Although Qin Lie is not cheap now, he doesn't know much about the means of doing business.

Playing tricks, tidying up, playing all kinds of tricks, Qin Lie is still a first-class master.

Just like this businessman's way, he really convinced Wang Congcong.

After hearing about Wang Congcong's methods, Qin Lie knew everything, and he also knew the reason for doing it.

But if he is allowed to do these things himself, he may not be able to do it himself.

The matter of Bitcoin and this talent show made Qin Lie see Wang Congcong's superb business acumen.

It can be said that Wang Congcong has contributed a lot to Qin Lie's current status.

This is also the reason why the outside world dislikes Wang Congcong so much, but Qin Lie regards him as a brother.

"Wait and see." Wang Congcong himself was not particularly confident, "Whether it succeeds or not, this is already the final battle."


Qin Lie nodded.

Although I admire Wang Congcong's methods, after all, everything has not been settled, the gap is not small, and no one knows whether they can catch up in the end.

It's more important to sit still and see the results.

Thinking with such a frown, Qin Lie continued to focus on the votes.

Fortunately, the effect of Wang Congcong's move was outstanding, and Shentu Mingyue's side also started a rapid pursuit mode.

At 9:30, Shentu Mingyue had only 6.23 million votes, while Feng Momo had already reached 13.06 million.

The difference is terrifying.

Only after 6:30, Shentu Mingyue started the rocket ascent mode.

At 9:35, Shentu Mingyue had 9.77 million votes and Feng Momo had 14.62 million votes.


At 9:50, Shentu Mingyue had 17.97 million votes and Feng Momo had 19 million votes.

At 9:55, Shentu Mingyue had 20.36 million votes and Feng Momo had 20.84 million votes.

This is also the last vote data Qin Lie and Wang Congcong got.

After Wang Congcong's drainage operation, at the last moment of the game, Shentu Mingyue's votes finally caught up.

According to this logic, the voting channel will be closed at ten o'clock. If it is a regular pursuit speed, Shentu Mingyue should be able to win the final victory.

It's just that all the voting channels were closed in the end, and Qin Lie never got the result again. The only person who got the result was He Ling, who was standing on the stage at this time.

Before I knew it, it was ten o'clock.

Qin Lie has been paying attention to the alternating rise in the number of votes, but he did not pay attention to the programs on the stage, and all the programs were performed at this time.

It's time for the final announcement.

Because after the third stage, the number of votes has not been announced in the public's field of vision, so He Ling needs to announce the final result from the seventh place.

That is, the final candidate who can form a group.

Of course, there is no difference between the third and seventh place for Qin Lie. Those girls were very happy after winning that place, and Qin Lie just gave a symbolic applause and it was over.

It wasn't until about 10:15, when He Ling started to announce the top three, that Qin Lie's spirit was a little boosted.

"Third place!" He Ling introduced the characteristics of this member on the stage, "She is fearless, innocent and straightforward, she is the pistachio in the family, and also the pitiful worm in everyone's mouth.

She once said that she was the only hope in their village. If they could finally form a group, she would go back to the village to set off firecrackers all day and night.

So now, I think we can congratulate her, this firecracker, she can set it off!

Our third place is, always crying, I don't know how to talk, Yang Chaoyu! ! "

As soon as the result came out, the whole scene burst into thunderous applause.

Others Qin Lie don't know, anyway, Yang Chaoyu is a member he has more contact with.

This little girl is very straightforward and treats everyone as an equal.

She is never flattering to people with high status, nor sneers at people with low status. She is rare in this society to maintain a clear stream of her true self.

It's hard to keep clean in this society, so Qin Lie likes this little girl very much.

She is a real grassroots starter, and Qin Lie is also happy for her that she can get the current results.

Watching her all the way to the stage, she started crying before she was halfway there.

The little girl's last speech also made everyone laugh and laugh.

She made frequent appearances.

"When I participated in this show, I didn't expect that I would be able to form a group in the end, and I would still be able to get third place."

"I can't dance well, I can't sing well, I don't look good, and I like to cry. I want to know why the gentlemen in the audience choose me, are you blind, woo woo... "

"My mother said that if I can finally make my debut in a group, she will set up 80 tables in the village to invite the whole village to eat. I just want to tell my mother, mother, can we set a little less, five Ten tables is enough, I haven't made much money yet!"

All in all, this girl's final group testimonials are different from other girls.

Others tried their best to thank this one and that one, but she stood alone on the stage like a family chatter, crying and talking at the same time, and there was no end to the conversation.

But it did make the scene a lot more cheerful.

Qin Lie smiled and agreed with Yang Chaoyu.

This one is different, maybe this is the reason why she was able to break out of the siege without the support of capital.

Yang Chaoyu's group testimonials are like telling a joke to everyone.

After her adjustment, the scene did relax a lot.

This also came to the last and most important moment of the announcement of the championship and runner-up.

Hearing He Ling said that the final champion and runner-up will be announced soon, Qin Lie and Wang Congcong both sat up straight.

Qin Lie took a breath, his heart raised in his throat, and he was as nervous as Feng Momo and Shentu Mingyue on stage.

At first Qin Lie thought that the last tension in variety shows was due to the players performing.

But when he arrived at the scene and went through the final voting and announcement sessions, he knew that people would indeed feel nervous in the current atmosphere.

He was just like that because of his hegemonic bet with Shentu.

Not to mention the actual players on stage.

When He Ling finally announced the result, he pulled a long tone, bringing everyone's expectations and the final mystery of the show to the top.

"Our second place is!"

"The uninvited guest who entered the training camp halfway, she has been recognized by everyone for her solid singing skills and her hard work Sanniang."

"She may have been the queen of negative news, and she has also suffered a lot of criticism."

"But the past is over, and starting today, everything starts anew."

"She will start a brand new acting career, and she will also be a brand new Feng Momo!"

"Congratulations to Momo for winning the second place of the year in "I Am a Goddess", so naturally, we also congratulate our Shentu Mingyue for winning the annual championship of the "I Am A Goddess" program!!"

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