The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 130 Goblin Who Eats People Without Spitting Out Bones

"If you don't understand, ask, Brother Qin, don't you need to throw away the grape skins and grape seeds?"

Su Xiaoxiao, who was watching the excitement, asked curiously.

As a white rich beauty, it was the first time she saw how to make wine.

"Of course no need. To make wine with the native method is to ferment the skin and seeds together. The grape skin has red pigment, which can increase the color of the wine, and the seeds have tannins, which will produce some special ignorance during the fermentation process. It makes the taste of the wine fuller and richer. So generally the redder and more purple the color of the grape skins, the more beautiful the color of the wine.”

Qin Lie explained briefly.

In the past, Qin Lie only knew how to make wine in this way. It was not until later that he read the book and found out that the reason is that the skin and seeds are fermented together.

"Hey, I've gained knowledge again."

Su Xiaoxiao didn't know how much wine she had ever drank, but this was the first time she knew these things about wine making.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Qin Lie stopped chatting with Su Xiaoxiao, and hurriedly continued to pack up the grape puree.

Qin Lie used to add some rock sugar when making wine in his hometown, but without these things, he can only keep things simple.

Considering that the wine will generate a lot of gas during the fermentation process, Qin Lie did not fill each bottle, and deliberately left a third of the space, and the final step was to package it.

Instead of closing the bottle with the original cap, Qin Lie sealed the bottle with a plastic bag he picked up on the beach, and poked two small holes in it.

This step is also to prevent the production of a large amount of gas during the fermentation process and cause the bottle to burst.

After doing all this, Qin Lie picked a cool and dry place in the woods and put all the bottles of wine there.

"Brother Qin, how long does this wine last?"

The greedy cat Su Xiaoxiao asked again.

"About fifteen to twenty days."

Qin Lie judged based on past experience.

"Ah, it will take so long to drink wine."

Hearing this, Su Xiaoxiao, who was still excited, suddenly wilted like a frosted eggplant.

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and it's only ten days, and it's over in a flash."

Qin Lie said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll wait."

Su Xiaoxiao also knew that brewing takes time to ferment. Ten days is not a long time. Generally, it takes several years to age.

After half an hour, it was already dark.

Qin Lie and the others sat around the fire, eating grilled meat and seafood, and drinking some grape juice that was left over. They lived a very nourishing life.

Considering that everyone was disturbed by Du Mazi and didn't rest last night, Qin Lie asked Lin Qiuzhu and the others to go to rest early at eight o'clock today.

As for him, he naturally acts as a guardian of the flowers and patrols around.

After nightfall, gusts of sea breeze blow, dispelling the heat of the day, making people feel very cool.

Above the sky, the moon hangs alone, and the stars of the past are hidden in the clouds.

For some reason, Qin Lie felt a little irritable in his heart.

After hesitating for a while, he took out the cigarette case, took out the last cigarette in his collection, lit it, leaned against the tree and snorted.

As the smoke churned in his mouth, Qin Lie's heart slowly calmed down.


Suddenly, there was a sound of branches breaking from behind Qin Lie.


Qin Lie instantly became vigilant.

"Don't be nervous, Brother Qin, it's me."

The familiar voice sounded, and Chen Xiaoyu's face gradually became clear.

"You said you didn't sleep at night, why did you run behind me?"

Qin Lie asked angrily.

"Aren't they afraid that you will be lonely, so they came out to give you a surprise?"

Chen Xiaoyu pouted and replied with a bit of grievance.

"Surprise ass, it's almost scary."

Qin Lie rolled his eyes and said.

Thanks to Chen Xiaoyu being far away from him just now, if this suddenly appeared behind him, he might think that Du Mazi would give Chen Xiaoyu a knife.

It would be funny if that was the case.

"Hmph, it's okay if people come to accompany you and don't appreciate it. If you are murderous, they will ignore you."

Chen Xiaoyu pretended to be angry and snorted, and was about to go back.

"It's my fault, I apologize to you."

Qin Lie quickly stopped Chen Xiaoyu.

"For the sake of your timely apology, people won't care about you."

Chen Xiaoyu got off the donkey, came to Qin Lie again, and found a place to sit down.

"You shouldn't have slept much last night, aren't you sleepy?"

Qin Lie glanced at Chen Xiaoyu and took the initiative to open the topic.

"Of course I'm sleepy, but in order to accompany Brother Qin, I can only sacrifice my sleep time."

Chen Xiaoyu replied solemnly.

"Qi, what you said is so righteous and dignified, those who didn't know thought you were going to die for the country."

Qin Lie pouted and said.

"We can't do it for the country, but it's my duty to die for Brother Qin. How about it, Brother Qin, do you want to give others a chance?"

Chen Xiaoyu looked at Qin Lie with a demonic smile and said.

"Still dying for me? I think you, the little goblin, want it?"

Qin Lie pinched Chen Xiaoyu's face with a smile and pierced her thoughts.

On the surface, Chen Xiaoyu is still quite pure, but as soon as she gets to bed, she will immediately become a woman like a wolf like a tiger, and the demand in that respect is quite strong.

And Qin Lie hasn't favored her for the past few days, and it's normal for her to ask herself for an excuse.

"It seems that I can't hide anything from Brother Qin. They really want it."

Chen Xiaoyu didn't pretend to be restrained, and confided directly.

"You really are a little goblin who eats people without bones!"

Seeing Chen Xiaoyu's wink like silk, Qin Lie couldn't help but burst into anger again.

This is because he has a strong physique and is as strong as a cow, so he can satisfy this little girl. If it is replaced by someone else, it will probably be sucked up by her in a few days.

"Brother Qin, do you want to go to the woods again?"

Chen Xiaoyu took the initiative to hold Qin Lie's arm and said, she looked even more anxious than Qin Lie.

"Forget it today, I still have to keep vigil. If Du Mazi attacks while we're not around, the consequences will be disastrous."

Qin Lie did have an idea, but for the safety of Lin Qiuzhu and others, he still ruthlessly rejected Chen Xiaoyu.

After all, the safety of Lin Qiuzhu and others is now entrusted to him alone, and he can't leave his post without authorization just for a moment.

"Can't we finish it soon?"

Chen Xiaoyu said.

"That won't work, brother doesn't like quick battles."

Qin Lie directly refused to answer.

For the sake of it, don't play it, just have fun if you want to.

After all, doing that kind of thing is a kind of enjoyment in itself. If it is just for release, it is no different from the beast.

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