated in the air with Xuanyuan Hongtu's stick.

And this rotation itself has a strong twisting force, the twisting force is transmitted from the tip of the stick to the tail of the stick, and rushed to Xuanyuan Hongtu's hand.

Xuanyuan Hongtu couldn't bear this powerful twisting force, and his hand holding the stick was unsteady, and Situ Xuan snatched the red stick.

Situ Xuan got his stick and hurriedly threw it aside.

And Situ Xuan's strength was quite strong, and the whole stick was shot out like a javelin and went straight into the flower bed of the community.

The head of the stick was inserted into the crevice of the stone, and the tail kept shaking in the air, making a humming sound.

In just one face-to-face, Situ Xuan and Xuanyuan Hongtu fought and removed Xuanyuan Hongtu's red stick.

This scene happened in the eyes of everyone at the scene, which shocked everyone.

Especially those of Xuanyuanwei, even more so.

Xuanyuan Guards are all very aware of Xuanyuan Hongtu's ability.

As one of the most powerful members of the Xuanyuan family, Xuanyuan Hongtu is definitely a top expert.

He alone can deal with the combined attack of the ten Xuanyuan Guards with ease. If he fights, he can almost deal with the fifteen Xuanyuan Guards who are in full state.

In other words, his strength is almost on par with Qiu Bai.

This was also why Xuanyuan Guards felt that with Xuanyuan Hongtu's presence today, the matter was a foregone conclusion.

Because he can deal with Qiu Bai alone, not to mention the dozens of Xuanyuan Guards.

But with such top-notch strength, he couldn't even make a move in the hands of the old man who suddenly appeared!

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