Including the inside of the building, the various supporting facilities and entertainment facilities here are also incomparable to many ordinary enterprises.

The employees in it walk very fast, are very active, and always have a positive smile on their faces.

These things are related to corporate culture and leadership.

I knew before that the president of st, that is, the domestic equivalent of the chairman's position, Kim Jong Hyuk's father has been lying in the hospital seriously ill in recent months.

After Kim Jong-hyuk became the CEO, many things were decided by him.

This is enough to see that Kim Jong Hyuk is a qualified leader.

Qin Lie's eyesight is not bad, even in the brief contact yesterday, he can see that Kim Jong Hyuk's personal ability is much higher than that of Zhang Chengxun.

As for Qin Lie's arrival at the group today, Kim Jong-hyuk had obviously given his subordinates an order.

As soon as Qin Lie entered the door, he was greeted by a secretary with fair skin and beautiful long legs.

The secretary is not only good-looking, but also fluent in Chinese.

She has been following Qin Lie since she entered the door.

However, Qin Lie was informed that Kim Jong-hyuk was holding a regular meeting of the group's executives once a week, and it was about an hour before the end.

I took them to the top floor first, the parlor on the floor where Kim Jong Hyuk was.

Various drinks such as coffee, champagne, milk tea, etc. were prepared for them, and they were asked to wait in the rest area. When Kim Jong-hyuk finished the meeting, he would come to inform him as soon as possible.

Qin Lie doesn't really care, the main reason is that today's work is all used to sign with the st group, he is not in a hurry.

Second, the secretary, including the other staff in charge of reception, were very polite and treated him as a guest, which made Qin Lie feel happy.

In addition to the meeting on the top floor of st, it is really not good to change the time because of one person's business.

Kim Jong Hyuk did things at his own pace, which further proved that he was a reliable person. Qin Lie didn't panic and sat down in the lounge.

The lounge of the st group is also very interesting.

In order not to make the waiting guests bored, there are many indoor entertainment facilities prepared here.

A spinning bike for fitness, a ps4, billiards, dance machines, etc.

And these places are cleaned by special staff, and the whole rest area looks very neat and clean.

Sitting down in the rest area, Jiang Lei ran to the game console to play games.

Chen Jinhu looked at the configuration on the four sides and sighed: "Brother Lie, there are no other advantages in this Bangzi country. I didn't expect the design of the office area to be really good. When working in such a company, the employees must be in a good mood. It surprised me that."

Qin Lie reminded him, "Don't say the word "bangzi" in front of these people, it has a bad influence."

"Oh." Chen Jinhu nodded, believing he heard it.

Anyway, being bored, Qin Lie paused before continuing.

"As a country, there are both good and bad sides. You can't kill them all with one stick. This South Korea can become a developed country, and it has its own advantages."

"Now that the domestic self-media is flying all over the sky, do you really think that after reading a few introductions about South Korea, you will know what South Korea is like?"

"China is vast and has a long history. If we consider the historical background, we can indeed be called the ancestors of South Korea, but over the years, South Korea has developed all the way, and there is indeed something worth learning."

"If we always hold on to our own cultural heritage and claim to be the kingdom of the heavens and stand on our own, we will definitely end up with the same ending as the Qing Dynasty."

"So, we should be proud of our cultural history, but at the same time, we should be cautious, have a clear perception of our own shortcomings, and not be blindly arrogant."

Chen Jinhu was dumbfounded and scratched the back of his head.

"Brother lie, I just said that their office building is good. You talk so much to me, I can't understand it!"

Qin Lie shrugged and smiled, knowing that he was talking too much.

But it's my own thoughts.

Sometimes the line of sight in China is narrow, and there is not much that can really be understood.

He just thinks that seeing is believing is more important for many things.

Just like going to the United States, going to Africa, going to Europe before.

Practically every place is different from what I've seen on the web before.

Even now, before going to South Korea, I also had an impression of South Korea in my mind.

But after arriving here, Qin Lie still found many great things about this country.

Excellent infrastructure, excellent urban planning, the personal quality of its people is generally relatively high.

Including the decoration style of today's st headquarters and the compassion for ordinary employees, he has learned something.

He is also the head of several companies now.

He suddenly found that he always observed the company as a leader, focusing on the company's upper-level scientific research and market development, but ignoring the experience of many internal employees.

If nothing else, among the many companies he is in charge of, no company's employee benefits are comparable to the current st group.

After going back, we still need to strengthen the work experience of lower-level employees.

He was clearly an ordinary employee who climbed up, but now he is ignoring the feelings of ordinary employees.

It's just that these things are management-level things, and it may be possible to talk to Makasha, but it is absolutely impossible to talk to Chen Jinhu.

For example, now, Chen Jinhu listened to him talking about so many cultural things, but he really couldn't understand it, and it was really boring.

At this time, I have gone to a pool table in the lounge area, picked up the cue and started playing.

Qin Lie was also bored and slowly leaned over.

Chen Jinhu fights very well and investigates well, but obviously he doesn't have much experience in billiards.

After a few shots, the ball basically didn't come close to the entrance, and there was another shot that pierced the white ball, which was very funny.

Qin Lie watched as he walked.

When he got closer, he said, "Jin Hu, your billiard skills are really not that good."

Chen Jinhu scratched his head embarrassedly, and then said: "brother lie, I am a reckless man. I don't usually have time to play this. I estimate that I have played pool no more than five times before and after. So dexterous, it’s normal to miss a hit.”

Chen Jinhu thought for a while, and then asked, "brother lie, listen to you, do you still have any interest in billiards?"

Speaking of this, Qin Lie couldn't help but blow.

With one hand behind his back, he coughed and said, "Inner, although I'm not a master, it's okay to abuse a rookie like you."

"Really." Chen Jinhu cheered, "I've been with you for so long, I don't know you have this skill."

"Cough cough!" Qin Lie coughed dryly and continued to brag, "There are so many things you don't know, what is the name to describe it with today's Internet vocabulary, brother lie, I am also, treasure boy, oh no, treasure man …”

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