"Xuanyuan Hao." Situ Xuan frowned and asked, "I didn't expect that even you would come out for this matter."

Xuanyuan Hao is a rare person in the Xuanyuan family in a century.

When he was young, his prestige had run through the whole of China.

This person is not only extremely talented in kung fu, but also good at strategy and calculation, and has an extremely high pattern that is difficult for ordinary people to match.

When he was only in his twenties, he defeated Mo Bei, the famous boxing champion at the time.

Since then his reputation has exploded.

It can be said that the Xuanyuan family can have the current achievements and rankings, and to come to the first position in the powerful eight great aristocratic families, Xuanyuan Hao is a great contributor.

It was only later that due to some accidents, half of Xuanyuan Hao's face was disfigured. Since then, he put on a mask and returned to Qianyuan from the place of Canglong.

That incident also made his xinxing grow a lot, not only did he not slump, but he became more calm.

Since then, he has been sitting behind the scenes of the Xuanyuan family. Although he rarely shows up, he still controls the huge ship of the Xuanyuan family.

People have less news about Xuanyuan Hao, but his rumors have never stopped.

This is an extremely outstanding person, even in the long river of history, he is also a bright star.

"Tianjiao" is the most suitable term to describe it.

So when facing Xuanyuan Hao, even Situ Xuan was under a lot of pressure.

If it was just Xuanyuan Hongtu and dozens of Xuanyuan Guards, he could still handle it.

But with Xuanyuan Hao and Xuanyuan Hao's personal bodyguard expert, Mu Han, Situ Xuan was no longer sure of winning.

Mu Han was the old man beside Xuanyuan Hao, who was called the first swordsman in China.

Situ Xuan once fought against Mu Han, and they won two and lost one. The two were almost at the same level. If they used a sword, he was even a head lower than Mu Han.

It may take a lot of effort to deal with just one Mu Han.

In addition, Xuanyuan Hao, a genius from the sky, although this kid has not shot for many years, but with his talent, after all these years, I am afraid that he will not be weaker than himself.

In this way, this matter is really troublesome today.

However, Xuanyuan Hao didn't seem so hostile.

After listening to Situ Xuan's words, Xuanyuan Hao said in a low voice.

"I didn't want to use such a savage method to deal with senior Qiu Bai, but this matter was only because of my father's order and told me to handle it well, so I made this decision."

"After all, the matter in the archives is no trivial matter, involving many secrets of my family."

"The Xuanyuan family can live in peace in China, this matter cannot be regressed."

Situ Xuan listened and asked him, "Then what do you mean, you are going to kill all three of me here today?"

Xuanyuan Hao's tone was calm and he did not answer.

After passing Situ Xuan, he asked Qiu Bai who was at the back: "Old Qiu, before answering this question, this junior wants to know, what is the purpose of the senior who rushed into my family's archives so desperately?? Do you know the family archives? It is absolutely forbidden to foreigners."

Qiu Bai did not panic, and told Xuanyuan Hao what he had just said to Xuanyuan Hongtu again.

It was probably the information he had investigated. The clues to the massacre of the family's dozen members pointed to their Xuanyuan family.

After Xuanyuan Hao listened, because he was wearing a mask, he couldn't see what his expression was.

But it was obvious that there had been some fluctuations in the tone.

He asked in a low voice: "It's a bit wrong to say that, you said that your annihilation was sixteen years ago?"

Qiu Bai nodded: "Sixteen years ago!"

Xuanyuan Hao: "Sixteen years ago, I was already the head of the Xuanyuan family, and many things have to be carried out without my consent, but in my mind, this has never happened, and I don't even know about it. With participation, how do you know that this matter is related to my Xuanyuan family?"

"Haha!" Qiu Bai sneered when he heard Xuanyuan Hao's words, "Xuanyuan Hao, I thought you were the head of the Xuanyuan clan, and you dared to do things, but I didn't expect you to play Tai Chi here, if it wasn't for you. Yes, why did I find this dossier in your archives!"

With that said, Qiu Bai took out a file from his pocket.

Holding the dossier high in his hand, he asked loudly: "Xuanyuan Hao, this is very clear, and it clearly records the complete document about my Qiu family's action to destroy the family. It even includes the time of the action, the members who did it, and the arrangement of the action. Chu, it is clear, you are still here pretending to be a good guy and I don't know, if you don't know, how did the patriarch's seal that allows action on it come from?"

"Dossier?" Xuanyuan Hao's tone was obviously stagnant, with doubts on his face.

"Can you lend me a look?" Xuanyuan Hao asked Qiu Bai for the file.

Qiu Bai naturally refused, and directly refused: "If I give you this file and you destroy it, who should I go to?"

Xuanyuan Hao shook his head and said, "You should see the situation today. Although you and Mrs. Xuan are unparalleled masters, today my Xuanyuan family has all the best. If you want to hide this matter, just kill the two of you, where is the need for such trouble."

"I just heard about the dossier you mentioned, and I feel strange. I want to investigate it clearly. Isn't this the result you want?"

Qiu Bai thought about it, and it seemed that Xuanyuan Hao had nothing wrong with what he said.

After thinking about it, I still handed the dossier to Xuanyuan Hao.

Xuanyuan Hao took over the dossier and quickly opened it and looked at it.

What surprised him was that this file was indeed real, and the patriarch's seal on it was also real.

But about the matter of destroying the Qiu family, as the patriarch, he had never heard a word of it.

The dossier records that the person who did this was a child of a foreigner of the Xuanyuan family, named Xuanyuankuo, but Xuanyuankuo died ten years ago because of a mission.

The list of those who performed the tasks recorded above is almost dead.

This is quite a surprise to Xuanyuan Hao.

Seeing Xuanyuan Hao's expression, Qiu Bai couldn't help but ask: "How is it, this file was taken out of your archives, what else can you say? How can you pretend you don't know anything now?"

Xuanyuan Hao pondered for a long time, even if his brain was as shrewd as him, he still couldn't figure out what was going on.

As the head of the clan, it is not that he has not done such things as the Extermination Sect.

But he really didn't know about the Qiu Bai family.

And even though he didn't interact much with Qiu Bai at the beginning, he definitely knew Qiu Bai's identity, and he knew the name of Shihuatuo very well.

He even went to Qiu Bai for consultation because of his wife's pregnancy. After all, there was still a little superficial friendship between the two of them.

So he can be 100% sure that the Xuanyuan family has never done anything related to killing Qiu Bai.

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