At the end, Qin Lie forced Liu Changying to a corner of the ring and pressed him to a pillar in the ring.

Liu Changying had nowhere to retreat, and Qin Lie launched the most violent attack in this place.

Bajiquan was full of power, his hands and feet were activated at the same time, his fists were as dense as raindrops, and he even gave him a few blows from time to time, making it impossible to guard against.

How fast is Qin Lie's punches? ?

The audience in the audience could no longer see the real fist when they saw his hand. In their eyes, Qin Lie's hand was like a shadowless hand, densely packed with phantoms.

What they saw Qin Lie was not two hands moving, but a thousand-handed Avalokitesvara.

This almost broke everyone's understanding of the battle. They widened their eyes and set off a huge wave in their hearts, even if they saw Thanos in their life.

Everyone in the audience was quiet, they were silent, their mouths widened to digest their inner shock.

Looking at Liu Changying again, he was able to keep up with Qin Lie's speed at first. With the evolution of this speed, Liu Changying was gradually defeated, and now he can only raise his hand and barely resist.

What kind of routines, what kind of hard work, all became nonsense at the moment.

When the attack is so forced that there is no chance to breathe, no matter how powerful the usual routine is, it will not be used.

But did Qin Lie use any powerful tricks? not at all!

He's just strong enough, fast enough, and the offense hits people with no room to fight back.

that's enough.

As the so-called one-power-down-ten-guild, that's probably what it means.

Liu Changying was cornered and held Qin Lie's violent fist for five minutes. After all, he couldn't resist!

"All right!"

He shouted loudly and begged Qin Lie to stop: "It's okay, little brother, it's okay to stop, I lose!"

Rao is so, because Qin Lie is so dedicated, it took more than ten seconds to collect.

After finally stopping the attacking hand, Qin Lie finally stepped back with a grim expression on his face.

Breathing heavily, Qin Lie slowly adjusted his inner breath to calm his mood.

At the same time, he asked Liu Changying with concern: "How about Master Liu, are you okay?"

Liu Changying was also gasping for breath, but he was really uncomfortable. Even if there was no Qin Lie's attack, his arms couldn't help shaking.

The pain in that arm was beyond his control.

He had never been so embarrassed before. After Qin Lie withdrew his strength, he was even weak on his feet and knelt on the ring with a thud.

It's not that I'm afraid, it's that I really have no strength.

Even he didn't know how he resisted in the last five minutes.

Now that Qin Lie withdraws his strength, he really can't stand it anymore.

Looking at Qin Lie from a distance, Liu Changying gasped and said, "Mr. Qin, you are, you really don't know how to respect the old and love the young, if you change this set of punches to someone else, I'm afraid you will be caught You were killed on stage."

Qin Lie smiled: "It's precisely because I saw your ability, Master Liu, that I was able to act so unscrupulously. If it was someone else, I would definitely pull back."

Liu Changying shook his head weakly: "So, I should thank you for looking down on me?"

Qin Lie smiled and didn't say any more, but stretched out his hand in front of Liu Changying.

Liu Changying didn't hold any revenge for it either, but also reached out to hold Qin Lie's hand, and Qin Lie pulled him up from the ground.

After standing up, Liu Changying grabbed Qin Lie's hand, raised it high, and told the students under him: "Apprentices, this time Qin Lie won, he is about the same age as you, you have to follow him a lot. study!"


At this moment, the students, including those under the stage, also reacted from shock.

Suddenly there was thunderous applause, and everyone clapped excitedly.

Qin Lie conquered everyone in the lobby with his own performance, and the reputation changed 180 degrees at that time.

"Great, brother!"

"This is too arrogant!"

"How did you practice?"

"You are Bruce Lee!"

Conversations like this are endless, especially Qin Anlin, who led Qin Lie to look for Liu Changying, who opened his mouth and stood there like a piece of wood.

He began to hear Qin Lie say that the entire martial arts hall was no match for him. He also thought that Qin Lie was bragging.

He brought Qin Lie to find Liu Changying, just to let Liu Changying humiliate him and let him know that there are people outside people, and there are days outside the world.

After all, Qin Anlin was going to watch Qin Lie's jokes.

Damn, it's alright now, I can't see the joke, and Qin Lie slapped him in the face.

In the end, the clown was himself.

Qin Anlin's heart is really a little uncomfortable.

But then again, this Qin Lie is no more than thirty years old, how can a young man in his twenties fight like this?

This made Qin Anlin doubt his life.

Everyone's surname is Qin, why is there such a big gap between people.

As for Qin Lie, he and Liu Changying didn't know each other. After Liu Changying came over, not only did he not blame Qin Lie, but his attitude towards Qin Lie became better.

He dragged Qin Lie and asked questions, all of which were about Qin Lie's moves and Qin Lie's routines during the previous fight.

As if asking for advice.

As for Qin Lie, seeing that Liu Changying was so excited, he knew everything and answered everything.

It's almost like a master educates his apprentice.

Liu Changying seemed to have benefited a lot, and finally grabbed Qin Lie and insisted on inviting him to drink and eat, as if he had a crush on Qin Lie.

But Qin Lie came here today, it was really just to find someone to learn from.

The United States will stay here for a short time, and I may not be able to go to Los Angeles in the future, so Qin Lie rejected Liu Changying's invitation.

After things were done, Qin Lie was about to leave.

And seeing this, Liu Changying still didn't want to give up, so she went to the side and made a phone call, not knowing who she called.

After the phone call, Liu Changying went back to Qin Lie, grabbed Qin Lie's sleeve and said, "Brother Qin, it doesn't matter if you don't eat or drink with me, but there is a question I want to know, you must promise to tell me. ."

Qin Lie left in a hurry, as if Liu Changying was deliberately delaying time.

Quickly ask him: "If you have any questions, just ask."

Only then did Liu Changying say, "Brother Qin, you are so skilled, there must be an expert behind you. I still want to know where your teacher is and who is your master."

"This one."

Qin Lie murmured and thought about it for a while, but he really felt that there was nothing to say.

Mainly because he wanted to leave and didn't want to waste time here, he said Situ Xuan's name.

After hearing this, Liu Changying suddenly realized.

"It turned out to be old Situ Xuanxuan, no wonder you are so powerful."

"Elder Xuan is a martial arts master in the whole world."

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