In Qin Lie's eyes, the Xiao family could no longer be tolerated.

Soon, he will have a decisive battle with the Xiao family.

It may be after the injury, it may be half a year, but it will not be long.

Now that things have become a foregone conclusion, Qin Lie must be the winner.

Although it seems difficult.

But Qin Lie is no longer as hopeless as when he first offended the Xiao family.

In addition to the growth of his own strength, Qin Lie now has two major iron alliances.

The Tang family naturally didn't need to say it.

And after this time, the Cape family will definitely be on their side.

With these two major aids, and almost all of them are superpowers that can be on an equal footing with the Xiao family, Qin Lie now has a lot in mind.

Then let the storm come more violently.

Qin Lie thought so.

And said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

Oh no, this time should be described as thinking about the arrival of Cao Cao.

Just when Qin Lie woke up and was chatting slowly with everyone, two people came to the door of the ward.

The one at the front was wearing a suit, and although he was in his forties, he looked very imposing.

The other one has a beautiful face and delicate facial features, which is like a finely carved, and is the representative of the ceiling of European and American women.

And the two of them, one is Worms, and the other is naturally Makasha.

Like Bruni, Worms is fierce to his enemies and very polite to his friends.

Worms, such a big patriarch, knocked politely on the door when he entered.

And asked in fluent Chinese: "Hello, I don't know if it's convenient for me to come in now!?"

Everyone in the room turned their attention to Worms.

It was Qin Lie who replied by himself: "Mr. Worms is very polite. In fact, you can come in directly. You have helped me a lot in this matter. I can save my life, and I have to thank you."

If it wasn't for Worms who brought people to rush there, the Xiao family's people started to fight. Qin Lie would not benefit from the rush.

Qin Lie's first thought was to try to solve the problem without bleeding.

With the deterrence of the Cape family, the Xiao family restrained.

There's nothing wrong with Qin Lie's words.

Worms was also very polite, he walked in slowly and said, "Where did I do something, I brought someone to the scene to stand for a while, and I didn't do anything. He Xiao's family is cowardly, and I have nothing to do with it. Credit, everything is still up to you, and your troubles were originally caused by the Cape family, if I don't come, then I, the patriarch, can't talk too much."

Qin Lie nodded, not bothering much about this matter.

Pulling the topic into the topic, he asked Worms, "Mr. Worms, I don't know why you came to see me this time?"

This is what Makasha on the side answered.

She whispered, "Qin Lie, we didn't come to see you today, but my dad came to see you every day and was concerned about your injury."

"We went back two days ago when I saw you were still in a coma. Today I saw you woke up and came in. My dad has never been so polite to anyone."

Qin Lie smiled and nodded, "Thank you, Mr. Worms, for your concern."

Worms also responded with a smile, and then he talked about the business: "Qin Lie, if you want to ask, I really have something to tell you, but I don't know if it is convenient for you."

When he said this, Worms glanced around the entire ward.

Qin Lie understood in a second, and then said to Ye Yuqing: "Yuqing, take the others out of the ward and take care of them. I'll talk to Mr. Worms about other things."


Among all the women in Qin Lie, Ye Yuqing knew the most.

He also understands the situation, it is not appropriate for them to stay here at this time.

Then he took Chen Xiaoyu, Su Xiaoxiao and others out.

Jiang Lei, Li Tianlin, and Qiu Bai didn't stay too much, they all followed out.

After everyone was gone, Qin Lie looked at Worms again and said, "Mr. Worms, now that everyone is out, you can say anything."


Worms nodded, seemingly satisfied with Qin Lie's performance.

In his eyes, all are praises for Qin Lie.

Then, he continued: "Qin Lie, I came to you today mainly to tell you two things."

"The first thing……"

Wormston paused, he took two steps back, and brought Makasha a formal bow to Qin Lie.

Qin Lie asked suspiciously, "Why did Mr. Worms suddenly give such a big salute, I am flattered by Qin Lie."

Worms raised his head and continued: "The first thing, for the change of my daughter Makasha, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. It turns out that it was the right decision to put her by your side to study."

"After staying with you for more than a week, she has indeed changed a lot. I also chatted a lot with her in the hotel these two days. Her changes surprised me. I won't go into details. Anyway, this matter Thank you all."

"Well..." Including Makasha also said, "Qin Lie, I have to thank you too, if it weren't for you, I really don't know that our family actually has so many internal and external troubles."

"You are right, the reason why I can live so comfortably is entirely because there are such fathers and my Uncle outside supporting me."

"I took these comforts too much for granted and didn't understand their suffering."

"It's you who made me see this. I will make some changes starting today. Although I can't guarantee that I can do it well at one time, I will definitely do it."

"Thank you...Brother Qin."

Makasha thanked her sincerely, and bowed her head to Qin Lie, which was indeed very different from before.

When Makasha first arrived in Huaxia, Qin Lie was impressed.

If it was Makasha at that time, Qin Lie would never have dreamed that there would be a time when she would bow her head to thank him.

Moreover, her current title has also changed to Big Brother Qin, which is very kind and respectful, and Qin Lie feels relieved when she hears it.

For some reason, Qin Lie felt happy when she saw Makasha's change.

He felt a sense of pride in his heart, as if he had done a great thing.

Looking at Makasha, she said with a smile: "Okay, that's good, girl, it's right that you have such a change, and it's not a waste of my hard work these days."

Worms smiled and continued: "To thank you for the changes you made Makasha, and this mine that was blasted in South Korea."

"We've got two gifts for you," Worms said. "This is the second thing to come here today."

Saying that, Worms clapped his hands, like a signal to the outside.

Immediately after, the people outside got the order and walked in with a cart.

There was an item on that cart, which was covered with a layer of red cloth.

That thing bulged high, like some kind of sculpture.

Seeing this, Qin Lie's heart immediately jumped up.

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