"These three masters have been chatting with me for so long, how dare you ask them for an invitation letter, are you blind!?"

"If these three masters get angry, I will accompany you to the funeral. You are deliberately here to pit me!"

Wang Congcong kicked the man flying, and then pointed at him in the nose and scolded him.

The bodyguard was suppressed by Wang Congcong before he even had time to show off his power.

After finally getting up from the ground, the grievance looked like he was about to cry.

He quickly apologized, and hurriedly put Qin Lie three in like a god: "Three young masters, please, please."

Murong Huanyu gave a thumbs up and looked back at Wang Congcong.

Well, this kid, at least his work is reliable.

In this way, several people finally walked into the fenced-in site.

As soon as they entered the arena, the three of them exclaimed in unison, "Wow!"

Including Qin Lie, they were all attracted by the sight in front of them.

The first is to see the sea on the horizon, which is the most comfortable blue. Today is a sunny day, and there is not even a lot of clouds in the sky. The sea and the sky are almost connected, not to mention how beautiful.

In the city, the sight is restricted by the steel-reinforced monsters such as high-rise buildings, and it is enough to be comfortable enough to be able to look into the distance unscrupulously.

Of course, the view is only the weakest benefit.

Mainly what I saw, the whole beach was full of beauties in swimsuits.

Ordinary swimwear, bikinis, and even all kinds of fancy swimwear, and then a dazzling array of long legs and big white arms, not to mention how dazzling.

You know the key, as Wang Congcong said, the female guests present today are all noble girls from the upper class, or some famous female stars.

These people are the people who pay the most attention to maintenance, and then they also exercise and have special maintenance teachers.

One by one, with a huge figure, and the circles, they are simply competing for beauty.

At a glance, there are at least five women and one man. The age of these women is not more than 30 years old, and they are basically between 20 and 30 years old.

wow, it is heaven on earth!

Ha ha ha ha!

Even Murong Huanyu showed a greedy smile when he saw this, and there was a wretched air between his eyebrows.

It's like taking all the young ladies who are present today.

"Wang Congcong of Dog Day!" Murong Huanyu scolded, "Sure boy can play!"

"I'm done!"

Then, Qin Lie saw Murong Huanyu quickly put on his swimming trunks on one side, and then dashed forward, spreading his hands, as if he was rushing towards heaven.

Originally, Qin Lie thought that Murong Huanyu was just as excited as he was, because he fell in love with the beautiful women here.

As a result, after Murong Huanyu changed into swimming trunks, he went straight to the beach and passed all the beauties on the beach with precision. When he got to the beach, a fierce man plunged into the sea.

Swimming all the way, I swam to the side of a watercraft, holding the aircraft and laughing: "Hahahaha, the latest Sony aircraft can fly up to 30 meters above the water surface. I wanted to get one before, but I wanted to. I didn’t have much time to play, so I didn’t expect to encounter it here!”

A watercraft is actually something a bit like a seat.

The bottom of the seat can spray a powerful water column, and the recoil of this water column can push the person in the seat backward all the way into the sky.

This thing can basically be seen in many water resorts, and it is not uncommon.

However, the average aircraft can fly at most seven or eight meters, and one ten meters is incredible.

If this aircraft can fly up to 30 meters as Murong Huanyu said, it is indeed a rare high-tech product.

No no no, wait a minute.

Qin Lie suddenly reacted and slapped himself violently.

What's so special, he was almost taken into a ditch by Murong Huanyu.

No, what's the problem with the aircraft and not the aircraft, the problem is, this shit, let the beauties on the whole beach go straight to the aircraft instead of hooking up.

What, Liuxia Hui, who is not close to women?

This is too much.

There are a lot of men around, but that aircraft has been idle all the time. Everyone knows what the funniest thing is, but Murong Huanyu is like a fool.


Just thinking about it, Murong Huanyu climbed into the aircraft, turned on the switch and flew all the way to the sky, the powerful water current, and the rising seat, all made him the focus of public attention.

Man, great fun alone.

Okay now, more like an idiot.

But there is one thing to say, this thing is flying really high, and it is almost ten stories high on the way up.

And its balance is very good, even if it flies so high, there is no sign of overturning, and it goes up and down vertically, so it's not scary.

Murong Huanyu came back after a round of sitting, and shouted at Qin Lie at the beach: "Qin Lie, come here, there are several here, you can play!"

Qin Lie was speechless. He held his forehead and asked him, "Huan Yu, you said that Wang Congcong can really play because of these watercraft?"

"That's not the case!" Murong Huanyu said, "Do you think I'm talking about a woman, eldest brother, are you the kind of person who lacks women? What we want is stimulation, women or something, we're tired of it!"

After speaking, Murong Huanyu turned on the switch again, and the whole person rose vertically into the sky again.

Qin Lie couldn't do anything about him either, so he sat on the beach and watched him perform like a fool.

But soon, Qi Tianchang also plunged into the sea, fluttered all the way to Murong Huanyu's side, and climbed into a nearby aircraft, and soon, a second fool appeared on the entire beach.

Qin Lie patted his forehead, almost ashamed.

Covering his face, he thought: I don't know the two of them, I don't know the two of them, they are not my friends, not my friends.

But as time went on, Qin Lie saw that the two of them were having a good time.

I was thinking, is this really so fun? ?

Murong Huanyu, a rich young man of this level, can't extricate himself?

Otherwise, should I try it too?

Qin Lie tried frantically on the edge of danger.

Then soon, a third fool appeared.


Qin Lie, Murong Huanyu, Qi Tianchang, three people became the most beautiful scenery in the entire "Exchange Conference".

The three foolish brothers were neat and tidy, going up and down, so unhappy.

Other "successful people" are either holding champagne on the cruise to talk about business, or they are talking about life with beauties.

Only the three idiots had the most fun.

It's just an alternative at the party venue!

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