Qiu Liyuan's attitude was so serious that Qin Lie didn't dare to talk nonsense.

"This..." He pondered his words and said, "Elder, although I have never learned the swordsmanship, this set is not as bad as you said."

"Haha..." Qiu Liyuan smiled, "It seems that you are not convinced when I say you."

Qiu Liyuan continued: "As a swordsmanship for viewing, your swordsmanship is acceptable. But as an actual swordsmanship, your swordsmanship is simply rubbish."

"And I can immediately prove my statement."

When Qiu Liyuan talked about the content of the sword technique, he immediately became very serious.

The words spoken are overwhelming.

Seeing that Qin Lie didn't listen to him, he even entered the field from the side, casually broke a branch in the flower bed in the yard, and stood opposite Qin Lie.

That branch can't even be called a branch, it's only less than the thickness of a straw. If you look at it from a distance, you might think it's a thread if you don't notice it.

Qiu Liyuan held this branch and faced Qin Lie, and said blankly: "Now, if you attack me with all your strength, just use your so-called strongest swordsmanship, if you can touch a corner of my clothes , even if you win."

Qin Lie narrowed his eyes after hearing this, completely disbelieving that Qiu Liyuan dared to say such a thing.

No matter how bad your swordsmanship is, you can't insult me ​​with a branch.

This golden knife cuts iron like mud, blows hair and breaks hair, and the strength of branches is not at the same level.

If this collided with a branch head-on, it wouldn't have cut that branch off in minutes.

Qiu Liyuan took a branch and hit himself, doesn't that mean there is no defense?

How could a branch of him hold himself up?

In any case, Qin Lie couldn't accept Qiu Liyuan's contemptuous remarks.

"Elder." Qin Lie said, "It's impossible. How can you stop me with a branch? What if I hurt you?"

"Hahaha!" Qiu Liyuan laughed after hearing this, "You are still very confident, and you asked me what to do if you hurt me, but I won't tell you, your knife skills are fundamental in actual combat. There is no lethality, you want to hurt me, it's a fantasy."

"You can rest assured and boldly attack, if I lose this test, I will not be called Qiu Liyuan in this life."

Seeing that Qiu Liyuan was so confident, Qin Lie didn't say much after all.

Qiu Liyuan is not a mediocre person, he must have his reasons for saying so.

It's just that Qin Lie doesn't like to be underestimated. Even if he really hasn't practiced systematic knife skills, he still doesn't believe that he can't even touch the corner of Qiu Liyuan's clothes with a branch.

His desire to win followed Qiu Liyuan's words and raged.

Qiu Liyuan looked down on him, he had to look down on him.

No more nonsense at the moment, holding the golden saber, rushed towards Qiu Liyuan like an arrow from the string.

In less than a second, he was in front of Qiu Liyuan, and he went straight to Qiu Liyuan's face door from top to bottom in the air.

As soon as the knife went down, with a whirring sound of breaking the air, it almost tore out the electric light, and slashed down quickly.

Anyway, Qiu Liyuan said that he spared no effort, and Qin Lie did his best.

Qiu Liyuan's cultivation level is not bad, at least self-protection is not a problem, Qin Lie's hand is a little harsh.

According to Qin Lie's idea, Qiu Liyuan only had a branch in his hand, and he had no resistance at all when facing his golden sword.

And if he didn't use the branches to stop him, all he would have left was his body.

However, it is even more impossible for the physical body to resist the golden knife.

In any case, Qin Lie couldn't think of how he could lose this game.

But, what he didn't know, Qiu Liyuan taught him.

It was completely different from what he thought. Qiu Liyuan never thought about defense at all. Facing the knife from Qin Lie, he stood still, and the branches in his hand had no tendency to block.

Instead, he swung his backhand, swung a large ring from the side, and finally hit Qin Lie's face heavily.


The branch hit Qin Lie in the face with tremendous strength. A small branch weighed thousands of pounds.

Although it didn't blow Qin Lie away, it still broke his balance, causing him to stumble and almost fell to the ground.

And Qin Lie lost his balance, and the knife in his hand naturally didn't cut Qiu Liyuan's body.

As Qiu Liyuan said at the beginning, Qin Lie didn't even touch the corner of his clothes.

"How about it?"

After doing all this, Qiu Liyuan said in a low voice, "I said that if you don't touch you, you won't be able to touch it. Do you still think your swordsmanship is useful?"

Qin Lie did not speak, gritted his teeth, unwilling to fail.

Even if he lost the first face-to-face, he didn't give up.

After turning around to find a balance, Qin Lie roared, and turned to kill Qiu Liyuan.

What happened next was a father teaching his son.

Qin Lie didn't have the ability to fight back at all. He was pumped as soon as he arrived in front of Qiu Liyuan, and he was pumped as soon as he arrived in front of Qiu Liyuan.

Those angles, those strengths, were completely beyond Qin Lie's range.

In the later situation, Qin Lie was almost unable to carry out a complete attack, and was always suppressed by Qiu Liyuan's branches.

In just one minute, at least twenty red marks were drawn from Qin Lie's body and face.

But he really didn't even touch a foot of Qiu Liyuan's clothes.

Although the branch is a branch, it really hurts when it is drawn.

After three minutes, Qin Lie finally couldn't hold it anymore and raised a white flag to surrender: "No, no, old man, it's no good, you better let me go, it hurts too much, you suck, I really can't touch you, You win."

"I'm admitting defeat?" Qiu Liyuan said, "You thought you could fight for a while longer."

"I can't fight." Qin Lie said with a sad face, "Persistence with hope is perseverance, and my perseverance without hope is meaningless."

"Haha..." Qiu Liyuan stopped teasing him, and said in a low voice, "Think about it, what I'm holding in my hand is just a twig left from the flower bed, if I have a dagger in my hand, a Dao, you have already died dozens of times, do you still think your sword skills are useful?"

"This..." Qin Lie really didn't dare to say it this time.

But he couldn't figure it out: "Why do I feel that this set of swordsmanship is very lethal when I practice the sword by myself, and if I fight against people who are not high in kung fu, they can hardly stand my routine, but why is it in your hands? It was so vulnerable.”

"Really?" Qiu Liyuan said, "If you fight with someone who is not very skilled, even if you just slash with a knife, he may not be able to stand it."

"You are comparing, you are comparing with masters, not mediocrity."

"Your set of swordsmanship seems ferocious, but in fact it has no rules, almost all attacks and no defense."

"When you take action, I can find no less than ten flaws in you. Not to mention I use branches. I am bare-handed, and you can't touch a single hair on me."

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