The rabbit, who has always been obedient, will bite when pressed.

Obviously, Kapoor, such a forbearer, can take the initiative to make such a request now, and he has gone through a very fierce conflict in his heart.

It also proves that he has really been forced to do nothing in recent days.

And all of this is even in Qin Lie's calculations.

Hearing what Kapoo said, Qin Lie was very happy, but he still didn't show it clearly.

He asked Capo in a low voice: "Mr. Capo, you finally figured it out? I remember when I mentioned this to you before, you said you were not interested in it."

Kapoor continued to sigh: "I originally thought that as long as I behaved calmly enough and didn't pose any threat, I would be able to secure a position in the family and gain recognition from some of the clan."

"But I never thought that because of my unclean background, they never regarded me as their own."

"I think I've done enough for the family, but Abraham still uses such intrigues against me, and I can't bear it anymore."

"You have a famous person in China who said a lot. If you don't break out in silence, you die in silence."

"I've been silent for too long, it's time to do something to shock the whole family."

When he said these words, Qin Lie heard Kapuao's determination.

The energy that a lion that has been cornered can burst out is absolutely unimaginable for ordinary people.

And obviously, Capo is the lion.

"Very good!" Qin Lie said, "I've been waiting for your words. A capable person should not be restricted by his descendants. Your ability to do things is good. I believe that you are more suitable for this patriarch than your uncle. ."

It turned out that such a statement would be outrageous to Kapoor.

But today, he also opened up to Qin Lie.

"So Mr. Qin, do you have the plan and ability to help me do this?"

Qin Lie was very confident and said with a smile: "Ability, with my current influence, I already have the capital to compete with your family. As for the plan, you gave me this request, and I will do it right away. You can rest assured that there is me. Now, I'll make sure you pull down your uncle."

Qin Lie is now qualified to say this.

With his current influence, he has almost reached the level of Xu Ying before.

Although Xu Ying's level is not comparable to the eight great families, he is only a superpower under the aristocratic family.

Many of those consortiums in the United States are actually European branch forces that migrated to the United States in the 18th century.

Like the Sicilian family that thrives in the United States, the real origin is in Italy, and the United States is just a small branch.

Although their consortium has strong financial resources, it is actually not deep.

They are also close to the aristocratic family, but they are not as powerful as the aristocratic family.

Therefore, with Qin Lie's current ability, he is fully capable of wrestling with the Rockefeller family.

As for the plan, the methods are all people's ideas, and as long as they are there, there is no need to worry about finding a way.

"Okay!" Capao said, "Mr. Qin, I will feel more at ease with your guarantee. The matter is urgent. I hope you can come and help me earlier."

"Yeah." Qin Lie also said, "I'll go to the United States soon because of the Skull and Bones affair. When I've dealt with the private affairs of the Skull and Bones, I'll come to you immediately to find you, and the two of us will meet together. Your uncle for a while."

"thanks, thanks……"

Kapoor didn't know what to say. Listening to Qin Lie's overbearing promise, all he could say was thank you.


Originally, the matter was settled, but Qin Lie thought of something at this time: "Mr. Capo, I can indeed help you with your uncle competing for the patriarch, but don't forget the agreement between us."

The implication is that Kapuao should make some due guarantees.

Capo wasn't stupid, and he immediately understood what he meant when he heard it.

He immediately said: "Mr. Qin, don't worry, as long as you can help our father and son get through this crisis, if I can sit on the position of the Rockefeller family patriarch, the family and you will be an unbreakable ally in the future.

I can share with you all the family's industries in the United States, and we can cooperate in a deep dimension.

I know that Mr. Qin, your ambitions are not only in the country, but also in the world in the future. When you start to deploy in the United States, our Rockefeller family is your springboard and your absolute supporter! "

Capo's words were sonorous, showing Qin Lie his firm loyalty.

Qin Lie was very satisfied, this is what he wanted.

However, in modern society, verbal assurance is not a reliable thing after all.

Write it down in black and white to prove everything.

When going to the United States this time, Qin Lie plans to go to the Skull and Bones first, and then to see Capo. When that time comes, he will write down the agreement on all-round cooperation with the Rockefeller family, and then call him when he helps Capo to get the patriarch. He signed.

When there is a contract, Kapoor will not be afraid to go back on it.

"Okay!" Qin Lie was very satisfied after hearing Kapoo's assurance, and responded to Kapoo, "With these words from Mr. Kapoo, the stone in my heart will be put down."

"You and your father hold on for two more days, and we can meet in the United States soon."

"Thank you, thank you very much." Kapoor thanked him again.

The two agreed on this matter, and finally hung up the phone.

A phone call came, and Qin Lie's trip to the United States came with one more thing.

However, Qin Lie's plan to deal with the Rockefeller family this time is the way of thunder. It should not stay in the United States for a few days, maybe about a week.

Putting down the phone, Qin Lie called Li Tianlin again.

Let him increase the original plan to bring the 100-strong Longyan team to 200.

The original plan was to go to the United States to see the headquarters of Skull and Bones, and the 100 people just responded, just in case.

With the Kapoor incident, it may really be a big commotion on American soil, and it's always right to bring more people.

Arrange all of this, and today's things are finally over.

Qin Lie cooked dinner at home and ate it with Chen Xiaoyu and Ye Yuqing. At the same time, he explained to them about the trip to the United States, and told them to be careful about everything during this time.

There is still a crisis in the Xiao family and Kong family in China, and these arrangements have to be made.

Seeing Chen Xiaoyu and Ye Yuqing both nodding, Qin Lie finally felt relieved.

One night passed, and the next day came the day when Qin Lie was going to the United States.

Early in the morning, Blaze called and asked Qin Lie to hurry to the airport, as if he was more excited than Qin Lie.

Qin Lie answered him, and quickly walked out the door with his suitcase in hand.

At eight in the morning, Chen Jinhu and Jiang Lei Xingfeng had already arrived at the door of his villa, waiting for him in a Land Rover.

In addition to their car, there is actually a car behind.

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