But Rao is as savvy as Qin Lie, and he can't figure out what the key to this matter is.

The idea of ​​being undercover was even more out of his consideration.

And without being persecuted and delusional, how can I get so far-reaching.

Anyway, if you meet Wen Jing again, just keep an eye on what you do. Qin Lie goes home at about 10:30. After returning home, after ten minutes, Wen Jing posted a few more sets of photos taken in different clothes.

The unconcerned do not know.

Anyway, the figure is indeed the best of the best.

The photos she took can almost be regarded as works of art.

You can make money by sending it to a magazine as a cover!

Went back and chatted with Chen Xiaoyu for a while, and when Ye Yuqing came home from overtime, Qin Lie put all the lust that was provoked on Wen Jing on Ye Yuqing.

Ye Yuqing was so addicted to reaching the peak three times in a row that she made a plan not to go to work tomorrow.

As for Qin Lie, I didn't think much of it.

After two hours of fighting with Ye Yuqing, he fell asleep contentedly until the next day.

The next day, Qin Lie asked Chen Jinhu to go to Qinchun Garden and drive the car back.

He drove another car to Tai'an Medicine.

Because the day of going to the United States is approaching, Qin Lie has to prioritize the affairs of each company these days.

Only after the affairs of each company have been dealt with, can he have the heart to go to the United States.

Mainly I don't know how many days it will take to go back to the United States with Blaze and the others, to meet the real executives of Skull and Bones and to get in touch with their core industries.

The whole day was spent in Tai'an, and until the afternoon, Qin Lie really received a call from Blaze.

It was said that the plan to go to the United States was scheduled for the morning of the day after tomorrow, which was about the same time as Qin Lie's plan, so he readily agreed.

After the company's affairs were settled, Qin Lie was relaxed and had no other arrangements, and was ready to go home and continue cooking.

As a result, as soon as he drove out of the company, he received a call from Tang Lingxue.

Tang Lingxue told him on the phone to let him go to the Tang family's manor, saying that Tang Hongxiao and Tang Zhenbei had something to do with him.

Recently, the Tang family had promised to represent them in the family competition, and the Tang family would indeed find themselves with a high probability.

So Qin Lie didn't refuse, so he quickly changed his route, made a phone call and asked Chen Xiaoyu to find a way to solve the dinner, and rushed all the way to the Tang family's old house.

When he arrived at the old house, in the dining room of the Tang family, Qin Lie saw that a table of rice on the Eight Immortals table had already been set.

There are also old acquaintances sitting at the table.

Tang Feng, Tang Zhenbei, Tang Hongxiao, and Tang Lingxue were all there. The only person on the table that Qin Lie didn't know was an old man of the same age as Tang Feng, in his 60s and 70s.

And the moment he saw the old man, Qin Lie concluded that the old man was a master.

He is very old but he is in good spirits. The most important thing is his back, which is straighter than many young guys.

Sitting on a chair, with both hands on his knees, he is unsmiling and full of momentum.

What's even more terrifying is that the calluses in the center of his right hand are so thick that it becomes a wall, and it is almost impossible to clench a fist.

This is the result of long-term use of weapons.

Not the left hand.

Judging from the thick calluses of his one hand, he is good at using one-handed weapons, swords and daggers.

And he should not be good at punching. His calluses are mainly concentrated on the palms of his hands and do not appear on the backs of his hands, which is enough to prove that he is a master of weapons specialization.

This is probably the information Qin Lie can see at a glance.

Since he entered, the old man has also been looking at him, and the eyes of the two exchanged in the air no less than five times.

The old man's eyes are very sharp, as if one can pierce through a person.

But Qin Lie was not afraid, and all responded softly, and even nodded with a smile.

Finding that Qin Lie was not at all hostile, the old man finally smiled.

When they got to the table, Qin Lie greeted several people and finally sat down beside Tang Lingxue.

When everyone arrived, the meal began.

Among the few people sitting, except Qin Lie and Tang Lingxue, almost all the others were elders.

However, Qin Lie handled it very well. As soon as he got to the table, he took the wine glass and toasted each of the four.

Tang Feng, Tang Zhenbei and Tang Hongxiao in the front are all okay, after all, they all know each other.

After waiting until the old man, Qin Lie asked, "Sir, several uncles of the Tang family called me over today, and I came back without introducing you. I don't know what your name is?"

It was not the old man who spoke, but Tang Feng.

Tang Feng said: "Qin Lie, we didn't want you to come to this dinner today, it was mainly this old gentleman who asked us to invite you over and said he wanted to meet you. This old gentleman is the famous Qiu Liyuan, Qiu Lao gentlemen."

"Elder Qiu..." Qin Lie immediately raised his glass and said to the old man, "Junior Qin Lie, here's a toast to you."

Qiu Liyuan also gave face, picked up the wine glass, touched Qin Lie, and drank it.

Then he put down the glass and asked: "Listen to what you mean, you have heard of me, otherwise why are you so respectful."

"Haha..." Qin Lie laughed, "The junior has little knowledge, and I have never heard of the name of the senior, but he can still be invited to the Tang family by Grandpa Tang himself. Dare to be negligent."

Qiu Liyuan listened and said with a smile: "You kid, you have done a good job of etiquette, which suits my taste. There are not many young people today who can be as calm as you."

"Qin Lie!" Tang Feng also added next to him, "This is your fault, Mr. Qiu is known as the King of Swords, and his cloak and swordsmanship makes him superb. He has long been a top existence in the martial arts world, and his reputation is like a thunderbolt. .

You have been with Mr. Xuan for so long, has Mr. Xuan told you about this incident? "

Sure enough, this Qiu Liyuan really used a knife, which was completely expected by Qin Lie.

Nicknamed the King of Swords, to be able to get this title in the Chinese martial arts where there are so many masters, I think he really has a strong ability.

However, it is still unclear what the Tang family called him to come over today, so Qin Lie could only follow along.

"Grandpa Tang." Qin Lie said, "My master has retired from the world for many years, and he has been in Japan all these years. He doesn't know that domestic affairs are normal, and he rarely tells me about these things, and his old man doesn't say much. ."

This aroused some interest in Qiu Liyuan.

Qiu Liyuan immediately asked, "Oh? So you are Situ Xuan's apprentice?"

"Yes." Qin Lie nodded and admitted, "To be exact, I have two masters. My martial arts enlightenment is Mr. Qiu Baiqiu. Of course, Mr. Xuan has also helped me a lot. Without them, I would not be able to do it. I am who I am today."

"Haha, Qiu Bai, Situ Xuan!" Qiu Liyuan nodded and said, "You kid can find a master, from a mediocre background, but it is not easy to find the two of them as masters."

"But it's normal. Qiu Bai was exterminated more than ten years ago. It is estimated that all his thoughts are about extermination."

"That old man Situ Xuan has always been lofty, and he feels that he is invincible in the world. It is absolutely impossible to mention other people. It is normal for you not to know me."

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