Qin Lie, Hou Junjie and Aunt Niu had a good talk.

Aunt Niu turned around and asked Ma Jianguo to cook more for two people, and then immediately went out to pick some vegetables and set up a large table for Qin Lie and the others.

When they were at the table, Qin Lie and Ma Jianguo also talked about some everyday things, mostly indoors and outdoors, mostly memories.

Qin Lie accompanied Ma Jianguo for two drinks and chatted for half an hour before Aunt Niu asked about the business: "By the way, Xiaolie, you have other things to do when you come back this time, what is it? what?"

It wasn't anything to see.

Qin Lie quickly replied: "Aunt Niu, you know, I was raised by my grandfather, and then I was picked up by my grandfather. Although I don't know why my biological parents abandoned me, but I have They've been trying to find their roots."

"I have some news recently, so I came back to my hometown to see if there are any clues about the information when grandpa found me, in case it is useful..."

"Hey..." Aunt Niu sighed after hearing this, "You are also a hard-working child, and you haven't found your biological parents for so many years."

"But I'm thinking, there is no one in the world who doesn't love their own child. Your parents must have hidden their secrets when they left you."

"Hopefully." Qin Lie said.

At this time, Qin Lie suddenly remembered something and asked Ma Jianguo and Aunt Niu: "By the way, Uncle Jianguo, Aunt Niu, I ask you a question, do you know what happened when my grandfather picked me up? , have you seen any strange people, or strange things?"

After all, it's been too long since the original incident, and my grandfather passed away. Now, to get these news, we can only inquire through this way.

Aunt Niu also knew that Qin Lie was eager to know his background.

After listening to the question, I also tried my best to recall clues.

But after thinking about it for a long time, there is no progress.

"I don't think so." Aunt Niu said, "When your grandfather picked you up, he said he picked it up at his door. We didn't see it, and we don't know the specifics!"

"I remember that it was very cold at the time, either in late autumn or in winter, when your grandfather asked us to borrow a bottle, and we found out that he picked up a child."

"But what happened when he picked you up, I really don't know the details."


Qin Lie sighed after hearing this, somewhat disappointed.

After all, what happened more than 20 years ago is really too troublesome to investigate.

As expected, Qin Lie nodded and said, "Well, I'll go home and check it myself."

"Then you..." Qin Lie suddenly remembered a little and asked, "Then when you picked me up with my grandfather for a day or two, did you see any strange people, not the kind of people in our village."

What Qin Lie thought was that if his parents wanted to throw him in Haitang Village, at least someone should be sent over to do it.

Haitang Village is not big, and basically everyone knows each other. Suddenly a stranger, Aunt Niu, arrives and they will definitely know.

Even so, Aunt Niu still replied, "No, I really can't remember these things."

Ma Jianguo was drinking wine and frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

Suddenly, he told Qin Lie: "Xiao Lie, if you want to ask any strange person, the two days you were picked up didn't exist, but before you were three years old, I seem to remember a man who would often Come and hang out near your house."

"What's the matter?" Aunt Niu didn't know about it, and complained about Ma Jianguo again, "You're drinking here again and talking nonsense."

"I do not have!"

Ma Jianguo immediately retorted: "You forgot, once we went out to buy goods, we happened to meet a man standing near Xiaolie's house looking around, sneaking like a thief."

"We went over and asked him what he was doing, and he told us what he wanted to buy in the village. Yes, he said he wanted to buy scallops, and asked us which scallops are good."

"We said we couldn't produce scallops in our village, and he sneaked away."

Ma Jianguo's memories of this wave are even clearer.

Aunt Niu'er was rather vague: "Is there, why don't I remember it?"

Ma Jianguo said: "Absolutely, or I encountered it when I went out to buy goods alone. Yes, it should have been encountered by me alone. At that time, our commissary opened. You are not familiar with the process. I am alone. Walk."

"Really?" Qin Lie finally got a little interested, "Uncle Jianguo, is there really such a person?"

"It's absolutely true!" Ma Jianguo assured, "and I have met that person more than once. In those two years, he came here almost every month, and I touched him seven or eight times. Anyway, every time The place where you see him is not far from your home..."

"At first, I saw him like a city man, maybe he was in business, I thought he came to the village to collect something, and since he didn't come back after two years, I didn't think about it. thing."

"If you want to ask what strange people were there in the past, I've thought about it, and it seems that this is the only one."

"Then do you still remember his appearance? Are there any features?" Qin Lie asked.

But after all, it's been so long since it happened, Ma Jianguo couldn't remember it completely.

He shook his head and said, "Xiaolie, you are embarrassing your uncle. I'm the Great Sage Monkey King. I don't have such a good memory, how can I remember what I look like?"

"If you insist on characteristics, I remember that he seems to be taller, even a head taller than me."

These are the most information Ma Jianguo can provide.

Qin Lie just said, even if his parents really want to lose him, someone will definitely come over to do it.

For two years in a row, the same man has been wandering around my house every month, definitely wanting to stare at my house.

His family had no money since he was a child, and he could not have come for money.

Maybe it's really to see for yourself.

Thinking like this, a thought suddenly flashed in Qin Lie's mind, and he asked Ma Jianguo, "Uncle Jianguo, did the person you see wear a mask."

"Wear a mask?" Ma Jianguo answered this very quickly, "No, wearing a mask is too strange, this one is definitely not."

The reason Qin Lie asked this is that he knew from Guan Hai that since his son was born, Xuanyuan Hao had put on a mask because half of his face was disfigured.

If there is no mask, that man should not be Xuanyuan Hao.

After asking this, Qin Lie laughed at himself.

I feel like my thinking is too naive.

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