After Situ Xuan woke up, Qin Lie told him everything about South Korea.

Situ Xuan also knew that all his injuries were written by Song Zhe.

Situ Xuan has long hated Song Zhe, but after learning the information this time, his hatred for Song Zhe became even stronger.

He is now very concerned about the trace of Song Zhe.

Qin Lie sat down beside his bed, peeled an apple for him, and told the truth: "Master, Yehun's whereabouts are very strange. It's hard to find him directly with my words alone."

Situ Xuan's expression moved slightly, not satisfied with this answer.

Qin Lie then stepped up and said: "But after the incident in South Korea, Xing Tian, ​​the lord of Hades Island, came to me, and he said that they had locked the city where the headquarters of Night Soul is located."

"Really?" Situ Xuan then became a little more energetic.

"Yes." Qin Lie nodded and continued, "It's just that they haven't surveyed the specific location in the city, but they told me that once they find the Night Soul headquarters, they will notify me as soon as possible, and then talk to me about it. I will join hands to kill the night soul."

"Yeah." Situ Xuan nodded, but he had other thoughts in his mind, "Which city is it in?"

"I don't know." Qin Lie said, "Brother Tian was here for a short time, and I left before I could ask him."

Situ Xuan sighed: "Then ask him when you turn around. When I leave the hospital, you can tell me the city where Yehun is located, and I will go there in person."

Qin Lie's eyes widened and he said in surprise, "Are you going to deal with it yourself?"

"Yeah!" Situ Xuan nodded, very determined, "Song Zhe, this evil obstacle, is a disaster for the world, and has no human nature. He has become like this, and the old man also has responsibilities that cannot be avoided. Some things should be settled and settled."

Situ Xuan said, sighed, and told Qin Lie: "Qin Lie, I may not be by your side for a while, and you can decide what to do. If it doesn't work, ask Qiu Bai for help. Master's, I can't give you any guidance on business, but we are always more experienced than you when it comes to handling things."

Qin Lie nodded and said, "I see, Master, you have to be careful yourself."

Although Situ Xuan's move was quite risky, Qin Lie did not intend to stop him.

He also knew that this was the feud between Situ Xuan and Song Zhe. If Song Zhe did not die, Situ Xuan could not live in peace.

That being the case, let him handle it himself.

"Master, when you find Song Zhe, you must notify me as soon as possible, and I will bring someone to help you." Qin Lie said with concern.

Obviously, Situ Xuan didn't have this plan, he casually shied away and said, "Let's see later."

After saying this, Qin Lie and Situ Xuan tacitly skipped the topic of Yehun, and everyone started gossiping in the ward again.

About an hour passed.

At this time, a group of uninvited guests came from outside Situ Xuan's ward.

It's a bunch of police.

They wore uniformed police uniforms and had serious expressions. There were a total of six people, and they were quite stylish.

They walked outside the ward door, and one of the middle-aged police officers, who looked to be in his forties, knocked on the ward door, not targeting the other people in the ward, but Qin Lie.

He said seriously: "Qin Lie, right, please come out, we have something to ask you."

"Looking for me?" Qin Lie pointed to his own nose, very strange.

"Yeah." The police continued, "We went to your house just now. Someone in your family said you were in the hospital, so we rushed over. Please come out."

Not only Qin Lie was surprised, everyone in the ward was surprised.

Everyone looked at each other, wondering what happened to Qin Lie.

And Qin Lie himself was searching for the things he had done recently, which one would provoke the police.

After thinking about it, the most likely thing is to fight with several major forces in South Korea and kill a Xu Ying at the same time.

But that incident happened in South Korea and was not under the jurisdiction of the domestic police, including after the incident, the Xiao family and the Tang family's Cape family would definitely try their best to suppress the matter, and it should not be passed on to the ears of the domestic police.

Qin Lie was strange, but it didn't look like he was joking when he looked at the police.

After explaining a few words to the people in the ward, I went to the corridor of the hospital with these police officers.

In the hospital corridor, the middle-aged policeman let several young policemen take care of the wind outside, and he took Qin Lie to the end of the corridor by himself.

After reaching the end, the policeman took out his police officer card, put it in front of Qin Lie and introduced himself: "Qin Lie, I'm the captain of the Longcheng Criminal Investigation Brigade, my name is Zhang Yang, you can call me Zhang team. "

"I came to you today to investigate and understand a case of illegal fundraising and large-scale pyramid selling fraud in China. I hope you can cooperate."

Qin Lie took a serious look at his police certificate, it was not fake.

But he is also strange, illegal fundraising, large-scale pyramid schemes, these things have nothing to do with him.

Although these things are quick to make money, but I wouldn't be stupid enough to do such a thing.

"Oh..." Qin Lie didn't know the situation, so he could only deal with it temporarily to see what Zhang Yang had to say.

The result was quick, Zhang Yang took out a photo from his pocket, put it in front of him, and asked him to identify: "Do you recognize this person?"

Qin Lie frowned when he saw the photo.

He not only recognized the photo, but was very familiar with it.

The girl in the photo is young and sunny, with a beautiful face and a very sweet smile.

Isn't that Zhao Xiaoying?

Zhao Xiaoying, how did she get involved with fraud?

Qin Lie suddenly remembered the eight missed calls that Zhao Xiaoying called him yesterday, and he called back and she was off. All kinds of strange situations made him guess that Zhao Xiaoying was afraid that something had happened.

"I know." Qin Lie replied, "I'm afraid there are very few people in the country who don't know him, Zhao Xiaoying."

"That's right." Zhang Yang said, "Actress Zhao Xiaoying is suspected of illegal fundraising, pyramid scheme fraud, and has been wanted by the police. She is now the number one suspect in this fraud case, so if you know anything, be sure to tell the police. "

Qin Lie shook his head, not believing it for the first time.

"Comrade police, you must have made a mistake," he said.

Zhang Yang said, "We have followed and investigated this case for two months, and all the victims have testified against Zhao Xiaoying. Will we make a mistake?"

"But Zhao Xiaoying is a first-line star in the country. She doesn't have to worry about food and clothing, and her social status is high. Why should she cheat?" Qin Lie said.

Zhang Yang didn't have the time to explain further: "You have to ask her about it."

Qin Lie was still surprised, unable to accept the news, but Zhang Yang meticulously started the work of criminal investigation.

He unsmilingly took out a notebook, and asked and wrote down: "The first question, what is your relationship with Zhao Xiaoying?"

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