"Why?" Qin Lie asked.

Bruni replied: "It's very simple, the geographical issue, I don't know why you don't purchase domestically, it must be the most cost-effective, since you want to ask abroad, it must be a problem in your country."

"If you are sure to import, of course, it is best to import from South Korean companies. First, the region is close. It is 7,000 kilometers from China to the United Kingdom, and only 1,000 kilometers to South Korea. The transportation is much more convenient, and the tariffs in the United Kingdom are also heavier than that in South Korea. A lot, South Korea is a bargain anyway.”

"But I have you in the UK to help me negotiate, and I should be able to determine a cooperation plan soon. I don't have any influence on the South Korean side, and I don't have any friends. I'm afraid it will take a long time to achieve cooperation."

What Qin Lie considers is the issue of timeliness.

The progress of the factory has already been seriously delayed. Qin Lie hopes that the problem can be solved as soon as possible.

He didn't take money seriously at this time.

"It doesn't matter." Bruni said, "In South Korea, the Cape family has also set up an office. It has been a few years. It was originally planned to work against the Xiao family's office in South Korea, but it has developed well."

"Now I have a good relationship with the local consortium in South Korea. Didn't you happen to be going to South Korea this time? I will ask the person in charge of our family in South Korea to pick you up later. Just say it."

Bruni deserves to be the No. 3 figure in the Cape family, and he is very thoughtful in his work.

Qin Lie was still considering the feasibility of this matter, but he has already drawn a rough plan.

With his arrangement, Qin Lie certainly doesn't have to worry about anything.

Thanks here, Qin Lie also has a bottom line.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Lie flew all the way to South Korea.

At the gate of the South Korean airport, Qin Lie met the South Korean leader, Donald, who belonged to the Cape family.


Before focusing on Qin Lie's trip to South Korea, there is one person who needs to pay attention.

This person is Xu Ying.

Xu Ying's recent life has not been very good, it can be said to be the most difficult and darkest moment in his entire life.

More than a week has passed since Xiao Xingyuan was shot, and Henry Zhang's anger made him unable to bear it.

This time Henry Zhang is really going to do him.

Within a week, all the industries under the Xu Group were devastated.

The Xiao family took salaries from the bottom and directly used all the connections of the Xiao family to make all banks in the country stop lending to the Xu Group.

For companies of their level, a lot of capital comes from banks.

When the bank's funds are cut off, they have no water source and no capital to do anything.

And many of his industries are already under construction, and when the capital chain is broken, all industries are shut down.

Once these industries are shut down, the cost of labor, materials, etc. is astronomical.

Then the spare funds within their group were only enough for him to support him for a few days. Now that a week has passed, he can no longer support it.

That was just the first step in the Xiao family's attack.

After the salaries were drawn from the bottom of the pot, they still cracked down on all the real economy of the Xu family, those places with physical storefronts, from a small storefront to the building of his Xu family group, they were frantically beaten, smashed, looted and burned.

This kind of smashing is all over the country and every industry, which has caused Xu Ying to lose at least several billions.

It's not over yet. Then, Xu Ying's creditors, in addition to banks, other companies, whether private or state-owned, all began to collect debts from him and asked him to pay off their debts.

Many of them have filed lawsuits against him.

If the procedure goes on for another month and the court enforces it against him, the assets in his name will be frozen, and the consequences will be worse.

Anyway, in the past week, the Xiao family's combined punches have been attacking continuously, blasting Xu Ying from heaven to hell, and this bombing continues.

He couldn't take it anymore.

In Xu Ying's villa, because of these incidents, Xu Ying looks like a teenage year older these days, his hair has turned a lot whiter and more wrinkles have appeared.

The high spirits of the past are gone, replaced by decadence and weakness.

He used to be the richest man in the country on the bright side, but now, he has come to this stage.

The Xiao family is indeed too strong, the second of the eight worlds, it is hard to resist.

It was not until the Xiao family was really in trouble that Xu Ying felt that he was so vulnerable.

The scary thing is that he can't even find any way to counter it.

Going out these days, Xu Ying was assassinated no less than five times.

If it wasn't for notifying Song Zhe that Song Zhe had sent Yehun's people to protect him, he would have gone to hell to meet his son by now.

It's been so hard these days, he can't take it anymore.

In the villa, Xu Ying was wearing only one pajamas and looked into the distance with a glass of red wine.

The whole day was gloomy in his eyes.

Behind him, Song Zhe sat on the sofa in the room, playing with a fruit knife boredly, expressionless.

Looking at the sky in the distance for a long time, Xu Ying finally turned around and looked at Song Zhe with a little hope and said, "Mr. Song, just, you really have nothing to do, about the Xiao family. "

Song Zhe was a little absent-minded.

He casually said: "Mr. Xu, you know, although my Yehun has a certain global influence now, its influence in China is just average. This is one of them. The second is that the Xiao family's suppression of you is all about business. Come on, we Yehun didn't dabble in the business you did, so we can't help you."

"You asked us to come over to keep you safe. We are here. We have helped you resolve no less than five assassinations in the past few days. We have done everything we can. How much can you expect us to do for you?"

Xu Ying knew that what Song Zhe said was good at all, but he was just not reconciled.

Just a little chance, no chance at all?

At this time, the black wolf pushed the door outside the villa and walked in.

To the extent that this matter has been done today, the Black Wolf has something to do with it.

When Yu Guang saw the black wolf, Xu Ying's face was cold and he gritted his teeth: "Black wolf, what are you doing here?"

The black wolf sighed, very guilty.

He has an inescapable responsibility for things.

If they hadn't made that bet with Chihu, they wouldn't have exposed the whereabouts of their killer group in advance, and Qin Lie wouldn't have found Chihu, much less Bai Feng would have done anything to avenge Chihu. irrational stupidity.

Heilang lowered his head and said: "President Xu, I know that I don't have the face to see you now, but we went back and checked the Xiao Xingyuan incident. With the result, we were trapped by Qin Lie, and I came to give it to you. You see the result."

Xu Ying is very powerless now, and doesn't even want to pay attention to the black wolf.

However, Qin Lie was mentioned in Heilang's words, and Xu Ying was a little bit relieved.

"How did he deceive you??" Xu Ying asked.

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