Chapter 1373 As long as you see the recommendation page at the beginning, plus the temptation of VIP, let alone lead 80% of the people to the voting page, there is absolutely no problem in guiding about 30%.

And how many users of a video app?

What is the power of being able to transfer 30% of the past?

But in this set of operations, the worst thing is the huge voting page that Wang Congcong set for Shentu Mingyue.

Many people came in just to get a VIP, and they were not very patient. Of course, they voted when they saw the voting button.

In this way, those who were brought in to vote before, naturally 70% to 80% voted for Shentu Mingyue.

This completes the drainage of Shentu Mingyue.

Pretty ingenious.

Of course, this drainage investment is not small.

For the 30-day VIP given away, Shinhwa Entertainment needs to compensate these video sites.

But compared to the final benefit, that little investment is nothing.

He praised Wang Congcong's approach very much, and Qin Lie praised him again: "Cong Cong, you are indeed the godfather of entertainment, you are awesome, you can think of these tricks, so what am I afraid of tonight?"

Facts have proved that this drainage effect is quite outstanding.

Since the opening of the voting channel set up by Wang Congcong, Shentu Mingyue's vote growth rate has increased significantly.

Halfway through the previous stage, Shentu Mingyue only had more than 5 million votes, but this time, she has already reached more than 7 million.

According to this trend, the number of Shen Tuming in the third stage may exceed 15 million.

On the other hand, Feng Momo has only more than 6 million at this moment, and has been thrown away by more than one million votes.

Qin Lie was satisfied, and he was very happy.

Ask Wang Congcong: "Is this the secret weapon you said?"

"No no no..." Wang Congcong said, "It's still early. Of course, the secret weapon must be used at the most critical time."

"Yo..." Qin Lie said, "It's not even a secret weapon, what other big moves do you have??"

Wang Congcong pouted: "It depends on whether the person on the other side is able to do it. If they don't do it, I don't need it. If they do, I will play with them again."

"Hmm..." Qin Lie nodded, more satisfied.

He is a novice in the entertainment industry. Now that Wang Congcong is operating, Qin Lie's heart is also settled after seeing that he is confident and has a lot of backing hands.

There was not much fluctuation after the third stage, and the final record was the same as Qin Lie thought.

Shentu Mingyue finally regained the first place with 15.47 million votes.

And Feng Momo still only has 12 million+ votes this time.

The difference is more than three million.

And finally, today's game came to the last stage, which is the championship battle.

Since the third stage, He Ling's main stage has also announced the top three rankings every half an hour, so that fans can prepare for the final ranking.

Including Wang Congcong, at this time, he also sorted out his clothes and sat up.

When he paid attention to the votes in the previous two stages, he didn't pay attention to it. Now, every time the data is sent from the backstage, he has to take it over to take a look.

In any case, this game has come to the decisive moment.

The players on the stage performed more vigorously, and the traffic battle off the field also became intensified.

Qin Lie noticed that Wang Congcong took out his mobile phone and switched back and forth between popular social apps since he entered the last stage.

Weibo, WeChat, QQ and so on.

He was watching his opponent's moves.

About five past nine in the evening, Qin Lie felt the phone vibrate in his arms.

When he took out his mobile phone and looked at it, he saw that it turned out to be a message sent by the official WeChat.

The title of the news this time is actually "Vote for a red envelope"!

Qin Lie followed the news and clicked in, only to find out that it was the move of the Shentu family.

The routine is similar to that of Wang Congcong, and their voting interface also uses c-bit stream.

But this time the C position is Feng Momo.

The specific operation method is very simple.

Go to the corresponding voting interface to vote, and use the screenshot of the voting to go to WeChat official account to receive a small red envelope worth 5 yuan.

Attention, this is cash!

This is where Shentu's hegemony is so powerful.

Although the method that Wang Congcong used in the beginning also brought benefits, it was only a VIP of a video app, which could not be seen or touched.

And this time Shentu Overbearing used cash red envelopes!

Usually in the WeChat group to grab a few dollars of red envelopes can be proud.

This time, as long as you cast one vote, you can get five yuan, so why not do it?

The most terrifying thing is that Shentu Domineering did not know what method he used, but he turned this incident into an official WeChat push.

What is this concept?

As the most widely used social app in the country, WeChat has more than 1.1 billion users.

To describe it in one sentence is up to ninety-nine, down to just walking, almost all of them are using WeChat.

It's a bit of an exaggeration, but it's accurate.

The official push pushed this news to everyone's mobile phones at once.

More importantly, using WeChat has become everyone's life habit now.

As soon as there is news, it will be opened.

As soon as the news is pushed, there is almost no possibility of missing it.

Moreover, WeChat is a real-time social app. Even if no one sees it at first, it is estimated that those who have successfully received red envelopes will notify others around them as soon as possible.

Word of mouth, this is like cell division and can spread rapidly.

Just imagine, after a teenage student successfully receives a red envelope through WeChat, will he notify his classmates, his parents, or even their grandparents who don't use mobile phones will be Amway.

In this case, there are many users that can be developed.

This does not need to pay attention to "I Am a Goddess" anymore.

Shentu's domineering operation means that as long as there is WeChat, as long as he likes money, he will basically go for it.

Going down in one wave is equivalent to throwing a bomb on the entire final!

That effect is really quite terrifying!

This effect can also be clearly seen in the comparison of the votes between Shentu Mingyue and Feng Momo.

At 9:10, Feng Momo had 4.77 million votes and Shentu Mingyue had 2.2 million votes.

At 9:15, Feng Momo had 5.92 million votes and Shentu Mingyue had 2.9 million votes.

At 9:20, Feng Momo had 8.09 million votes and Shentu Mingyue had 3.85 million votes.

Feng Momo's votes suddenly doubled, crushing Shentu Mingyue.

This trick of WeChat is really scary.

Looking at the past at this point in time, it seems that Shentu Mingyue can't fight at all.

This result made Qin Lie anxious.

The rise in all data is out of his control, and he is very powerless.

He asked Wang Congcong anxiously: "Cong Cong, aren't you ready to take action, they use WeChat, they are determined to fight you to the end, no matter what secret weapon you have, you should take it out!!"

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