The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1453 How Can A Woman Play Mahjong

Qin Lie really didn't want to talk nonsense with Han Qi anymore.

Anyway, what this person says is what he says, as long as he decides, even if the king and Laozi come over, he can't change it.

Just like the last time I asked him to go to the Skull and Bones Society to be an undercover agent, that was also what he decided, and then used the Kyushu Bureau to suppress people.

What can you do, whether you go or not.

Han Qi's heart is good, just do things, it's a bit too impersonal.

Qin Lie also thought that he was about to take off soon, so he was too lazy to reason with him, so he took Sun Yang to the airport.

Together with Qin Lie, Chen Jinhu and Jiang Lei, a total of five people arrived at Longcheng Airport.

By the way, Li Tianlin had already taken the members of the Longyan Squad first and took a private jet to Carson City.

Qin Lie's team will take Caesar's private jet - the information that the Dragon Flame team will also go to the United States, the Skull and Bones will not know.

Several people arrived at Longcheng Airport and met Breez and Caesar outside the airport.

Blaze still looked enthusiastic. He not only greeted Qin Lie, but also greeted the people around Qin Lie.

Chen Jinhu, Xing Feng and others said hello one by one, just like they were also good friends of Blaze.

However, as expected, after seeing Sun Yang, Blaze still raised a little bit of vigilance.

"This friend looks at Miansheng, and he doesn't seem to have seen him around Brother Qin before. Qin Lie, my friend, did you promote another brother to be your personal bodyguard?"

Qin Lie took the opportunity to answer: "Yes, Xiao Sun is the elite of my Longyan team. His long-range marksmanship is very accurate, and his detection ability is also good, so I promoted him."

"Oh?" Blaze squinted at Sun Yang, then said, "Accurate long-range marksmanship, sniper?"

As a result, before Qin Lie answered, Sun Yang took it himself: "Yes."

Blaze had something in mind, and then asked: "Sniper, a sniper who can be admired by Brother Qin, must have a very high level of business. It just so happened that I have also learned about this aspect before, and I would like to ask for advice. Come on, about snipers, what do you think is the most important ability?"

"Physical fitness, marksmanship or camouflage?"

Obviously, Blaze's question is to test whether Sun Yang's identity as a sniper is real.

He seemed innocent, but he was actually very alert.

Qin Lie's side was originally made up, what long-range shooting is very powerful, he just thought about the ability that he should have as a special agent of the Kyushu Bureau.

He only met Sun Yang for the first time today. He didn't know much about Sun Yang, so he just looked at Sun Yang's performance.

It turned out that the agents of the Kyushu Bureau, especially the elites appointed by Han Qi, did have two brushes.

After listening to Blaze's question, he replied without thinking: "I think those are secondary."

He paused and tapped his own temple with a finger.

Whispered: "I personally think that the most important ability of a sniper is here, the brain!"

"The sniper's job is not just a purely mechanical job. When a sniper completes the task, it doesn't mean that when the superior's order comes down, I pull the trigger and it's done."

"We're one of the most flexible positions of all the special operations arms."

"The choice of its sniper point, the consideration of concealment, the flexibility of the angle of view, and the choice of the retreat route are all crucial in the execution of the mission."

"Those you mentioned are just some basic abilities, but to be a good sniper, you must have a flexible mind, which is the most important."


Blaze was taken aback by a series of words from Sun Yang.

Obviously, Blaze asked this question just casually.

Sun Yang said these things, he himself did not know a lot.

After listening to this, Blaze looked embarrassed and turned to look at Qin Lie: "Qin Lie, your little brother doesn't seem to have a good sense of humor, so I just asked casually, and he answered too many."

Qin Lie smiled: "My private team has strict military discipline, and there is always something to say. Don't take it too seriously, old cloth..."

"So..." Qin Lie continued, "Do you think what he said is right or wrong?"

Blaze immediately said: "How do I know if it's right? I just have a superficial understanding. I am a spokesperson for Skull and Bones, so how can I have such professional knowledge."

"Okay, okay." But Sun Yang's answer still dispelled some of Blaze's concerns.

He waved his hand and told Sun Yang: "Since it's Qin Lie's brother, that's my Breez's brother. There are still more than ten hours in the flight, everyone can rest on the plane."

After saying this, a small test for Sun Yang was finally over.

Then Blaze took the lead, crossed the airport, boarded Caesar's private plane, and met Caesar.

In addition to Caesar Blaze, there are many foreign beauties on the plane. It is said that Caesar spent a lot of money to buy him to serve him on the plane.

From serving tea and pouring water to drinking and going to bed, they are Caesar's maids, and they have to do what Caesar wants them to do.

As for other important people, they were not on the plane.

Originally, Caesar also wanted to give Qin Lie two women to let him play.

But Qin Lie is really not interested in such n-hand goods.

He was very affectionate, but he didn't mess around, so he refused on the spot.

Later, it was really boring on the plane, so Qin Lie called Chen Jinhu together and played Mahjong, the quintessence of China.

This private jet worth hundreds of millions of dollars was full of blond beauties, and then Chen Jinhu and Qin Lie actually played mahjong.

The whole private jet was filled with the sound of the four of them playing mahjong.

The picture is very clear.

What's even more funny is that Caesar, who originally wanted to enjoy the extravagant life, saw Qin Lie and the others play mahjong, and pushed the women aside, and followed Qin Lie to learn mahjong.

Maybe this is the first time these women have been so neglected since they followed Caesar.

They also didn't understand, what magic power does mahjong, a small boxy cube, have, so that the big men in the whole plane lost interest in them.

Is that little cube more fun than they are than women?

Not many things happened on the plane. Qin Lie and Chen Jinhu played mahjong for a few hours, then went to bed and fell asleep. When they woke up, they landed at Carson City International Airport in the United States after about an hour. airplane.

Carson City is the capital of the state of Nevada in the United States. It is not rich in all states in the United States.

Its political status is high, but in terms of economy and reputation, it is not comparable to Las Vegas in the same state.

So when many people abroad mention Nevada, the first thing that comes to mind is Las Vegas, not Carson City.

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