What is cannibalism?

The man didn't understand it before, but he didn't understand until he saw Qin Lie's eyes.

When Qin Lie's eyes locked on him, the weather was approaching summer, but he felt icy cold.

It was like a piece of ice slipped all the way from the back of the neck into the clothes in the cold winter and twelfth lunar month.

The man trembled all over, his whole heart was empty.

Qin Lie pushed him step by step, and he could only step back. He didn't know what Qin Lie was going to do, but he was just scared.

"You, what do you want to do??"

"I warn you, in broad daylight, it is illegal for you to hit someone!"

"I didn't do anything, you can't hit me because of this, I, can I show you my phone now?"

But Qin Lie was so angry right now that he couldn't hear a word of these words.

Qin Lie is an emotional person. If you ask him to sort him, he can even put his family's life ahead of himself.

It's okay to insult him, but not to insult his family!

You can hit him, but not his family!

This man pushed Chen Xiaoyu, and Chen Xiaoyu was still pregnant with a child, which was the most unbearable thing for him.

The man made this hand, which means that he is finished today.

Qin Lie approached step by step.

The voices were all squeezed out of the teeth: "Now that you know that you handed over your mobile phone, why did you come here in the first place?"

"It's against the law to beat people. When you push my people, why don't you say this?"

"Since you have done it, you will pay for your actions!"

After saying this, Qin Lie didn't hesitate any longer, he made a fist with his right hand, and slapped the man in the face with a rounded fist.


At this moment, the man flew out straight like a board.

How strong is Qin Lie's strength, the one-handed barbell is 170 kilograms.

It can be said that if Qin Lie doesn't keep his hand, he can directly kill this person with one punch.

He has already kept his hand. This man is not guilty of death, but he needs to pay a little price.

After punching him, Qin Lie walked up quickly, stepped on his chest and looked at him condescendingly, still with murderous eyes in his eyes.

Just at that moment, the man was stunned. He also saw Qin Lie's skills clearly, and knew that he was by no means Qin Lie's opponent.

This time, I made a decisive decision and immediately began to beg for mercy: "Brother, I was wrong, brother. Let's talk about it. It's my fault for pushing my sister-in-law. You can also read this mobile phone. Calm down first, please calm down!"

Qin Lie didn't speak any more, and didn't make any statement.

It's just that his foot moved all the way along the man's chest to the man's shoulder, then moved to the man's arm, and finally stepped on it fiercely.


The sound can be heard from outside.

Immediately afterwards, the man's scream came from the bottom of his throat, and then ran through the entire hall.

He screamed and wanted to hold his arm, but the more he held it, the more painful it was, and in the end he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

And that wasn't the end of it. After abolishing his right hand with one kick, he immediately shifted the target to his left hand.

Just like dealing with his right hand, he stepped on it with one foot and directly broke his left hand.

This time, his screams became more hoarse.

Originally, the impact of the incident in their corner was not that big, but with these two screams, everyone around them turned their attention.

These people don't know what's going on, they only see what they see.

A wave of accusations and abuse came over.

"Why is this person like this, how can he beat people here?"

"It's a civilized society now, how can people be so violent."

"God, this person is too ruthless, and everyone was beaten to the point of being unable to stand up."

"Should we call the police?"

As there were more and more people, Qin Lie was no longer able to do anything in front of so many people.

Fortunately, stepping on his two arms was a price for him.

Chen Xiaoyu and Su Xiaoxiao were both waiting in the parking lot, and Qin Lie didn't plan to stay here any longer.

Thinking of Chen Xiaoyu's body, Qin Lie was about to leave.

Before leaving, he glanced at Wen Jing and said in a low voice, "Wen Jing, I'm going to take someone to the hospital. For your game, I might not be there."

"I, I know..." Wen Jing didn't know what to say, she probably didn't expect things to turn out like this, "Well, then you go first."


Qin Lie didn't say a word. After a simple answer, he passed the blockade of all the onlookers and walked all the way outside.

After arriving at the parking lot, they helped Chen Xiaoyu into the car, and the three of them drove all the way to the hospital.

Although Chen Xiaoyu repeatedly said that she had no problem, Qin Lie was still worried.

After all, there are more than children in Chen Xiaoyu's body.

All the way to the hospital, he had a b-ultrasound and various examinations in the hospital, and it was confirmed that Chen Xiaoyu and the child in his stomach were safe, and Qin Lie was relieved.

Fortunately, it's fine, otherwise, he might kill the man - even Wen Jing will be counted by him.

After a brief rest at the hospital, Qin Lie finally took Chen Xiaoyu and Su Xiaoxiao back home.


This happened about an hour later.

On a street behind the Expo Center, Wen Jing drove his car all the way through the street.

In the back seat of his car, there was a man who had just broken both arms when Qin Lie stepped on it.

Naturally, they also knew each other.

Including today's candid incident and disputes, it was also planned by the two of them.

At this time, it may be more appropriate to call Wen Jing the red thorn.

Red Thorn was very dissatisfied with the man, and even though he was driving him to the hospital, he kept scolding him along the way.

"Bai Ying, are you a rice bucket? It's not good for you to do something. You have to touch a pregnant woman. Didn't you make it clear that you would make Qin Lie angry?"

Bai Ying was not satisfied, and asked Red Thorn: "Hey, you said that I should try to provoke Qin Lie as much as possible. Isn't everything I do according to your request?"

"Can't you just look at the situation?" said Red Thorn, "I asked you to provoke him to get him to help me out, and now you beat his men, he beat you, and he took his men again Leaving the venue, all my original plans were in vain!"

Red Thorn's original plan revolved around this matter.

Qin Lie has a good heart and will definitely help when she sees that she is wronged.

As long as Qin Lie helped her, she could use this as an excuse to stay with Qin Lie for dinner at night.

I poured Qin Lie two more bottles of wine while eating, and he was dizzy. I gave him a little more aphrodisiac, and things would be easier at night.

As long as she tricked Qin Lie into bed, she became Qin Lie's person.

Later, I went to inquire about Qin Lie's details, tracked down Ning Kun, and everything went smoothly.

Just because of such a foolish operation as Bai Ying, all the plans were ruined.

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