After reading Yang Hui's diary, Qiu Bai immediately had a big guess in his mind.

The direction of the diary has been very clear. When the twelve members of the family were finally exterminated, only the Xiao family had abnormal movements.

All of this stemmed from Qi Yunshan, the intermediary figure, who made nonsense and brought disaster to himself and the Qiu family.

Of course, Qi Yunshan was guilty, and the biggest villain was still the Xiao family.

In order to prevent the original incident from being leaked, these people directly came to kill people.

Then, in order to cover up the murder, he created the fake file and silenced all the people mentioned in the file. Then this incident became a death case that would sink forever!

In order to seize the power of the Xuanyuan family, the Xiao family has done an incredible job.

Dozens of lives were taken in front and back!

That Henry Zhang, known as the smiling tiger, looked stupid, but he did not expect to act so vicious and vicious!

No wonder it has the nickname of the smiling tiger.

But they didn't expect that when doing all these things, Yang Hui wrote down everything and put it in a special diary, and this diary was dug up by herself decades later.

In this way, in the beginning, he really wronged the Xuanyuan family.

The only person with problems in the Xuanyuan family is Xuanyuan Tianci.

And this Xuanyuan Tianci was still a member of the Xiao family.

All kinds of things, there is only one evil family - the Xiao family.

Although based on this diary alone, it is impossible to conclude that the person who silenced his family is the Xiao family, but there is almost a 70% chance of this possibility.


Qiu Bai clenched his hands into fists and smashed the wall with a punch.

Qiu Bai smashed the broken wall into a big hole all of a sudden.

Qiu Bai's eyes were gloomy, but his thoughts were made countless times clearer because of this diary: "Xiao family, the conspiracy of the past few decades has been deep enough, kill my whole family, ruin my future, you wait for me, these things If there is a plan and a fight, all the grievances and grievances will be recovered from you!"

After saying this, Qiu Bai put the diary in his arms and carefully protected it.

He didn't stay at his original home, he took a taxi on the side of the road and drove all the way back to the center of Longcheng.

The current Qiu Bai finally has some eyes on the family extermination case 16 years ago.

However, with the lessons learned, Qiu Bai did not act rashly, but called Qin Lie when he was in the car.

This kid Qin Lie is now Qiu Bai's only spiritual sustenance.

Including gradually, he also found that Qin Lie's development is getting better and better, and his mind is getting more and more careful.

The impact of this matter is too great, and he is not good at making judgments himself. He wants to tell Qin Lie about this matter, and ask Qin Lie to help analyze it and give some suggestions on what to do.

To put it bluntly, Qiu Bai cultivated Qin Lie at the beginning, and Qin Lie has grown up and has become his support.

A phone call crossed half the world and reached Qin Lie's mobile phone.

It was only morning on Qiu Bai's side, but it was getting dark on Qin Lie's side.

At the moment, Qin Lie was still sitting in Capuo's car and was going to play with that David.

Seeing that it was Qiu Bai's call, Qin Lie answered it without thinking.

"Hey, Master, what's the matter with you calling me?"

Qiu Bai asked him: "Qin Lie, you have been in the United States for a long time. When are you going to come back? I have something to discuss with you."

Qin Lie explained: "Master, the situation here in the US is also more complicated. It is estimated that it will take about a week. What's the matter? Master, if you have anything, just tell me on the phone."

Qiu Bai kept things in his heart, and finally told Qin Lie about the diary.

This matter fell into Qin Lie's ears like a blockbuster.

Sitting in the back seat, he almost sat up in shock, his eyes widened, and he couldn't help shouting in the car: "What!"

"Xuanyuan Tianci is not Xuanyuan Hao's biological son, but was arranged by the Xiao family?"

"Not bad!" Qiu Bai replied to Qin Lie, "This matter can be confirmed 100%. It is written in black and white in your wife's diary, and she did all the things that changed."

"Oh, my God." Qin Lie lay back and shook his head after hearing this, "I just said that the two surnamed Xuanyuan are so different in temper, so they are not family."

"Master, this real life is even more exciting than the TV series. This civet cat has been replaced by the crown prince, and it has been replaced by Xuanyuan Hao."

"Xuanyuan Hao is also miserable. He has raised a son for the Xiao family for more than 20 years. In the future, his son will take the position of the patriarch, and their Xuanyuan family will be gone."

"Yeah." Qiu Bai said, "I didn't expect that Henry Zhang that people commented on was far inferior to Xuanyuan Hao, but he was able to make such a big move, which is considered powerful."

"Yeah." Qin Lie said, "To be great is great. After all, who can be the head of a super clan, which one is a coward, but whether they are great or not has nothing to do with us, we only care about who did it 16 years ago. That's it."

"Who else could it be?" Qiu Bai said, "Now that the diary is so clear-cut, it must be the Xiao family who did it."

"Well." Qin Lie agreed, "but it's clear, but we don't have any direct evidence."

"Isn't this evidence?" Qiu Bai asked back, "I was about to write the words Xiao's family on my forehead. Anyway, this time I have to check on the Xiao's family. It's a big deal, just like I did with the Xuanyuan family. The archives of the Xiao family."

"do not!"

Hearing this, Qin Lie quickly dissuaded Qiu Bai: "Master, you have to be calm, the Xiao family is not much weaker than the Xuanyuan family, when you broke into the Xuanyuan family archives, the Xuanyuan family chased you and cut down ten streets, almost If it wasn't for Xuanyuan Hao being reasonable, I would have spoken to you at your grave now."

"You are always capable, but it is impossible to deal with the super family alone, and Elder Xuan is not here. You are weak by yourself. You should wait and investigate with you when I go back."

Qin Lie said this for Qiu Bai's safety.

But Qiu Bai's temper is of course impossible to listen to him: "Forget it, wait for you, it's been a week since your kid came back, I can't wait, I won't tell you, I'm going to Xiao's house now."

Qin Lie knew his master's temper.

Qiu Bai's lifelong goal now is to solve the family extermination case 16 years ago. Now that he has made such great progress, he must not be able to sit still.

Qin Lie wasn't in the country either, so he couldn't stop him at all.

But it was definitely dangerous for him to investigate this alone.

You have to find a compromise.

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