Qin Lie's precise time control prevented the Longyan team from doing anything at that time.

Almost all the team members were hidden under the car.

But the people of the Ledi Group are still falling one after another, even if they are blind, they know who did it.

Su Zhihuan is not a person without temper. If he can bear this, he will not be the boss of the underground world of Seoul.

In this way, after the Sanjin Group was found out to the people of the Ledi Group, the Ledi Group also launched a counterattack against them.

And the people of the Ledi Group were angry because they were shot with secret guns, and they became more blatant when they attacked the Sanjin Group.

That's a shotgun.

Shooting at the Sanjin Group and roaring.

"Kill you bastards!"

"Kill you three gold dogs to death."

The scene was not very hot for a while.

But the people of the Sanjin Group also have temperaments.

Seeing that the Ledi Group became blatant, they also became presumptuous.

After going through this, the commanders on both sides clearly said that they should put their guns down, and they confronted secretly. As a result, the gunmen on both sides got in the way and wanted to avenge their own brothers.

bang bang bang...

The bullets were raining, and they were even more powerful than when they started to deal with Qin Lie and the others - the Ledi Group and the Sanjin Group were definitely not the first to face fire.

The two sides fought each other with a feud.

The funny thing is, they were supposed to be the most dangerous Longyan team on the battlefield, but they were relieved.

Some team members got up, obviously wanting to find someone to fight, but they rushed out, but they didn't know who to charge with their guns.

The people on the other side are busy and have no time to deal with them.

Seeing that there was nothing to do, he retreated into the bunker again.

When Chen Jinhu and Jiang Lei saw the situation, they had a hundred questions in their hearts, but more of them were gloating.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Lei said, "Why did they bite the dog and bite the dog? It's too funny."

"Damn it!" Chen Jinhu was a little more familiar with Qin Lie's routines than Jiang Lei, and pointed at Qin Lie with a thumbs up, "Brother Lie, either you are the boss and I'm not, these tricks of yours are simply too good, that's all. With a few simple tricks, you actually let them do it by themselves, and you have too much psychological control over them."

The most subtle thing about this trick is Qin Lie's psychological control over the group's most sought-after players and commanders.

From the very beginning, he guessed that their cooperation was just a matter of appearance and separation. Everyone has selfishness and everyone wants to make a contribution.

Profit comes first, who doesn't want to seek more benefits for themselves.

A little bit of flaws will make the balance of the two sides unbalanced, and the unbalanced party will definitely try to find a way to make things balanced again.

And once these insidious tricks are discovered, the anger of the other party cannot be suppressed by simple rules.

In the end, it was inevitable that the two of them would fight together.

Chen Jinhu also admires Qin Lie, which is Qin Lie's big heart.

Just now, when the Ledi Group was closest to the team, it was only a few meters away, a distance that could be reached by two or three strides.

If the blockade was broken by the people of Ledi Group, the situation may be different now.

Chen Jinhu felt a little scared after thinking about it.

That's why I said, Qin Lie is really Qin Lie. The art master is bold, but if it was him, he wouldn't dare to do it.

"Then what do we do next?" Chen Jinhu asked, "Just let them fight?"

Qin Lie shrugged: "What are we going to do if we don't let them fight, wait, anyway, our reinforcements are coming soon, drag it, wait for someone, don't worry."

"Okay." Chen Jinhu nodded.


On the far side of the road, in the deserted suburbs, Xu Ying Heilang and others were still watching the situation on the battlefield from a distance.

Heilang was dumbfounded with the binoculars on his face, even if he saw Zhu Bajie soaking Chang'e, he wasn't surprised.

He muttered: "Mr. Xu, what do the people on the two sides mean? They left Qin Lie in the middle and didn't fight. They started fighting. Are they fighting against Qin Lie or against their own people?"

Xu Ying also watched with a telescope.

This situation was not what he imagined.

He couldn't help but scolded: "Are the people on both sides of the rice bucket? A bunch of rubbish don't even know what the real business is. They don't know what they're fighting for. Can Qin Lie be killed first, fuck it!"

Xu Ying went to great lengths to make Qin Lie anger the Ledi Group not to see this.

He didn't even know what the Sanjin Group wanted to kill halfway through.

They agreed to deal with Qin Lie together, but they did it on their own.

Xu Ying has never seen such an outrageous thing in his life. If this is a waste of time, Qin Lie will ask for some help, and the final situation will be really different.

In order to avoid a long night of dreams, Xu Ying instructed Heilang: "Heilang, you are now trying to find a way to notify the top management of Ledi Group, saying that the people from Sanjin Group are preventing them from capturing Qin Lie, and ask them to send more manpower. Come here, don't fight privately."


The black wolf took the lead and hurried to make a phone call.

After doing this, Xu Ying asked Song Zhe again: "Mr. Song, I might have to trouble you to think of a solution in such a situation. Qin Lie must die here today, and he cannot be allowed to run away again."

Song Zhe always looked calm.

After hearing what Xu Ying said, he immediately waved to his team.

In response to Xu Ying, he said, "Mr. Xu, I thought you really didn't need us anymore."

"Let's go!" said the dozen or so top killers he commanded Night Soul, "Follow me!"

In this way, Song Zhe confidently walked away with Yehun's killer and quickly came to the roadside of this kilometer.

There are weeds half a meter deep on the side of the road, and people can't see it when they lie in it.

Those killers lurked in the weeds, set up the rifles they had prepared, put them on the sight, turned into snipers, and aimed at Qin Lie's location.

Song Zhe ordered and said, "Please pay attention to them behind their bunker. As long as the person in the circle shows their head from the top of the car, you will hit me hard! A bullet will kill them, listen. Has it arrived yet?"


The killers took the lead and focused their thoughts on Qin Lie and the others.

It was also at this time that a member of the Longyan Squad quietly stuck his head out from behind the bunker in order to check the situation in which the Ledi Group and the Sanjin Group were fighting each other, and also exposed his head on the body.

As a result, Yehun's killer made a move, and at that moment, almost three bullets hit the team member's head.

The bullet penetrated from the side and came out from the other side, piercing the skull of the team member, and the blood was scattered several meters away!

"Wang Kai!"

"Wang Kai!"

The surrounding players, including Chen Jinhu and Jiang Lei, all rushed towards that player.

Obviously, they did not expect that someone outside had such an accurate marksmanship.

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