Su Hexiang's strength is actually very strong.

After fighting with Su Hexiang for a few rounds, Qin Lie discovered the characteristics of his boxing style.

This person's strength is not fierce, but the speed of his punches is very fast, especially fast!

Among these young people of the same generation, Qin Lie fought against the most famous players, Xuanyuan Tianci, Xiao Xingyao, Shentu Aoshi, and the punching speed of these people was not as fast as him.

How fast is Su Hexiang's punching speed?

That is, his fists are almost nothing, and his hand speed is so fast that it exceeds the maximum frequency that the human eye can receive, and it is almost invisible when he punches.

There is a saying in ancient martial arts: "The world's martial arts, only fast can not be broken.

Fast is actually the most difficult skill to practice in all routines.

Su Hexiang's ability to achieve this level has actually proved that he has worked hard.

If he had not received attention training in Qiu Liyuan's hands, Qin Lie would not necessarily be Su Hexiang's opponent today.

It's a pity, Qin Lie has been trained by Qiu Liyuan for several days of reflexes and concentration.

It was also at this moment that Qin Lie seemed to want to understand the role of the training Qiu Liyuan gave him.

It's weird that these all come naturally.

Originally, it was difficult to avoid these fists that were reaching their limit, but in Qin Lie's eyes, he clearly saw the trajectory of these fists, and he was able to dodge them like a conditioned reflex.

Those movements that were not clear before were now slow-moving in Qin Lie's eyes.

After all, no matter how fast Su Hexiang's punches are, it can't be faster than ten tennis balls that are hitting one after another at the same time!

Qin Lie finally saw Su Hexiang's fist clearly.

Su Hexiang's fist rushed towards his face, but he tilted his head from side to side and twisted his body to dodge.

In the eyes of everyone, Su Hexiang's fist was as fast as a shadowless hand, but Qin Lie moved around and dealt with it very freely, and he was completely at ease.

Everyone was surprised, how could they think that their boss actually had such a powerful skill.

And Su Hexiang was even more surprised. He was full of confidence when he shot at first, but when he shot, he hit at least a hundred punches, and he missed a single punch.

Speed ​​has always been his nirvana, and even if this set of kung fu is placed in front of Xuanyuan Tianci, it will not be defeated.

As a result, Qin Lie only got so little results.

"Impossible!" Su Hexiang didn't want to accept the result, and doubted his life while fighting, "How is it possible, why can't I hit?"

"Is he faster than me?"

Qin Lie listened with a smile on his lips, and whispered: "Your speed is really fast, I can't beat you in speed, but in terms of reaction, you are not my opponent!"

After saying this, Qin Lie also intends to end the battle.

Seeing the punch from Su Hexiang, Qin Lie quickly dispatched his right hand and blocked Su Hexiang's fist in mid-air.

He grabbed Su Hexiang's fist with one hand, and then moved forward an inch to lock his wrist.

Su Hexiang was shocked when he saw it, and his heart was not good.

When he tried to break free, he had no chance.

He is fast, but his strength is his weakness.

After Qin Lie grabbed his wrist, he couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

The body wanted to retreat, but was locked by Qin Lie.

Immediately after, Qin Lie grabbed his wrist, turned sharply, pressed his back against Su Hexiang's body, followed by a violent force with his arms, pushed his back, and threw Su Hexiang from the back to the front.

Qin Lie's over-the-shoulder fall was so powerful that Su Hexiang's body almost fell to the ground as if he had fallen from a height of 100 meters.


With a crisp sound, Su Hexiang suddenly lay on the ground.

But this wasn't the end, Qin Lie waited for him to land and raised his leg, stomping on his stomach.


At the same time, Su Hexiang's body was stepped into a bow shape, and Qin Lie stepped out of the meal overnight.

The blood was mixed with vomit, and all of a sudden it drenched his face.

With one fall and one kick, the two heavy blows completely removed Su Hexiang's fighting power.

Even if Su Hexiang wasn't convinced, he didn't have the strength to get up again.

Breathing heavily, Su Hexiang could only lie on the ground, looking at Qin Lie hatefully.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

The surrounding employees burst into warm applause and cheers.

Damn, they were beaten to the ground by Su Hexiang's people, and now Qin Lie finally helped them out.

"President Qin is amazing!" "President Qin is mighty!" And so on, the words came one after another among the crowd.

As for the thugs who followed Su Hexiang, they panicked and didn't know what to do.

"Master!" "Master!"

They were shouting at the side, but because they were afraid of Qin Lie's skills, they didn't dare to come over.

I can only shout from a distance, and test it on the side.

As for Qin Lie, he didn't really want to let Su Hexiang get rid of it this time. After all, it's really possible that he made a mistake in his own work and caused the outflow of super steel.

This throw and kick was just a lesson for Su Hexiang's attitude, and it could be considered a revenge for the workers.

Those two tricks didn't hurt Su Hexiang's vital points, so it would be fine to lie on the bed for more than a week.

Seeing that the situation was almost over, Qin Lie stepped aside and said to the thugs, "Okay, come and carry your young master away..."

The thugs were dubious and dug for a long time.

Finally, after making sure that Qin Lie didn't want to do anything anymore, they really ran over to help Su Hexiang up from the ground.

One person supported and one person carried the back, and everyone finally staggered and took Su Hexiang away from the place.

Those thugs didn't dare to turn their heads, and regarded Qin Lie like a devil.

Only Su Hexiang, even if he was carried, turned his head and looked at Qin Lie with murderous eyes.

Qin Lie himself knew that this matter would not end so easily.

Su Hexiang is the core figure of the Su family, even if Su Hexiang himself doesn't come to trouble him again, the people in the Su family will help him out.

But it doesn't matter, now Qin Lie has a lot of enemies, and he has been dealing with the super family for so long, and he is not as afraid of the super family as before.

Because of the gradual fullness of his wings, Qin Lie is not so afraid of it now, and he does these things if he wants to.

When Su Hexiang ran far away, many employees burst into warm applause.

Qin Lie breathed a sigh of relief, the matter was finally over.

He turned around and gave He Linfeng an order: "Old He, ask someone to open the electric switch, the construction progress is going ahead, those injured workers should be sent to the hospital, and the compensation should be paid, you should also go to the hospital to see, don't stay. What's next?"

"Yes, I know." He Linfeng replied.

Soon, the main gate of the substation was opened, the power supply was restored on the construction site, and the workers left in a scattered manner.

After dealing with the matters on the construction site, Qin Lie accompanied He Linfeng to the hospital by car, trying to handle the fight as well as possible.

However, while dealing with this matter, Qin Lie still has a stalk in his heart, that is, whether the other super steels that Su Hexiang mentioned that suddenly appeared, really exist.

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