Capo sat at the gambling table and played poker calmly.

Including Qin Lie, also sat on the table and played.

The rules of blackjack are simple after all. Qin Lie knew the rules even if he played little before.

But not the opponents of those professional gamblers, Qin Lie played about two hands, and he lost tens of thousands of dollars and stopped betting.

On the contrary, Kapuao played two games and won hundreds of thousands.

I don't know who sent the tip to David. At about this time, David finally came.

Coming from the corridor with few people, Qin Lie noticed that there were two female companions beside him, and two bodyguards behind him, one of them hugged the woman's waist, one was holding a cigar in his mouth, and he walked from the side all the way. come over.

David has a lot of face in the casino. Men, women and children, regardless of whether he is dressed decently or not, and whether his status is high or not, will bow seventy-five degrees to say hello when he sees David.

As for David, he ignored the greetings of these people, with a big back, and his face was full of oil, just like the gambling god played by Chow Yun-fat.

When he got closer, he laughed and greeted Kapuao: "Hahaha, Kapuao, my dear brother, don't you like coming to my casino the most, what kind of wind blows you to me today? coming."

Kapoor stared at David, then looked at Qin Lie again, with a smile on his mouth, the meaning was obvious, as if he was saying to Qin Lie: Look, isn't this coming?

Qin Lie stared, but didn't speak for a while, just smiled and watched Capuo and David perform quietly.

Kapoor knew what Qin Lie meant by coming here today, and wanted to find a breakthrough in David's body.

Just like how Qin Lie dealt with Abraham before, he deliberately angered David.

Facing David, Kapoor didn't give him a good look, and said with a sullen face: "David, my feet are on me, where do I go has nothing to do with you? It's you, I just arrived at the casino and you came over, you I really care about my little brother!"

"Hahahaha..." David continued to laugh after hearing this, "Capo, look at what you said, you are my brother, of course I have to take special care of you, otherwise you go back and tell my dad that I don't treat you Well, I'm not good at dealing with each other!"

"Come, come," said David, "I finally came to the casino, your brother, I'll play with you for a while."

With that said, David sat down at the gaming table and told the dealer to deal cards, really wanting to play with Capo.

But Capo didn't care about him at all.

David got on the table, but Capuo got off the table and said: "If you want to play, you can play by yourself. I'm not interested in accompanying you. I have a distinguished guest to entertain, so I don't have time or waste."


David listened and glanced at Qin Lie next to Capo.

He moved his brows, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Whispered: "Kapuao, when the big brother came to entertain you so warmly, you have to play with a Chinese person, what's the matter, your brother and I have lost face with you?"

Kapoor was not at all cowardly, and said casually: "Face? What face? You have lost face with me for a long time, should I make it more clear?"


David's face gradually darkened, his smile subsided, replaced by a domineering indifference.

He played with the chips in his hand, the plastic chips flipped over in his hand, making a clanging sound, and then he said indifferently: "Capo, I haven't cleaned you up for a while, do you think you have It's alright, can't you put yourself in the right position again?"

Kapoor did not counsel him, and confronted him tit for tat: "David, I also want to know where I should be?"

David whispered: "You are a concubine, you are a sideline, and the family is willing to give you and your useless father a meal to pity you.

Without a family, you two are just two wild dogs. You don't understand where the wild dogs should be?

I advise you to be your dog with your tail tucked in, and I'm mad at me. Neither you nor your father have good fruit to eat. "


If it was in the past, Capo might have to obey David for his father's safety.

But today is different. Now he has Qin Lie backing him. Qin Lie made it clear that he would help him get the position of the patriarch.

Kapoor is also much more courageous.

After listening to what David said, he replied coldly: "David, do you really think that I am the same as before? I advise you to plug your fart mouth, otherwise, you will have no good results today. eat."

"Tsk tsk tsk!" David listened, stunned, completely ignoring Kapoor's threat, and then said, "Kapao, your performance today really surprised me!"

"Did you eat the guts of a tiger or a leopard, how dare you talk to me like that!"

"Kapuo, I'm almost as good as you when it comes to jokes. If you're sensible, just stay on the table for me now. If you're not obedient, I can't guarantee that you won't be short of arms or legs when you leave the casino. !"


The purpose of the day was to provoke David.

How did Kapuo make David unhappy?

David's expression was serious now, but Capau didn't seem to hear it.

He snorted coldly, not paying attention to David at all.

David wouldn't let him go, but he wanted to go.

Leaving alone, without even looking at David.

It may be that he was accustomed to Kapoor's submissiveness before, and David didn't like Kapoor's performance today.

Seeing that his own words were useless, David finally couldn't hold back.

With a loud roar, he called out Kapuao's name loudly: "Capuo!"

Then, he gave the order to the two bodyguards beside him: "Take it for me!"


The bodyguard responded and moved very quickly.

The two were in good hands, and rushed out from behind David on the left and the right, and rushed to Capo's side in less than a second.

Obviously learned to grapple, cooperation is also considered a tacit understanding, one to the left and one right to grab Kapuao's arms and press down hard.

Capuo was escorted to the table like a prisoner.

This picture shocked the people around.

Because of this incident, the people around were almost panicked all day long.

They murmured, feeling sorry for Capo, but afraid of David's majesty to come forward at all.

Because of David's shot, even if Kapoor was pressed on the table, he could not contain his anger.

In his words, he scolded all eighteen generations of David's ancestors, drooling wildly, making the gaming table a mess.

And David seems to be enjoying the process.

The more Kapoor cursed, the happier he was, and at the end he even took out his cigar and started smoking it again.

The four characters of domineering are vividly interpreted.

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