Qin Lie finally understood the painstaking efforts of Bai Mingjie and his wife.

Qin Lie was surprised at the beginning, Bai Mingjie and his wife are both intellectuals, how could they do such extreme things.

After Kong Liansheng's incident was over, after two months, they had all released Bai Xianglan's ban.

In fact, when Bai Xianglan came to Longcheng, it has already proved that Kong Liansheng's incident has not had such a big impact. The two of them also forgave Qin Lie's actions, otherwise they would never let Bai Xianglan come to find themselves.

But the impact of the original matter was so small, and after a few months, their attitudes changed so much.

Qin Lie felt that the attitude of Bai Mingjie and his wife was capricious.

Now it seems that after the death of the Kong Yunze family, the Kong family implicated all their anger on them.

Because of the threat of the Kong family, Bai Mingjie and his wife would be so extreme.

After all, the two of them are indeed for the good of Bai Panlan.

It's just that their way is not understood by Bai Panlan.

Seeing that Bai Mingjie and Bai Xianglan were fighting more and more, Qin Lie slowly pulled Bai Xianglan back behind him.

Protect Bai Xianglan, and at the same time communicate with Bai Mingjie calmly: "Bai Uncle, did the Kong family really say that?"

Bai Mingjie was not angry, but his emotions finally calmed down: "Why am I lying to you? Do you think I don't want my daughter to be nice?"

Qin Lie thought for a moment and responded, "Bai Uncle, if that's the case, then I don't think things are that bad. In fact, as long as the two of you don't disagree with me in your heart, it's just external factors. solve."

"Can you solve it?" Bai Mingjie snorted coldly, "Qin Lie, I know that you are not cheap now, and you have a lot of power behind you, but you really think that with your current ability, you can compete with the eight great families, the Kong family is not. The top three superpowers of the eight great families, have you really understood his background?"

"Bai Uncle." Qin Lie said firmly, "I know very well how big the foundation and power of the Eight Great Families are, but I can also tell you clearly that although the Eight Great Families are powerful, they are only one family, so don't think about them too much. So divine.

I have had a deadly feud with the Xiao family since half a year ago, but they haven't done anything to me after so long, which proves that they are not completely invincible. "

"That's because they don't want to touch you at all!" Bai Mingjie said, "You are just a jerk in their eyes, and you will get their hands dirty if you touch you."

Qin Lie said without a moment's pause: "About twenty days ago, I was besieged by the three hundred Xiao family troops led by Henry Zhang himself in South Korea, and at the same time in South Korea, the Sanjin Group under the Xiao family assisted me. I was surrounded by the street, and hundreds of guns were aimed at my head at that time, you said whether they wanted to touch me or not."

"But I still escaped from such a desperate situation and returned to China safely. How do you think I did it?"

Hearing this, Bai Mingjie was very surprised, widened his eyes and said, "You mean Henry Zhang dealt with you personally?"

"Well." Qin Lie nodded, "Not only Henry Zhang, but also Xiao Yuanshan are among them."

Bai Mingjie was even more shocked: "You can run back just like this?"

"Yes." Qin Lie said, "I'm still standing in front of you, which means I've passed that crisis."

Qin Lie paused and continued: "Bai Uncle, I'm not telling you this to prove how powerful I am, but to tell you that although the eight great families have great influence, they are not invincible.

After the precipitation of history, they can become the current eight great families, which shows that they have also grown up from small forces one by one.

Since they can grow up, it also means that there are other forces that can grow up to replace them. Don't think of them too terrifying, not so powerful. "

"You mean, when you grow up in the future, you want to have the opportunity to replace the eight great families?" Bai Mingjie looked at Qin Lie, and there was already a joke in his eyes.

Qin Lie said, "I dare not be so arrogant, but what I can guarantee is that even if Pandan is with me, the situation will not be as bad as you think. I dare not say that the Kong family will be overturned, but the protection Pandan, even protecting the two of you, no problem."

Qin Lie said it very firmly, but obviously, Bai Mingjie didn't believe his words.

He sneered: "Qin Lie, I originally thought you were a prudent young man, who could distinguish between right and wrong, but now it seems that you, like other frivolous young people, have no self-awareness at all. Do you know how ridiculous what you said just now, in the hands of an aristocratic family, you can say it!"

Qin Lie also guessed that Bai Mingjie would not believe it. After all, the status of the eight great families in the eyes of ordinary people is indeed too high.

"Then Bai Uncle, what do you want me to do so that you can believe that I have the ability to protect Pandan?"

"No need, this thing you mentioned is a false proposition, you can't prove it by anything you do." Bai Mingjie answered rudely.

Qin Lie was speechless, if Bai Mingjie had this attitude, he wouldn't be able to talk anymore.

At this time, another episode appeared in Bai Mingjie's home.

It is precisely because of this episode that Qin Lie is more determined to take Bai Xianglan with him.

Bai Mingjie and Qin Lie had a fierce confrontation. The door of Bai's house was wide open, and a man's head suddenly came in through the door. With a smile on his face, he came in and greeted Bai Mingjie: "Bai Uncle, Kong Aunt, you guys Are there any other guests at home?"

The sudden appearance of this young man interrupted the rhythm of the dispute between the two sides.

When Kong Xi and Bai Mingjie saw this young man, they were stunned for a while, and then quickly sorted out their appearance. Kong Xi turned around and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. Smiling, he greeted the young man: "Xiaotai, you're here, come and sit."

The young man was greeted by Kong Xi, and then walked all the way to the door, still carrying a lot of things in his hand.

After walking in, he stuffed these things into Kong Xi and Bai Mingjie: "Bai Uncle, Kong Aunt, didn't I make an appointment with Xianglan yesterday to take her out today, thinking that Xianglan should be awake by now, I just Come here quickly, don't disturb me?"

"Don't bother, don't bother!" Kong Xi said quickly, "You said that you came here. Didn't you just buy something yesterday, and you still buy it today, isn't it expensive?"

The young man smiled and said, "I see that you two are getting older, and you need to pay attention to your body. These are all the skin care products that I entrusted to my friend to bring. You should eat healthy, not too much... "

Kong Xi smiled and couldn't close his mouth. Although he was polite to that person, he looked like he loved that person very much: "Tell me about this Xiaotai, people are sensible and think of the two of us in everything they do. …”

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