
Chen Jinhu took the order and quickly went to the back to inform the rest of the people.

Now the Longyan Squad has been expanded to 400 people, which is already a very strong fighting force.

If Qin Lie insists on making trouble, he can make trouble today.

And behind him is the armed forces of hundreds of Cape family.

When Worms handed these people over to him, he said that as long as it was an action against the Xiao family, his people could be called at will.

So now Qin Lie has a strong deterrent in his hands.

It's just that he didn't really want to make trouble today.

It is true that he wants to help Qiu Bai find that person, but it is best not to cause large-scale conflicts in the country.

Otherwise, it is not good for himself or Qiu Bai.

And these deterrence are just deterrence.

In addition to asking Chen Jinhu to notify the remaining Longyan team, Qin Lie also gave Hou Junjie an order.

When confronting Henry Zhang, he quietly called Hou Junjie aside and said to him: "Monkey, go to the back of this hotel and see if there are any other entrances and exits, if there are, you will stare there, If you see that person running away, let me know as soon as possible!"

"it is good!"

Hou Junjie likes to do things for Qin Lie very much. After getting Qin Lie's order, he also flew to the back of the hotel.

Before leaving, he took a walkie-talkie from the Longyan team so that he could be notified at any time.

After doing this, Qin Lie quietly took out his mobile phone and made a call.

It wasn't until he had done this that he returned to the hotel's gate.

Henry Zhang was still there, and the eyes of the two exchanged fire again in the air.

"Qin Lie, are you serious about making this a big issue?"

Qin Lie smiled: "Since I mentioned the easiest solution and you don't agree, then I can only use other methods, I have to accomplish my own purpose!"

"Qin Lie!"

Henry Zhang gritted his teeth and said, “Do you really think I dare not kill you?”

Qin Lie looked at him silently without saying a word.

And finally at this time, things outside caught the attention of the people inside, especially Henry Zhang, the head of the family, who had been away from the chair for too long, which made Xiao Yuanshan very strange.

Slowly, Xiao Yuanshan also came to the main entrance of the hotel.

"Henry Zhang." He said loudly, "What happened, you, the head of the house, didn't take care of the guests and stayed at the door for so long?"

As soon as he came over, he saw Qin Lie at a glance.

Similarly, Qin Lie saw him at a glance.

Almost at the same time, the murderous aura of the two rushed up.

Qin Lie hates the Xiao family very much now, and to say which person in the Xiao family makes him the most uncomfortable is this Xiao Yuanshan.

At the tender meeting, this person had helped Xiao Xingyao to stand out, and he was so suppressed that he couldn't breathe.

At the tender meeting, he used his power to canvass the Xiao family.

And in the battle of South Korea, this man used the big bully against the little ones, with almost the same skill as Situ Xuan, and even went out of his way to deal with a junior of his own!

It simply showed the three words "shameless" to the fullest.

That time in South Korea, all Qin Lie's injuries came from Xiao Yuanshan. If Situ Xuan and Qiu Bai had not arrived in time, he would have died at the hands of this old man.

So now Qin Lie hates Xiao Yuanshan to the core.

He swore that he would destroy the Xiao family!

On the day the Xiao family was destroyed, maybe others could let it go, but this Xiao Yuanshan must die!

As soon as the eyes of the two met in the air, Xiao Yuanshan immediately ignited murderous aura.

"Qin Lie!"

He almost roared from the bottom of his throat. After reading these two words, he shot like an arrow from the string, cleared the blockade of everyone, and went straight to Qin Lie.

His speed was still surprisingly fast, surpassing Qin Lie's perception.

Qin Lie wanted to resist, but when he reacted, he had already let Xiao Yuanshan hold his throat, and at the same time pulled his body back violently, and slapped it on a pillar at the gate of the hotel.


With a muffled sound, Qin Lie's whole body seemed to be shattered.

After all, Xiao Yuanshan is the super master within the Xiao family, and has been the super champion in the army of the Northern Military Region for 23 consecutive years.

This strength is still not something Qin Lie can compete with.

He slapped Qin Lie on the wall with a slap, Xiao Yuanshan gritted his teeth and said, "Qin Lie, why are you looking for death!"

The situation can be said to be on the verge of breaking out. Seeing Xiao Yuanshan take action directly, Qiu Bai couldn't stand it any longer, and followed Xiao Yuanshan up.

He moved Xiao Yuanshan's arm, wanting Xiao Yuanshan to release Qin Lie.

But he was not Xiao Yuanshan's opponent after all, Xiao Yuanshan punched several times in a row, forcing Qiu Bai to retreat.

"Situ Xuan is gone!" Xiao Yuanshan said arrogantly, "Because you two are my opponents, and Situ Xuan, is he dead?"

"Xiao Yuanshan!" Even if Qin Lie was captured, he was not afraid of him at all. When he was captured, he said loudly, "You are really powerful. deal with me?"

"The old man told you this long ago." Xiao Yuanshan said, "In this world, if you win, you will win, if you lose, you will lose. How can there be so many rules of bullying the small and bullying the weak!"

"Very good." Qin Lie said, "When you are going to die, I hope you can still say such things."

"No need." Xiao Yuanshan said, "You can't wait for that day, because I will kill you today!"

After saying this, Xiao Yuanshan's eyes flashed a bit of coldness, and his murderous aura suddenly exploded. Judging from his appearance, it seemed that he was really going to kill Qin Lie.

At this time, everyone saw this and felt that something was wrong.

Chen Jinhu and Jiang Lei took the lead, and finally took out the gun on his body. At the same time, dozens of members of the Longyan Squad behind him all took out the gun. .

In an instant, dozens of guns were aimed at Xiao Yuanshan.

There is no doubt that if Xiao Yuanshan dares to kill Qin Lie, the bullets of Longyan Squad will penetrate Xiao Yuanshan without hesitation.

In the same way, I saw the people from Longyan Squad shoot.

Henry Zhang gave an order, and Xiao Jiajun and others who were standing at the hotel gate behind him also took out the gun.

The two sides faced off at gunpoint, and the atmosphere suddenly reached a critical point.

As long as Xiao Yuanshan dared to act, today's events would turn into an extremely ferocious bloodshed.

And after the situation widened, even Xiao Yuanshan had to be afraid of three points.

"Xiao Yuanshan." Qin Lie said indifferently, "Do you want what happened in South Korea to happen in China?"

"If many people died today, I wonder if your previous exploits in the army could keep you safe!"

Everyone put them aside, and finally let Xiao Yuanshan calm down a bit.

Xiao Yuanshan really wanted Qin Lie to die!

But most importantly, they are now in China, under Mr. Hua's nose.

Some things, he dare not mess around.

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