Finally, Qin Lie stopped behind a big tree about forty meters away from Wang Hai.

He really wanted to get closer, but there was no obstruction in front of him, and he would easily be exposed if he walked further.

Without wasting any more time, Qin Lie opened his bow and aimed at Wang Hai.

The moment Wang Hai put on his pants and turned around, Qin Lie let go of the arrow.


The arrow shot out quickly, hitting Wang Hai's chest.


The next second, Wang Hai let out a scream, and he knelt on the ground on the spot.

Wang Hai's scream immediately alarmed the others.

After seeing an arrow in Wang Hai's body, Zhou Ming and others didn't want to help at all, but hid for cover as soon as possible. Only Hu Xufei ran towards Wang Hai, wanting to help Wang Hai.

Seeing this, Qin Lie was not polite and shot another arrow.

The arrow failed to hit Hu Xufei, and it rubbed Hu Xufei's body and flew out.

Hu Xufei, who was lucky enough to escape, was instantly frightened, and he rolled and crawled to hide in a grass.

As for Wang Hai, he had already realized that he had been plotted by Qin Lie at this time. He didn't sit still and quickly hid behind the big tree where he was urinating.

"Du Mazi, your grandfather Qin is here, don't hurry up and die!"

Qin Lie stood up abruptly, and shouted at Du Mazi in an open and fair manner, which was arrogant.

At this moment, Du Mazi was eating in the cave when he heard Qin Lie's voice suddenly, his face changed suddenly.

He quickly walked out of the cave and saw Qin Lie standing not far away.

"Qin Lie!"

Du Mazi never expected that Qin Lie would dare to come to his camp, and he was so confident that he stood directly in front of him.


However, responding to Du Mazi was a cold arrow.

Fortunately, Du Mazi dodged quickly and was not shot this time.

"Du Mazi, listen to the Lord. Today, the Lord will teach you a lesson. If you dare to make trouble at the Lord's place again, the Lord promises to send you to the West Heaven one by one."

Qin Lie pointed at Du Mazi and warned him.

Hearing Qin Lie's wild words, Du Mazi instantly became angry.

"Little beast, I must kill you today!"

Du Mazi roared and immediately issued an order: "Wang Hai, lead me to hack him to death!"

"Third Master, Brother Hai is injured."

Zhou Ming, who was hiding behind the tree, quickly reported to Du Mazihui.


Hearing this, Du Mazi's face became even gloomier.

"Everyone comes with me, I don't believe it..."

Du Mazi just wanted to take someone to hunt down Qin Lie, but before he could finish speaking, another arrow was shot. Du Mazi hurriedly rolled on the spot and ducked into the grass more than half a meter high.

"Du Mazi, your grandfather Qin has something to do, so I won't play with you. If you want to live a few more days, be honest with grandpa and don't mess with me again."

After saying this, Qin Lie quietly shifted his position.

Seeing that Qin Lie's voice was not heard for several minutes, Du Mazi thought Qin Lie was gone, and slowly crawled out of the grass.

However, before he could stand up straight, another arrow flew past him quickly.

Although the arrow was only one meter away from hitting him, Du Mazi was still frightened into a cold sweat.

"Damn, this little bunny is so sinister!"

Du Mazi had no idea that Qin Lie was still hiding in the dark, and did not dare to move for a while, for fear of being shot by Qin Lie.

"Du Mazi, aren't you scared to pee?"

Behind the bushes, Qin Lie stood up and asked mockingly.

"Little beast, don't be complacent, I won't kill you if I don't kill you!"

Du Mazi hid in the grass and responded bitterly.

"Okay, okay, don't put on the air anymore, just like you, grandpa blushes for you!"

Qin Lie sneered unceremoniously, and then continued: "Grandpa is really leaving this time, you can continue to be your shrinking turtle."

After saying this, Qin Lie bent down and quietly left here.

But Du Mazi was worried that Qin Lie was cheating, so he still did not dare to show his face.

Twenty minutes later, Du Mazi shouted at Zhao Yuming not far away, "Zhao Yuming, go ahead and see if Qin Lie is gone."

"Third Master..."

Zhao Yuming didn't dare to go, just wanted to refuse, but after seeing Du Mazi's cold eyes, he could only swallow the words back.

Picking up a wooden stick from the ground and holding it in his hand, after taking a deep breath, Zhao Yuming walked tremblingly to the place where Qin Lie disappeared.

During this process, all the nerves in Zhao Yuming's body were tense, and the back was even more cold sweat.

Finally, he came to the place where Qin Lie was hiding before.

After seeing that there was no one here, Zhao Yuming let out a long sigh of relief.

"Third Master, Qin Lie has left."

Zhao Yuming immediately reported to Du Mazihui.

Hearing this, Du Mazi, who had been hiding in the grass, came out with confidence.

"This little beast, I will kill you!"

Du Mazi gritted his teeth and roared.

He was a hero after all, but he was so frightened by Qin Lie that he didn't even dare to move. This is simply a great shame.

"Come and help!"

Suddenly, Liang Wei's voice rang out.

Du Mazi turned his head and saw that Liang Wei and the others were in a hurry to lift Wang Hai out from behind a big tree.

At this time, Wang Hai's clothes had been dyed red with blood, and there was an arrow stuck in his chest.

Wang Hai raised his hand slowly, as if he wanted to say something, but his lips moved, and he passed out before making any sound.

"Liang Wei, what the hell are you doing, hurry up and save me!"

Du Mazi growled sharply.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Liang Wei nodded and hurriedly treated Wang Hai.

Twenty minutes later, the treatment was over.

"How is it, is Wang Hai all right?"

Du Mazi looked at Liang Wei and asked.

"Although I have already helped Brother Hai stop the bleeding, he is seriously injured. In addition to the excessive blood loss just now, his condition is not optimistic."

Liang Wei wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"What do you mean by that?"

Du Mazi frowned.

"It means that if Brother Hai can make it through tonight, then it will be fine, but if you can't make it through..."

Liang Wei didn't finish his words, but the implication was quite obvious.

"Fuck you, I tell you, if Wang Hai dies, I will let you be buried with me!"

Du Mazi roared fiercely.

Right now, Wang Hai is his only remaining arm. If Wang Hai is dead, then he will not even think about killing Qin Lie, and even his dominance will be shaken.

"Don't be angry, third master, I will do my best to save Brother Hai."

Feeling the strong killing intent on Du Mazi's body, Liang Wei didn't dare to say anything to shirk his responsibility, so he quickly accepted it.

"Qin Lie! Qin Lie!! I must tear you into pieces to relieve my hatred!!!"

Du Mazi roared up to the sky, and that terrifying killing intent scared Zhou Ming and the others into silence for a moment, and they didn't even dare to let out the air, for fear of becoming Du Mazi's punching bag.

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