"The establishment of any family has to go through a long process."

"The pain, the setbacks, and the ups and downs you have experienced in this process are beyond your imagination."

"Including your father now, if he does not operate carefully, walking on thin ice, he will still suffer the impact of the outside world."

"You can enjoy such a life, and it is someone who helped you withstand the pressure outside, so that you can grow up healthily in this greenhouse."

"You can have this life, but you can't impose your will on others and feel like you deserve it all, understand?"

Because Worms sent Makasha here, the purpose was to let him help regulate Makasha's eldest temper.

Usually Qin Lie is not so preachy, but since it is Worms' arrangement, Qin Lie has to say what he should say.

After being educated, Makasha still looked puzzled.

Finally, he asked, "So are you giving this money or not?"

Come to think of it, what she said just now wasn't of much use to Makasha.

But after thinking about it, Makasha is only twenty years old no matter what.

Twenty years old and not born into society, she is completely under the protection of her father, including Qin Lie's experience, and she is completely incompatible with Makasha.

It's like the older generation educates the younger generation.

No matter how reasonable what you say, he will never understand it.

That's the importance of empathy.

So Qin Lie decided to make Makasha feel the same way.

If she doesn't understand it anyway, let her do it.

Qin Lie thought for a while and then said: "The money can be given, but you have to give me something in exchange, and you need to help me with things."

"Work? What?"

"It's very simple." Qin Lie said, "Yesterday my master was injured a little in the battle. He has to stay in this hospital for a few days. I could have hired a nurse to help with the food, but since you are here, I won't ask. Nursing, this matter is left to you, and you can help me take care of my master."


Makasha's tone was very uncomfortable, as if she had received a huge and difficult task.

"You want me to help me as a nurse?"

Qin Lie nodded: "Yeah, this world can't be all for nothing, right?"

"But I'm not very good at taking care of people."

She is quite self-aware of this.

"It doesn't matter." Qin Lie said, "No one can learn. No one in this world is born to know everything."

As the saying goes, don't bow down for five buckets of rice, but obviously Makasha can't do that.

It is impossible to move in this world without money.

So for the money, Makasha still had to agree: "Well, then, all right, I can only say try it out, but what should I do and how long will it take before you give me the money?"

Qin Lie had already thought about it for a long time: "How much money you get depends entirely on how much you do, whether you do it well or not. I'll give you a salary, 10,000 yuan an hour, is that okay?"



Chen Xiaoyu and Makasha exclaimed almost at the same time.

Chen Xiaoyu said, "10,000 an hour?"

Makasha said: "10,000 an hour? Or RMB?"

This is the gap between the two classes.

Like Qin Lie, Chen Xiaoyu was born in the countryside since she was a child. Although she has lived with Qin Lie for a long time as a rich wife, she still has the character of frugality in her bones.

In his eyes, 10,000 an hour is simply a higher salary than the sky.

And Makasha is completely different. Since birth, everything used is counted in tens of thousands.

The car can't be less than five million yuan, and the presidential suite of hundreds of thousands a night is inferior in her opinion.

That salary of 10,000 an hour is, of course, extremely low.

Qin Lie also considered her standard of living, and deliberately gave her such a price to make her struggle a little more enthusiastically. Otherwise, if it was really the salary of a nurse, she probably wouldn't do it if she died.

"It's alright," Qin Lie said. "The real nurses in the hospital can only take you one hour's money a month. That's still exhausting, working day and night, day and night, and you can pay 10,000 yuan per hour. Still not satisfied?"

"Hey!" Makasha still sighed, and could only reluctantly agree.

"Okay then," she said. "Then I'll give it a try. You can't be fooled."

Qin Lie: "Don't worry, as long as you do well, I should give you a lot of money. Of course, if you don't do well and my master complains to me, I will also deduct the money that should be deducted."

Makasha was speechless. Although she was reluctant, as the saying goes, people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads.

In the end, he reluctantly agreed.

Qin Lie turned his head and asked Qiu Bai on the next bed, "Master, is there any problem with the little nurse I found for you?"

Qiu Bai was also too happy, smiled and said, "Yes, there is no problem at all, I am also bored, you find such a beautiful little girl to accompany me, and I am very happy as a teacher."

So this is settled.

Makassar Cape, the first family in Europe, the eldest lady of the Cape family, traveled all the way to China and started her working career in Qin Lie's hands.

Makasha is probably also working for someone else for the first time.

Going to Qiu Bai's side, the attitude is not bad.

He lowered his head and asked Qiu Bai, "Grandpa, is there anything you need me to do?"

Qiu Bai looked back at Qin Lie: "Boy, do I look so old? Girls her age are starting to call me grandpa?"

Qin Lie said casually: "Okay, Master, you can just take a moment. Don't pay attention to these details. If she calls your grandfather, I will be her Uncle, and I will take advantage of her."

Qiu Bai laughed and handed the warm water bottle on the bedside table to Makasha.

"Then you go out and fill me up with boiling water first, and when you come back, peel an apple for me, and throw away the rubbish here for me."

Qiu Bai was not polite, and seriously called Makasha - you are joking, the nurse hired by his apprentice for 10,000 yuan an hour, if not, let her be the door god? ?

In order to earn her own money, Makasha made her stay in Huaxia a little better for the past two weeks, and she did not refuse.

Working very hard, he went out with a warm water bottle.

As a result, not long after, she ran back with a warm water bottle and asked Qin Lie embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, I want to know how to use the warm water bottle in this hospital?"

This time, the whole room made everyone laugh.

It seems that the task of this eldest lady to become a qualified nurse is still very arduous.

Ye Yuqing has a good heart. Seeing that although Makasha is arrogant and willful, her nature is not bad, so she will help her and teach her how to use these things.

The appearance of Makasha made Qin Lie and Qiu Bai's hospital life a lot more interesting.

But after everyone laughed, the second important person today came to Qin Lie's ward again.

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