Putting down the phone, Qin Lie rushed to the arsenal without stopping.

Before leaving, they handed Chen Xiaoyu to Ye Yuqing, and asked them to send Chen Xiaoyu home after the live broadcast.

After reminding him several times, Qin Lie was relieved and hurried all the way to the east.

It took forty minutes to get out of Longcheng, and then another forty minutes on the national highway.

Turning the car into a dirt road in a rather remote place, Qin Lie drove for another ten minutes before finally reaching the construction site of the branch factory.

Stop the car, get off the car and run all the way to the construction site.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the construction site, Qin Lie saw He Linfeng, who was waiting for him at the gate of the construction site.

From a distance, Qin Lie could see that something was wrong. He Linfeng's face was obviously injured, and the right half of his face was swollen.

Including the corner of his mouth on the right, it was also split open, and he was wiping the blood with toilet paper.

Seeing this, Qin Lie's anger immediately rushed up.

This Su family is too arrogant. They beat people at their own construction site, and they don't take themselves seriously at all!

Qin Lie walked over, his face dropped instantly, and he asked He Linfeng, "Brother He, are these the hands of the Su family?"

"Yeah." He Linfeng nodded, "It's all light. The brothers in charge of electricity were seriously injured. One of the brothers has already been sent to the hospital."

"They said they were from the Su family?" Qin Lie asked.

He Linfeng said: "It must be, the person who came here is called Su Hexiang. He is very arrogant and looks like a big man in the Su family. He ordered these things to be done."

"Su Hexiang!"

Qin Lie had never heard of this name, but if he broke ground on his head, this person would definitely not be spared.

"Go, lead the way!"

Qin Lie gave an order and let He Linfeng lead the way.

The two walked across the construction site and came to the door of the substation.

The electricity used on the construction site is not for civilian use. The electricity that comes out of the grid needs to be stepped down to a certain voltage through this substation before it can be used on the construction site.

It means that all the electricity used in the construction site comes from this substation. Once the Su family occupies this substation, they do not plan to make the construction site work well.

When Qin Lie arrived, the substation was surrounded by three floors and three floors, all of which were workers on the construction site.

These workers stood in the outer circle and pointed to the inside of the substation, but they did not dare to rush over.

Qin Lie slowly squeezed in from the outer circle, and saw that there were not a few workers beaten by the Su family along the way.

Looking at it all the way, I roughly estimated that there were at least a dozen people injured like He Linfeng.

One was seriously injured and had to be supported by others to stand firm.

Qin Lie walked all the way, and the others finally saw him.

When I saw him, it was like seeing hope.

Many of the surrounding workers muttered to themselves and said excitedly, "Mr. Qin is here, and Mr. Qin is finally here."

"Great, President Qin is here, and these people don't dare to be arrogant!"

"President Qin, these people beat us, you must seek justice for the brothers!"

Although Qin Lie rarely comes here in the Arsenal, many people here are from Tianlin Technology, especially He Linfeng's team, who have been with Qin Lie for a long time.

In the past, as long as Qin Lie came out, he was basically able to win.

Now Qin Lie is finally here again, and in their eyes, he has a backer.

Qin Lie came to the scene and pressed down with both hands, soothing everyone's emotions a little.

Then he turned to look at the door of the substation.

At the door, about ten big men formed a half circle, and behind it was the door of the substation.

In the circle they formed, a man about the age of Qin Lie was sitting in it. He was sitting on an ordinary stool with Erlang's legs.

Among the eight great aristocrats, only the Su family Qin Lie doesn't know much about it.

The last time I learned about it was because they cut off their cooperation with Super Steel, so they went to South Korea to find cooperation with the st group.

Of course, that's all in the past.

Now his super steel doesn't use theirs, the construction team doesn't use theirs, and all the building materials don't use theirs. He really doesn't understand what the Su family means.

Qin Lie walked to the front, looked at the young man and said, "Su Hexiang?"

Su Hexiang raised his head, looked at Qin Lie, and asked back, "Qin Lie?"

The two had never seen each other, so they could only try it out.

But if you don't see denial in the eyes of the other party, that means it's confirmed.

Qin Lie directly talked about the business: "What do you mean, come to my construction site to beat people, who gave you the power?"

Su Hexiang sat down on the stool, very arrogant, and sneered with a crooked mouth: "Your people like to be cheap, who do you beat if you don't beat them?"

Qin Lie heard the meaning of the words and was very strange: "Where did we provoke you?"

Only then did Su Hexiang say: "If you win the competition with the Su family for the branch factory, you are lucky. The Su family took the super steel from your construction site, and you went to South Korea to find usable super steel. You are also considered capable. You found super steel from South Korea and used it yourself, but is it too much to use these steels to grab the market of our other industries?"

"Huh?" Qin Lie didn't quite understand what Su Hexiang meant.

"When did you grab the market of your other industries?"

Su Hexiang said: "I found super steel in the company of our cooperative enterprise that is not made by our Su family. It turned out that the super steel industry was only monopolized by our Su family, but now there are things in the market that are not made by the Su family. This Does the steel come from you or where?"

After this sentence came out, Qin Lie finally got a general idea.

It means that there are other super steels not made by the Su family on the market, so he came to trouble himself.

Qin Lie was surprised, and at the same time doubted the authenticity of this incident.

Looking back at He Linfeng: "Is there such a thing?"

He Linfeng shook his head and said he didn't know.

Qin Lie didn't know if this was true, so he asked Su Hexiang directly: "How do you prove that what you said is true?"

"I'm so sick to make up a story to trouble you, right?" Su Hexiang said loudly, "How can I prove it? The steel is so heavy, can I still bring it here to show you?"

"Ok!" Qin Lie has shown a more cooperative attitude to his current position.

He said loudly: "If it really is the super steel flowing out of me, I will be responsible for investigating and give you an explanation, but before that, I also trouble you to move your people away and reconnect the electricity to the construction site. Tong, our construction site has to catch up."

"Give me an explanation, then give it to me now!" Su Hexiang obviously did not intend to give in.

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