Since Qin Lie chose to come in, he was naturally well prepared.

In fact, his appearance gave Xuanyuan Tian an even greater impact on their minds.

What Xuanyuan Tianci is doing now is shameful, he specially arrested people, and sneakily brought them to this place for interrogation.

In the end, I was so careful, it was such a desolate wilderness outside, and there were ears on the walls.

Xuanyuan Tianci came to Taizhou this time to deal with the tail of the trouble, not to cause new trouble. This can even make one person escape and let him escape?

Xuanyuan Tianci gave an order, and the rest of the people ignored Ning Kun over there and rushed towards Qin Lie.

They all thought that the five of them were beating up a Qin Lie, no matter how many more people were available.

But when they really got to grips with Qin Lie, they suddenly realized something was wrong.

This man is so cruel!

Qin Lie took out his golden sword from his waist and plunged his head into the crowd.

Qin Lie didn't really want to kill them, but he could remove them all in a very short time.

Grab their shoulders with one hand, and they dislocate their shoulders.

A knife hit their hamstrings, and the hamstrings were broken.

All in all, following Qiu Bai to learn medicine allowed him to understand the complete structure of the human body, and following Situ Xuanxue's method of exerting his strength, he could solve the opponent's combat power at the fastest speed.

Moreover, it was obviously not Xuanyuan Guard who came here with Xuanyuan Heaven this time. The individual combat capabilities of these people were more than 108,000 miles worse than that of Xuanyuan Guard.

Qin Lie dealt with them like a group of children, and in less than half a minute, they were scattered and staggered.

Those people also discovered Qin Lie's weirdness, and said to Xuanyuan Tianci: "Young master, something is wrong, this person is really too powerful and weird, so how can we fight!"

"Yeah, Master, this person is really amazing, we are not opponents, you have to do it yourself!"

"Master, please help us!"

Everyone immediately begged Xuanyuan Tianci for mercy.

And Xuanyuan Tianci naturally also saw that the masked man who suddenly appeared was of extraordinary strength, and an uninvited guest who came out casually turned out to be a peerless expert.

The people he brought over today were all his confidants, people he could absolutely trust, but their strength was indeed a lot worse than Xuanyuan Wei.

It's okay to deal with ordinary people, but it's obviously not enough to deal with skilled experts.

Xuanyuan Tianci knew that if this person didn't do it himself, he might not be able to do it himself.

Looking at Qin Lie with sharp eyes, he said indifferently: "When you act in a mask, you have to pretend to be a ghost when you do something. I want to see, who are you holy!"

Saying that, Xuanyuan Tianci's strength was fully used, and he also took out a dagger from his waist and flew towards Qin Lie.

Qin Lie had already figured this out, and he knew that if he wanted to save Ning Kun today, he would definitely have a fight with Xuanyuan Tianci.

In the previous battle with Xuanyuan Tianci at the Ziyang Hotel, the two of them tried their best to fight a near-complete 55 to 50.

Even Xuanyuan Tianci had the upper hand.

After intensive study with Situ Xuan, Qin Lie felt that he had made great progress.

But how much progress has been made, he does not know.

Now that Xuanyuan Tianci is attacking, he is just using him to see how much he has improved.

Thinking so, Qin Lie also rushed towards Xuanyuan Tianci.

The battle between the two sides is about to break out, and the anger of the two is also at the peak.

Qin Lie must save Ning Kun, and Xuanyuan Tianci also needs Qin Lie's life.

Like the first battle at the Ziyang Hotel, the two fought fiercely as soon as they fought.

Fighting each other's tricks, every trick takes the opponent's life, and the mutual demolition and tricks are still very exciting.

There is a saying in the martial arts world: Fighting against people who are too powerful is not interesting, and fighting against people who are too weaker than you is also not interesting. Only those who are evenly matched are the most interesting to watch.

The fight between Qin Lie and Xuanyuan Tianci perfectly interprets this sentence.

The two of them have a golden knife and a dagger each, and they are crazy in the air.

In the air, there was only the clang clang of the two weapons colliding, as well as the sparks that kept flashing in the two sides' battles.

The fight between the two was even several times fiercer than the previous one.

After all, the previous fights were just bare-handed, but this time, they all held weapons, and it was even more deadly.

The people around looked frightened, but also marveled at the fighting power of the two.

Qin Lie was also quite surprised. He originally thought that after training with Situ Xuanjing the last time, his strength had risen significantly, and if he fought again, he could crush Xuanyuan Tianci.

But the fact is that he has improved a lot after special training, but Xuanyuan Tianci has also improved significantly, and the combat power of the two has improved significantly compared to the last time.

The crushing that Qin Lie imagined did not exist, and the two fell into a hard fight again.

Sure enough, the person who can be called the number one young man in China is not a mediocre person. While he is improving, he is also improving.

In this case, you have to be more careful.

As for Xuanyuan Tianci, he immediately fell into contemplation after the fight.

Although, the man in black in front of him exerted his strength, and all kinds of moves were the first to see.

But he has a sixth sense in his heart, and he can feel that this person seems to have fought before.

His movement technique, his various shooting habits, he must have seen it somewhere before.

But where have you seen it?


This is too strange, no, must have seen it!

Xuanyuan Tianci kept thinking about it in his mind, but because Qin Lie's way of exerting force had completely changed, it still gave Xuanyuan Tianci a lot of confusion and did not make him fully think about it.

The two finally fought a wave of knives, and both bounced away.

Xuanyuan Tianci jumped aside and asked Qin Lie sternly, "Who the hell are you? We've met before, and we must have met. You have the ability to take off your mask!"

Naturally, Qin Lie couldn't say a single word.

Looking at Xuanyuan Tianci, the corner of Qin Lie's mouth rose, and a sneer flashed, and then quickly, he ignored Xuanyuan Tianci and ran to Ning Kun's side.

When he arrived at Ning Kun's side, he grabbed Ning Kun from the ground with one hand and whispered in Ning Kun's ear, "How is it, can I still go?"

Ning Kun was very surprised and asked Qin Lie, "Who are you?"

But how could Qin Lie spend time on these meaningless explanations.

Still looking down on himself, he said, "Follow me if you can go, and I'll save you!"

Saying that, Qin Lie dragged him back, and rushed in the same direction as the one he came in from at the beginning!

Xuanyuan Tianci was shocked after reading it, but Qin Lie not only eavesdropped on their speeches, but even snatched Ning Kun away.

If this happens, the danger will be even greater!

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