The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1536 The Support Of The Han Family

"There are two more?" Han Qi said, "Do you know where these two bases are?"

"I don't know." Qin Lie said, "I only have so little time to go there this time. I won't have the opportunity to tidy up all the bases. This one is not bad."

"Yeah." Han Qi didn't mean to blame him, after all, he was doing things for him, "I see if I can launch a general attack together with the organizations in the United States."

Qin Lie nodded and continued: "Then there is a second map below you. This map was also drawn by me later. It is an underground base with a total of 23 floors. I have investigated each floor. Now, the functions of those layers are still roughly structured.

Then the negative tenth floor is their biological research base, and it is also the place where they have the most personnel. When the time comes, you can attack here.

It should be noted that the negative second floor and the negative third floor, where their main armed forces are located.

The combat effectiveness of their special forces is not much different from that of Longyan Squad, you need to pay attention. "

Qin Lie told Han Qi in great detail what he saw and heard at the headquarters of Skull and Bones.

As an undercover agent, he has done his best.

As for the demise of the Skull and Bones Society, that was a matter of Han Qi and the Kyushu Bureau, and had nothing to do with him.

"Okay, I understand." Han Qi said, "I will go back and study the specific battle plan with the bureau."

Look at what he means, he should really find a way to launch a general attack on the Skeleton Society.

Han Qi paused and continued to ask: "By the way, Qin Lie, you said that you have met Andre and Woodrow. What do you have to say about these two people?"

Qin Lie also knew that Han Qi's initial motivation for targeting Skull and Bones was to target Woodrow.

Woodrow killed his lineage back then, but it was a mortal hatred.

Without this incident, Han Qi probably would not have had any revenge against the Skull and Bones.

If Han Qi hadn't asked about this, Qin Lie would have forgotten about it.

Being mentioned this, Qin Lie immediately said: "By the way, the Korean Bureau, do you know why you haven't been able to find any trace of Woodrow for so many years?"

When it came to Woodrow, Han Qi became interested, frowned and asked, "How do you say it?"

Qin Lie then explained: "Because Woodrow has an identity in addition to being the leader of Skull and Bones. The international rich, Kafka, the chairman of Wilson Modern Technology, is him."

"Really?" Hearing this, even Han Qi couldn't sit still, "Are you sure?"

"Ninety percent sure." Woodrow said, "I saw in front of him how he put on the human skin mask and how he took it off. It should be right, Kafka is the his incarnation.

Then both he and Andre's purpose is to establish a world-class government, in an attempt to reshape the world order! "

"Haha!" Han Qi sneered after hearing this, "Just relying on them, with such a behavioral style, they dare to say anything about the world government..."

But the news that Woodrow is Kafka is very important to Han Qi.

He said that he had been following Woodrow's trail for so many years but to no avail. It turned out that this person had dual identities of yin and yang.

Woodrow has been lurking in the dark and naturally hard to find.

But Wilson Technology's chairman, Kafka, is often on TV.

He even participated in many events with great fanfare.

If that's the case, it's much easier to act.

You don't even have to kill the Skeletons to find a way to assassinate Woodrow.

This is very important news.

"I only stayed at the headquarters of the Skull and Bones for two days this time, and all the information was probably just introduced to you."

"Then they are mainly attacking the genetic modification project. Woodrow used himself as the experimental body to carry out a modification, and the modification is still in progress. His body is no worse than mine now. If he continues to modify it, said Maybe you can really become a super soldier, if you want to deal with him, you have to pay attention to this..."

Qin Lie thought for a while, and seemed to have nothing else to say.

After finishing speaking, Qin Lie spread his hands and said, "Okay, I'll tell you everything I know, and you can take care of the rest."

Han Qi sat across from the coffee table, nodded, and carefully put away the two maps given by Qin Lie.

These are valuable materials for his dealings with Skull and Bones.

After doing this, he suddenly stood up and stood straight across from him, and suddenly bowed at Qin Lie with a standard seventy-five degree bow.

This Qin Lie was quite confused.

I laughed myself: "Han Bureau, you suddenly do this to me, I'm still not used to it, what's wrong with you?"

"Thank you!" Han Qi said sincerely.

"Ouch..." Qin Lie said, "It's good that you had such an attitude earlier. Now I'm used to your attitude. You gave me this set again. It's not too bad."

Han Qize continued: "Qin Lie, to be honest, this matter has nothing to do with you at first, but you can help me so hard, in this matter, I really owe you, thank you for this. rise."

"It's not that serious." Qin Lie said, "I also wanted to use the power of the Skull and Bones Society to contain the Xiao family, and I wanted to contact the Skull and Bones Society.

"But now you don't need to use the Skull and Bones to contain it, you still help me with it." Han Qi said.

Qin Lie laughed: "After all, I have promised people's affairs. I have to keep my promise."

After the Skull and Bones Society, Qin Lie got to know the Shentu family, the Cape family, and trained more dead men. He no longer needed the Skull and Bones Society and the Xiao family to contain them.

Later, he helped Han Qi to do things, just for a promise.

But now that he saw Han Qi bowing and thanking him, Qin Lie was somewhat relieved, at least this service was not in vain.

"Okay." Qin Lie waved his hand, "Don't talk about these things, we are not Wen Qing, it's pointless to engage in these emotional attacks."

"If you really want to help me, then help me deal with the Xiao family together."

Han Qi also understood what Qin Lie meant, and quickly said: "Don't worry, I know that you are going to participate in the great family competition in a month and a half, and it may be time for you and the Xiao family to settle the accounts.

I can't guarantee the Kyushu Bureau, it is Mr. Hua's organization after all, but on the Han family's side, I will definitely support you..."

After hearing this, Qin Lie nodded in satisfaction.

This is what he wants too.

This trip to Skull and Bones has finally paid off.

In this case, the Han family, the Tang family, the Murong family, and the Shentu family are all on their side.

This time, he has enough confidence.

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