Wang Bin was skeptical, and finally picked up Qin Lie's phone.

The screen freezes on the account balance of one of the banks.

Wang Bin almost counted up by one digit - the main one was that the number was too long.

One, ten, one hundred, thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million, one hundred million, one billion.

Qin Lie's account has a balance of up to 2 billion!

Yes, less than nine billion, but still an extremely frightening number.

To know a person's asset valuation, not only the personal account balance, but also the valuation of personal real estate and property rights shares must be counted.

Bank account balances are only a small percentage of personal assets.

The private account balance in one of Qin Lie's bank cards is as high as 2 billion.

What about other bank accounts? What about the company's public account? Plus the real estate under the name? What about the company?

This would be an astronomical amount he could not have imagined.

Wang Bin is not someone who has never seen the world. Even if he is the chairman of China Entertainment Entertainment, his personal assets are as high as 30 billion, and the balance in the bank card is only 5 to 1 billion at most.

Qin Lie has so much money in a bank card, so his personal assets will be increased tenfold on the basis of his own chairman.

Even if this number is not so absolute, after all, everyone saves money differently.

But one thing is certain, that is Qin Lie, this seemingly ordinary young man, the wealth in his hands is beyond his lifetime.

This time, "money deterrence" made Wang Bin numb. When he saw this bank account, there was no movement for at least a minute.

Yi Kang, who was next to him, was also surprised. Seeing his reaction, he quickly asked, "What's the matter, Pharaoh, how many are there to scare you like this?"

Yi Kang looked at Qin Lie's phone as he spoke.

After seeing the numbers on it clearly, he almost fell off his chair, and his level of resistance to blows was not as good as Wang Bin's.

Seeing how the two of them reacted, Qin Lie also knew that there was no need to talk to them.

Qin Lie reached out and retrieved his mobile phone, smiling while holding it: "Mr. Wang, Mr. Yi, how are you, now you know my economic strength.

I don't ask you much. My price is 9 billion. I know you don't have so much power. Go back and ask your chairman, if you can invest more in this project than I have, I can give it to you. . "

This may be the legendary money suppression!

After this wave of operations, there was Wang Bin in front and Yi Kang in the back, and cold sweat broke out on their heads.

They themselves know that nine billion yuan is already close to half of their company's working capital.

With so many projects in their hands and venture capital, not much is left.

If the nine billion yuan is invested in only one project, their company is estimated to be dragged down.

For a price of more than 90 billion, 99.9% cannot be obtained.

Qin Lie brought this matter to the fore. Compared with the financial strength, they lost completely.

If they want to come to today's small tender, they are afraid that they have no chance.

Wang Bin smiled awkwardly, wiped his forehead with a piece of toilet paper, and said: "Mr. Bauer, regarding the investment, the amount is too large, I may not be able to control it, I have to go back and ask the board of directors for instructions.

But you don't have to worry, we, Huayu Entertainment, still try our best to vote for your movie. If you want, we can give you an answer within three days at most. "

Ball isn't stupid either.

There is a ready-made big money owner standing here, arrogantly promising to give as much money as he needs.

What Qin Lie means is that 9 billion is only an early budget, and additional budgets can be added later.

Wang Bin had to go back to ask for instructions. Whether it was successful or not is another matter. The key is that it took a long time and the success rate was low.

Why is he waiting there?

So Ball quickly made a decision.

Westerners act decisively, they can achieve success, they can't do it if they don't, and they don't make a lot of beeps.

He immediately said, "Mr. Wang, in that case, we can only look forward to the next cooperation. This time, I will choose Shinhwa Entertainment to cooperate first. We will meet again if we have a chance."

Wang Bin was embarrassed to hear this.

The smirking smile was embarrassing, and he felt a lot of discomfort in his heart.

At first, I was thinking of crushing Qin Lie, but in the end I said so much, and in the end, Qin Lie crushed him back, and his face was really slapped.

With a stiff smile, he said, "Yes, Director Ball, we all respect your choice. If this cooperation fails, we have another chance."

But the devil knows when the next opportunity will be.

In this way, the matter of investing today has been settled.

The meal time later was an embarrassment—of course, Qin Lie was fine, but Wang Bin and Yi Kang were on pins and needles.

Seeing that the time was almost up, the two quickly slipped away, just like rabbits.

As for Qin Lie, he also acted resolutely. He fulfilled his promise immediately and asked Bauer to go to Shinhwa Entertainment's headquarters early tomorrow to finalize the contract.

Regarding Ball's filming in China, it has finally been settled.

However, as in Su Xiao's novels, Ball's film work period is basically one or two years, with two or three years longer.

Although the project has been finalized, the specific shooting time is still at least two months away.

Su Xiaoxiao is not in a hurry to go to the crew, and has time to accompany Chen Xiaoyu to give birth.

After dinner tonight, Qin Lie sent Su Xiaoxiao back to the villa as soon as possible, and then went to Tang's house to find Qiu Liyuan to complete today's training.

Then, because the training of ten tennis transmitters was too difficult yesterday, Qiu Liyuan lowered the difficulty today.

When I arrived today, there were no tennis transmitters at the scene.

Instead, there are several ping pong tables.

Today's training is very simple, that is, when two table tennis players are playing, Qin Lie needs to see Chinese characters written on the table tennis ball.

Capture static content while in motion.

Although there are difficulties, in comparison, it is much easier than yesterday.

In the early stage, when there was only one ping pong ball flying around, Qin Lie could see the words on it in almost three seconds.

It's just that with the increase in the number of table tennis balls, the difficulty gradually increases.

That night, Qin Lie's highest record was to read the words on four ping-pong balls at the same time, which has cost him two hours.

And this training also brought a lot of benefits to Qin Lie.

He was beginning to get used to the cluttered atmosphere, and was able to figure out every line in the cluttered sphere's flight path.

It means that those messy flight lines became clear under his sight.

This also means that his observation skills have improved a lot.

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