The person that Director Liu mentioned, Qin Lie, has no impression at all.

However, He Linfeng had a reaction at this moment.

Tall and thin, with a scar on his face, or a burn scar.

He Linfeng seemed to remember something, and immediately took out his mobile phone and kept flipping through it.

He is the person in charge of the entire sub-factory site, and there are pictures of those workers on his mobile phone.

After a while, He Linfeng turned to a photo, handed it to Director Liu and asked, "Director Liu, do you think that person is this?"

Director Liu took the phone to look at it for a while, and responded in about five seconds: "Yes, it should be him. When he came over that day, his hairstyle was different, but I still remember this face."

"Are you sure?" Qin Lie asked.

Director Liu watched for a while before saying, "90% sure, it should be him."


Qin Lie snapped his fingers, and this was a breakthrough.

Soon, he thanked Director Liu and went out with He Linfeng.

After leaving the pump factory, a few people got into the car again, and soon, everyone drove away from the industrial park.

In the car, Qin Lie asked He Linfeng while driving: "Lao He, did you show that factory director Liu the photos of the workers on the construction site?"

"Yes!" He Linfeng said, "it's the employee's photo."

"Are you familiar with that person?"

"I don't know if I'm familiar." He Linfeng said, "but his features are obvious. He is very tall, about 1.9 meters, and then very thin, with scars on his face. The director Liu brought it up. , I immediately remembered."

"So you think he stole the super steel from our construction site and sold it for money?" Qin Lie said.

He Linfeng said: "I don't know, it's not accurate, but he must be right."

"Ok!" Qin Lie said, "then let's go to the construction site and ask him."

But at this moment, sitting on the side, He Linfeng's subordinate said, "Mr. Qin, President He, this person must not be found at the construction site. He resigned not long ago?"

"Resigned?" Qin Lie asked, "How do you know?"

He Linfeng explained to him: "This Chen Changming is in charge of human resources at the construction site. Basically, everyone who arrives at the construction site and leaves the construction site must pass through his hands."

Qin Lie understood, nodded and said, "But if he leaves, is there any way to find him again?"

Chen Changming said quickly: "I have to go to the construction site and ask to see if anyone has a good relationship with him."

Having said that, I still have to go to the construction site to take a look.

Everyone drove all the way to the construction site of the factory.

When inquiring about the person's whereabouts this time, the process went relatively smoothly.

Qin Lie knew that the tall and thin man was named Wang Sanxi. He was twenty-eight years old this year, one year older than Qin Lie.

Then he is usually very kind and honest, and he has been working diligently on the construction site before.

This person is very popular, and when he asks, almost everyone who works with him praises him.

Then, it was very smooth to inquire about the specific address of Wang Sanxi in Longcheng after his resignation.

Then Qin Lie set off from the construction site and drove all the way to the interior of Longcheng.

The address given by the workers was Shunyang District. Shunyang District was already in the middle of the core of Longcheng. It was one of several districts in the old Longcheng. The people living here were basically the natives of Longcheng.

After waiting for the specific location, Qin Lie discovered that the address given by the workers was actually a rather high-end community.

The entire community covers a large area, but there are actually only three houses in the community, which is a light and luxurious residential building.

Although Qin Lie does not live here, according to his experience, the unit price of houses in the hinterland of Longcheng is more than 50,000 yuan per square meter.

Even if you rent a house, it will cost you at least 10,000 a month.

The salary Qin Lie offered to those ordinary workers was 15,000 yuan a month, and 15,000 yuan was definitely not enough for them to live in these places.

This also shows that Wang Sanxi may have made a lot of money from super steel.

Thinking so, Qin Lie went all the way to the door of the room.

When I knocked on the door, there was really no awareness of precautions inside.

About ten seconds after the door rang, the door opened, Qin Lie saw this Wang Sanxi at the door.

It looks exactly like the photo, but the hair has been treated so it's going to be trendy - it's a good day.

When Wang Sanxi opened the door, the first thing he saw was He Linfeng, and asked strangely, "Mr. He, why are you here? How did you know I live here?"

He Linfeng didn't say it directly, but introduced Qin Lie: "This is Qin Lie, our President Qin, that construction site is his project, he wants to find you something."

Because Qin Lie went to the construction site very rarely before, Wang Sanxi was not familiar with him.

It's a bit confusing at the moment.

Wang Sanxi followed He Linfeng's instructions and glanced over, and asked Qin Lie strangely, "Mr. Qin, what's the matter with you?"

Qin Lie's attitude was not good, so he asked Wang Sanxi, "Wang Sanxi, do you know about Super Steel?"

As a result, when he mentioned this, Wang Sanxi's face changed immediately.

His eyes rolled in his sockets, and then he immediately said, "Mr. Qin, I don't know what you're talking about, what super steel?"

Qin Lie shook his head and said, "Wang Sanxi, I hope you are smarter. Why we found this place must be because we have mastered a lot of things. I don't like to lie. You'd better tell me what you know."

"No..." Wang Sanxi still said, "I really didn't do anything!"

He Linfeng said on the side: "Little Wang, there was a big conflict at our construction site yesterday. The young master of the Su family in Longcheng brought people to our construction site to ask for trouble, saying that our construction site was selling super steel outside and robbed them of their market.

Many people on the construction site were beaten, and now there are still more than a dozen people in the hospital. "

"But about the sale of super steel, we don't know the situation at all on the construction site. After inquiring carefully today, we found out that you did it."

"Little Wang..." He Linfeng said earnestly, "President Qin is not such a vicious person, you have to admit his fault to him, and he will not embarrass you. I think you are usually very popular, so how can you do it? What about these stupid things?"

"A lot of people were beaten?" Wang Sanxi obviously didn't know anything about what happened yesterday, "So serious?"

"Look at me." He Linfeng pointed to his own face and told Wang San, "These were all beaten by the Su family's thugs yesterday.

If it wasn't for the arrival of President Qin in the end, we would have injured more people.

Xiao Wang, tell us honestly, did you steal these super steels and sell them? "


Wang Sanxi's face panicked and realized the seriousness of the problem, but he still refused to admit it: "Steal, I didn't steal, how could I steal, those steels are all made by me!"

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