The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1411 I Just Like Watching You Pretend

And Zhao Tai, who was caught between the two sides, seemed very embarrassed.

Bai Mingjie was so angry that he clutched his chest, almost out of breath for several breaths.

"Good good, good good, really have you!"

"I won't let go until I die, and I only want Qin Lie when I die. You really watch too many TV shows, and you've brought those scenes from TV shows into your life!"

"Xianglan, Qin Lie, you two are only willing to be mad at us!"

"Bai Xianglan, you are a scumbag. I never imagined that you would be so unfilial and unfilial!"

Originally, Bai Xianglan's mood was much better, but she started crying again because of Bai Mingjie's scolding.

She now also knows what Bai Mingjie is considering, but she really can't let Qin Lie go.

For her not to be with Qin Lie, it would be more uncomfortable than killing her.

She couldn't do it, so she kept apologizing to Bai Mingjie: "I'm sorry, Dad, I'm really sorry."

It was almost at this time that, seeing the quarrel between the two sides, Zhao Tai over there also read out the contradiction between the two sides from the dialogue.

In fact, the contradiction is very simple, that is, although Qin Lie and Bai Xianglan like each other, the two parents, Bai Mingjie and Kong Xi, do not agree with them being together.

It stands to reason that this society has already come to the modern age, and it has also bid farewell to the feudal ideology of parents' orders and matchmakers' words.

In many emotional affairs of children, parents can intervene less and less.

But in fact, the bigger the family, the stricter the hierarchy, and the heavier the older generation speaks.

Therefore, the larger the family, the more serious the component of the parent's life.

In a big family, if the relationship between two people is not recognized by their parents, then this relationship will not have a good outcome.

So Qin Lie and Bai Mingjie had been fighting for so long, Zhao Tai not only didn't feel that the matter with Bai Xianglan was hopeless, but felt that his own chances were greater than Qin Lie's.

After all, Kong Xi belongs to the Kong family, and their family's parents' lives are extremely important.

As for Zhao Tai himself, he really likes white pandan.

Although he had rarely seen Bai Xianglan before, he had only met so much at a family gathering a long time ago.

At that time, both of them were only fifteen or sixteen years old.

But since then, Zhao Tai has been attracted by Bai Xianglan's face.

It was also from that time that Zhao Tai was determined to get Bai Xianglan.

Now that he has such a good opportunity, he has reached the stage of getting engaged, and it is impossible for him to hand over Bai Xianglan.

Seeing Qin Lie and Bai Mingjie arguing for so long, Zhao Tai finally stood up from the sofa with his knees up.

He walked in front of Qin Lie a few steps, looked at Qin Lie face to face, his eyes were indifferent, and he said in a low voice, "Qin Lie, right?"

Qin Lie has no feelings for this person, and has not had much contact with him. He glanced at him and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Bai Uncle and the others have already made it so clear, you are still messing around here, isn't it a bit too much?"

Qin Lie temporarily suppressed the anger in his heart and said to him, "I don't blame you for not knowing the specific situation, but you'd better not get involved in this matter, it's not good for you!"

"Haha!" Zhao Tai listened and said coldly, "Mr. Qin is so powerful and his words are so scary, Xianglan and I have already talked about getting married, you are going to take her away from me now, and then you You even told me not to mix things up, what's the point?"

"It doesn't make sense." Qin Lie said, "Xianglan and I got to know each other first, and we established our relationship first. Even if we wanted to rob, it was you who robbed me. You have to figure out the order!"

"What's the use of order?" Zhao Tai said, "Bai Uncle and Kong Aunt made it clear that they don't like you, and if you forcibly stay with Pandan, it will only cause harm to Pandan.

Besides, Bai Uncle's family is the first of a scholarly family, and at the same time it is backed by the Kong family, and Xianglan is a lady, do you think you are worthy of her? "

Qin Lie heard what Zhao Tai meant, looked at him indifferently and asked, "Listen to what Zhao Gongzi means, do you want to compare your wealth with me?"

"You're such a thing compared to family property!" Zhao Taizheng had this intention, and immediately replied, "My Zhao family is a giant in the southern Fujian region, and has an extremely high influence in the military, political and business circles.

Even if we don’t mention the Zhao family, the red and blue technology company founded by me, Zhao Tai, is now ranked among the top ten technology companies in the country, with a personal asset of 17 billion. Now it has three rounds of financing in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and its development prospects are very great. You What do you compare with me? "

Qin Lie laughed when he heard this. If Zhao Tai wasn't so arrogant, he still couldn't find a reason to rectify it.

But Zhao Tai, relying on Bai Mingjie's liking, has to jump out and pretend to be forceful, so he can't blame himself.

It's been a long time since I slapped the face of such a rich second generation. After Qin Lie heard it, he snorted coldly, "Young master Zhao is amazing, 17 billion, he is indeed the best among people."

"You don't need to say these words." Zhao Tai said, "I just need you to find out your position, and don't bother Pandan again in the future."

Qin Lie continued to snort coldly without getting angry, and said, "Master Zhao, do you know Tai'an Medicine?"

"Taian?" Zhao Tai muttered, "You mean the one that produced the Shenlong Pill?"

"That's just one of the company's products. Our company has many more products." Qin Lie said, "Take the Shenlong Dan you mentioned, we have mastered more than 95% of the market in Japan and South Korea. More than 70% of the European market, and 99% of the Middle East market, including the North American market, we have penetrated to 30%, and this number is still growing.”

"With this drug alone, our sales in the most recent quarter reached 12 billion, which is only one quarter, and our profit margin reached 70%, that is, 120%. In one billion, our company can get 8 billion in profit alone, and the annual profit is 30 billion."

"And you, you can go and see what the company's legal representative is called."

When Zhao Tai heard this, he couldn't help but sigh.

As a young man, of course he knew the prestige of Shenlongdan.

As soon as the drug Shenlongdan was asked, it swept the entire aphrodisiac world and suddenly became a favorite of Chinese men.

Doing business, no matter what industry, as long as it reaches the monopoly level, it will make a lot of money.

For now, Shenlongdan has almost achieved a monopoly in the global aphrodisiac world.

In that case, all the data Qin Lie said might be true.

The most terrifying thing is that when Zhao Tai actually took out his mobile phone and looked up the legal representative of Tai'an Medicine on the website according to Qin Lie's instructions, the first column, the first name, was really Qin Lie!

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