Qin Lie knew where Shentu's hegemony was.

A middle-aged man like Shentu Domineering is very stubborn.

And they are such a big family, the hierarchy is very clear.

The status of fathers is higher than that of sons, and the status of elders is higher than that of younger generations.

This is a common problem of the family, and it is also a tradition passed down for many years.

People like them will feel that they have a higher status, and there is no need to apologize to the younger generation. Even if they have done something wrong, they would rather not admit it to consolidate their status.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to make Shentu domineering bow to Shentu Mingyue.

But Qin Lie also has an obsession, after all, this is what he promised Shentu Mingyue.

When Shentu Mingyue and Shentu Domineering had a dispute, Qin Lie took Shentu Mingyue's side and promised to let Shentu Domineering apologize to her.

Moreover, he said this in front of Shentu's domineering face, which is why there is a later gambling contract.

Now that the matter is over, Qin Lie is not only concerned about the 2 billion, but also of his promise to Shentu Mingyue.

He is a man who keeps his promises, and since he has promised, he must do it.

"Huh?" Qin Lie ignored Shentu Songbai and continued to stare at Shentu domineering, "Patriarch Shentu, what do you think of this?"

Shentu fell into contemplation after hearing the domineering, but the displeasure on his face must be real.

Shentu Songbai continued to say: "Qin Lie, this matter is already our family matter. Even if you think you are familiar with the Shentu family, it is not convenient for you to intervene in this matter."

"No no no..." Qin Lie shook his head, "This can't be considered a family affair, it has to be a bet. I made a bet with Patriarch Shentu."

"I think the patriarch Shentu has an upright personality, and he must not be someone who is unwilling to admit defeat."

"Huh..." Qin Lie clearly heard Shentu Domineering's rough breath from his nose.

Qin Lie looked at him in a dilemma and persuaded: "Patriarch Shentu, there is a sentence from the younger generation, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Shentu glanced at him domineeringly, and said casually, "Is there anything else you dare not say?"

Qin Lie naturally ignored it, and continued on his own words: "Patriarch Shentu, in fact, since you are willing to come to Longcheng today, it means that you do not want the relationship between your father and daughter to continue to be rigid. Am I right?"

"Why do you see it?" Shen Tu was domineering.

"It's very simple." Qin Lie said, "Our previous bet was that you would only come to Longcheng after you lost. If you don't lose, you have to let Mingyue go back to the family."

"And based on what I know about the Shentu family and your personalities, you never thought that you would lose, senior. Since you think you want to win, why did you come to Longcheng in advance?"

Shentu Domineering was speechless by Qin Lie, and after thinking for a while, he replied: "I just decided to enter the real estate industry and come to Longcheng to learn from it."

"Then why is it today?" Qin Lie continued to ask, "And he even went to Mingyue's competition."

"This..." This time, Shentu Domineering couldn't make it up.

"So..." Qin Lie hit the railroad while it was hot, "Patriarch Shentu, if I'm not mistaken, you have already recognized your daughter in your heart, but you are not willing to speak softly because of your face."

"Look how good Mingyue is!" Qin Lie kept saying, "Going to school is better than others, and sideline business is better than others. A financial student is actually the world's top hacking master.

Even in the entertainment industry that she has never been in contact with before, she can be the first on the stage of the girl group.

She pushes the limits of almost everything she can, just to get your approval.

However, for you, she just did not go back to help you manage your family business, and you denied all her efforts, which was a great blow to her. "

Qin Lie sighed: "I was thinking that she finally chose to come to the women's team draft, maybe because she wanted you to see how happy she is doing her own thing, so that you can understand her."

"So, it's not wrong for you to ask her to go back to help manage your property, and it's not wrong for her to want to do her own thing. It's just that the two of you have different positions before conflicts arise."

"However, there is absolutely a better solution to this matter. There is no need to make the relationship so stiff, right?"

Qin Lie's words are already educating Shentu to be domineering.

There are not many people in China who have the ability to teach Shentu to be domineering, but he dares to do it.

Shentu Domineering was not angry, but laughed again.

"Qin Lie, it's no wonder that my son and my daughter admire you so much. I used to think you were just a parallel importer, but it seems that I am superficial. You are so eloquent that I am shocked by this old man."

Qin Lie said: "I just say what I think in my heart."

Shentu Domineering took a deep breath and turned to look at Shentu Mingyue.

He asked, "Nizi, what Qin Lie said is what you think, you really don't want to go back to help the family manage?"

"Dad..." Shentu Mingyue said, "You still don't understand what Qin Lie said, I actually, I never said that I don't want to go back to help manage the family, I just want you to admit that your daughter is very good, I need to be encouraged, and as long as you agree with me, I'll be happy."

"But after so many years, no matter how well I do things, no matter how hard I work, you have never praised me even a single word, so do you now know where my rebellion came from?"

"Is it?"

Shentu Domineering seemed to realize it later, and turned to look at Shentu Aoshi again: "I haven't praised you a single word?"

Shentu Aoshi replied: "Oh, Dad, you're talking nonsense, don't brag about it, it's good if you don't scold us, but I have a strong psychological quality, and this girl Mingyue is probably hurt by you. "

After listening to Shentu Aoshi's words, Shentu Domineering fell into deep thought again, as if recalling what he had done to his two children over the years.

He glanced at Qin Lie, then at Shentu Aoshi, and finally at Shentu Mingyue.

He sat up on the armrest of the chair, as if he had thought deeply.


He opened his mouth, but as soon as he opened it he closed it again, as if his mouth was glued to it.

He finally sighed heavily, as if he had finally made up his mind.

If you don't open your mouth, you will be very sincere.

"Mingyue, in fact, I have wanted to tell you these words for a long time. It's not that I don't agree with you, I don't feel sorry for you, I'm just embarrassed to talk to you because of the patriarch's face."

"Actually, Qin Lie is right. I didn't want to come to see you today, but I ended up here out of nowhere."

"After Qin Lie mentioned it just now, I asked myself and found that Qin Lie was right. I didn't want to be so deadlocked with you for a long time."

"I didn't do well before when I was a father, I'm sorry for you."

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