The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 141 Men Don't Have A Good Thing!

"Hey, Qiuzhu, I'm looking for you. We're going to take a bath later, are you going?"

Seeing Lin Qiuzhu coming back, Ye Yuqing immediately asked.


Lin Qiuzhu agreed without hesitation.

Her trousers are all wet now, so she can just take this opportunity to change her trousers and wash her body.

"Okay, let's go together later. By the way, have you seen Qin Lie?"

Ye Yuqing asked again.


Lin Qiuzhu denied it on the spot.

She is thin-skinned, and she is embarrassed to say what she saw just now, otherwise if she leaks her words, she will have no face to see anyone again.

"Then let's wait, and we'll wash when he comes back."

Ye Yuqing was not in a hurry, she sat down and continued chatting with Bai Xianglan and the others.

Lin Qiuzhu found an excuse to go back to the thatched hut and quickly changed into clean clothes.

"Dead Qin Lie, stinky Qin Lie, it's all your fault, get out of here!"

Lin Qiuzhu scolded indignantly, and at the same time took a branch and hit the pillar next to him, imagining that it was Qin Lie who was beaten by himself with the branch.

"Qiuzhu, we got some honey tea, come and drink some."

Outside, Ye Yuqing's voice rang again.

"I'm coming."

Lin Qiuzhu replied, quickly folded his dirty clothes, and then walked out.

Everyone was drinking honey tea and chatting, everyone was very relaxed and happy, but Lin Qiuzhu was absent-minded, others chatted and she chatted, and the questions she answered were always wrong.

"Qiuzhu, do you have something on your mind?"

Ye Yuqing couldn't help but ask.

"No, nothing."

Lin Qiuzhu replied in a panic.

The shy pictures kept appearing in front of her just now, and she didn't have the heart to chat with Ye Yuqing and the others, but she couldn't say these things, otherwise she would be embarrassed.

Ye Yuqing knew very well that Lin Qiuzhu definitely had something on her mind, but she didn't want to say it, so she naturally couldn't force her.

After another half hour, Chen Xiaoyu came back first.

She originally wanted to squeeze Qin Lie dry, but Qin Lie, a sturdy man, was too strong, so she could only take the initiative to beg for mercy.

"Xiaoyu, have you seen Qin Lie?"

Seeing Chen Xiaoyu come back, Ye Yuqing asked casually.

Chen Xiaoyu and Qin Lie disappeared one after the other, and she knew what they were doing.

"I see. Brother Qin went to the beach to fish for abalone."

Chen Xiaoyu replied according to the excuse negotiated with Qin Lie.

"Oh, then let's go take a bath, are you going?"

Ye Yuqing asked again.

"No, I'm a little sleepy and want to sleep for a while."

Chen Xiaoyu replied.

The battle just now had exhausted her, and now she just wanted to get a good night's sleep and recover her strength.

"Then you and Pandan stay at home, and we'll go take a shower."

After saying this, Ye Yuqing took Lin Qiuzhu and others to the beach.

Because Bai Xianglan had her period, she couldn't wash it yet, so she stayed with Chen Xiaoyu.

"Sister Xianglan, I'm too sleepy, I'm going to sleep, you can call me if you have anything."

Chen Xiaoyu said to Bai Xianglan.


Bai Xianglan nodded and replied.

Chen Xiaoyu didn't say anything more, and hurried back to the house to sleep.

When Ye Yuqing and others came to the beach, they happened to meet Qin Lie and walked back.

"Yo, Qin Lie, what are you doing here?"

Ye Yuqing grinned and asked knowingly.

"I originally wanted to go there to fish for some abalone, but now there are too few abalones, so I only fished these few."

Qin Lie replied with a natural expression.

"Catch the abalone for us at noon. You really worked hard. Keep these abalones and replenish your body at night. Don't get tired of yourself."

Ye Yuqing said with a deep smile.

Hearing this, Qin Lie immediately understood what Ye Yuqing must have guessed.

However, his face is still relatively thick, and there is no panic.

"Sister Yuqing, what are you doing?"

Qin Lie took the initiative to change the subject.

"Let's take a bath, what's the matter, do you want to go together?"

Ye Yuqing asked with a smile.

"Although I really want to go, let's forget it. It won't be worth it if I get drowned by your partnership again."

Qin Lie replied half-jokingly.

"Don't worry, we won't drown you, at most we will castrate you."

Lin Qiuzhu said suddenly.

Hearing this, Qin Lie turned around and glanced at Lin Qiuzhu.

Only then did he realize that Lin Qiuzhu's face became as cold as before, and there was a murderous aura in his eyes, as if his chastity had been taken away by him, which made Qin Lie feel depressed.

After all, he didn't offend Lin Qiuzhu at all in the past two days. He really couldn't understand why Lin Qiuzhu suddenly gave him such an expression. In the end, Qin Lie could only blame it on Lin Qiuzhu's coming to the aunt, and only in this way could he explain it. The reason why Lin Qiuzhu suddenly became so moody.

"Haha, Sister Qiuzhu, you are too cruel to Brother Qin. This will definitely make him more uncomfortable than killing him."

Su Xiaoxiao on the side laughed and joked.

"Hmph, you must be ruthless with such a stinky hooligan, abolish his tools for committing crimes, and see if he will dare to do bad things in the future."

Lin Qiuzhu snorted coldly.

If it was before the plane crash, who Qin Lie likes to sleep with, she doesn't care at all.

But as they got to know each other better, she found that she had begun to like Qin Lie. If Qin Lie confessed to her at this time, she would definitely agree.

But Qin Lie rolled the sheets with another woman in front of her. It felt like he was betrayed by his lover, so Lin Qiuzhu didn't give Qin Lie any good looks.

"I said Lin Qiuzhu, are you ill? Why are you targeting me like this?"

Qin Lie asked with some confusion.

"What's wrong with you, you're a scumbag, you guys don't have a good thing!"

Lin Qiuzhu scolded again unceremoniously, the smell of gunpowder was full.

"Brother Qin, tell me quickly, are you secretly taking advantage of Sister Qiuzhu, that's why Sister Qiuzhu is so angry?"

Su Xiaoxiaoman asked curiously, at this time her heart of gossip had begun to overflow.

"Frankness is lenient, and resistance is strict. If you don't explain your crimes quickly, don't blame us for torture."

At this time, Yang Yourong also looked like he was watching the fun and not afraid of big things.

"Frankly, how dare I take advantage of her just like her."

Qin Lie said aggrievedly.

Although there had been some small episodes between him and Lin Qiuzhu when they were fighting the Wild Boar King before, but the two of them had just tasted it and didn't have any substantive action.

Besides, it's been a few days since that happened. After that, he's been honest. Unless Lin Qiuzhu's brain cramps, it's absolutely impossible that this matter is so directed at him.

"Sister Qiuzhu, tell us if Brother Qin bullied you, and we'll help you out."

Seeing that he couldn't ask anything from Qin Lie, Su Xiaoxiao turned her gaze to Lin Qiuzhu again.

She thought that Lin Qiuzhu was joking before, but now it seems that Lin Qiuzhu is really angry.

As Lin Qiuzhu's good sister, she naturally wants to help Lin Qiuzhu vent her anger.

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