Qin Lie looked at the people next to Xuanyuan Tianci, and asked Wang Congcong who was on the side: "Cong Cong, I thought you held this exchange meeting, but I didn't expect Xuanyuan Tianci to be here?"

Wang Congcong was very aggrieved and said: "Brother, I never said that this exchange meeting was organized by me."

"To be precise, it was organized by me and a few rich second-generations. It's like Xuanyuan Tianci and Xiao Xingyao are among the richest children in the Longcheng circle. It's normal for them to be invited."

Knowing the relationship between Qin Lie and Xuanyuan Tianci, Wang Congcong asked, "How about we change places?"

"No need." Qin Lie said, "Everyone is here, whoever leaves will be discouraged. We can just pretend they don't exist."

"That's right." Murong Huanyu also said, "It's just a gift from Xuanyuan. I'm afraid of what he will do. I don't believe that they can come and beat us all right."

Qin Lie and Murong Huanyu just had a simple exchange, and they didn't care about the three people over there.

Similarly, Qin Lie is talking about them here, and they are talking about Qin Lie there.

The most angry is Su Hexiang, after all, this fellow was beaten by Qin Lie recently.

He stared at Qin Lie for a long time, and finally turned his head and said to Xuanyuan Tianci: "Master Tianci, I didn't expect that we would be able to meet Qin Lie when we came here. We are unlucky enough."

Xuanyuan Tianci smiled and said casually, "Since we can come, why can't he come? He is now one of the best young masters in the Longcheng circle."

"I'm a little upset." Su Hexiang said, "He pierced my eyes when he sat there."

"Then what can I do? Do you still want to engage with him, and you haven't had enough of your own losses?" Xuanyuan Tianci said, "We also came out to play, it's fine if he doesn't exist, why bother to affect my mood."

Xuanyuan Tianci's statement is almost the same as Qin Lie's statement.

Because they all know that they can't help each other now.

Pointless disputes are just a waste of time.

If you really want to deal with the opposite, you have to find opportunities.

But Su Hexiang didn't think so, his stomach was full of anger, Qin Lie got him back in the first place, and he had to find a way to get it back.

Moreover, today is different from the past, and he has strong helpers by his side.

It's hard to embarrass Qin Lie today.

Thinking of this, Su Hexiang sneaked out from the top deck in the middle of the concert.

As for Qin Lie, watching the performance and listening to songs, while drinking and chatting, they are at peace for the time being.

After another ten minutes of the concert, Qin Lie drank too much wine and felt the urge to urinate, so he prepared to go to the toilet below.

Going down from the top deck, there is a staircase going down. Qin Lie went down this staircase. When he reached the fourth floor, he happened to meet Su Hexiang directly opposite the entrance of the stairs.

The eyes of the two immediately met in the air, sparking a burst of sparks.

However, the two of them had a tacit understanding and did not speak.

Qin Lie didn't want to make trouble, and turned a corner, ready to go around Su Hexiang's side.

But who would have thought that Su Hexiang would not give way at all.

He saw Qin Lie go to the left, he also went to the left, and deliberately blocked Qin Lie's way.

Qin Lie looked at him, still didn't speak, then turned to the right.

As a result, after he detoured to the right, Su Hexiang followed and went to the right, blocking his way again.

After walking back and forth three or four times, Qin Lie finally couldn't bear it anymore, looked at Su Hexiang, and said, "What the hell are you trying to do, find fault?"

"That's not true." Su Hexiang said frivolously, "Young Master Qin is so arrogant, how dare I trouble you, right?"

"If you want to blame it, you can only blame the two of us for being too tacit, even thinking about walking together."

Qin Lie was too lazy to listen to his nonsense, so he whispered, "Then just get out of the way for me, don't dangle in front of me."


Su Hexiang's expression was still frivolous. He stood to the side and made a gesture of invitation. He smiled and said, "Come on, Young Master Qin, please come here."

Qin Lie stared at him with murderous intent in his eyes, and walked straight ahead regardless of the fact that he didn't bother him for a while.

But this matter is not over at all. Su Hexiang went down to the fourth floor earlier and waited on the fourth floor just to find this opportunity.

All he has to do now is to anger Qin Lie.

After provoking Qin Lie for a long time, he deliberately gave way, but he still didn't plan to let Qin Lie leave.

When Qin Lie passed by him, he pretended to unconsciously stretched out a leg and gave Qin Lie a leg trip.

Qin Lie really didn't notice his feet, and he didn't expect that Su Hexiang would use such a low-level trick to irritate himself.

His leg hooked onto Su Hexiang's leg unconsciously, and then he stumbled forward and almost fell to the ground.

And seeing this, Su Hexiang hurriedly acted, chasing after Qin Lie: "Oh, oh, I'm so sorry, Young Master Qin, I thought you had passed by, and I was going to go too, but I didn't expect to trip you up, sorry, I'm so sorry!"

Hearing Su Hexiang's false apology, Qin Lie exploded even more.

At this moment, I couldn't help it, turned around, grabbed Su Hexiang's collar, pushed him back, and then slammed him against the wall.

"Su Hexiang, if you want to beg for a fight, I can do it for you, but I hope you can bear the consequences of angering me."

"Ouch!" Su Hexiang said in a condescending manner, "Young Master Qin, I don't dare, how dare I, you started to teach me a lesson so badly, and now I'm here to provoke you, I'm not asking fight?"

"I'm really unconscious. Besides, I've already apologized to you, so just let me go."

Because Qin Lie had Murong Huanyu here tonight, he really didn't want to cause trouble.

This was Su Hexiang's third provocation, and he still forcibly calmed down his anger.

He warned Su Hexiang for the last time: "Su Hexiang, if you continue to engage in these nonsense, I guarantee that you will be beaten even worse than that day!"

After saying this, Qin Lie threw him on the wall and continued to walk to the bathroom.

But at this moment, Qin Lie suddenly felt a chill on his back.

Obviously, he knew that his clothes had been splashed with water, and there was a smell of alcohol in his nose. He should have been splashed with alcohol.

When he turned around, he saw that Su Hexiang was holding a goblet in his hand, and the glass was empty.

At this time, there was still a smile on his face, his hands spread out, and he looked innocent.

He said: "Oh, Master Qin, look at me, I'm so careless. I'm holding wine in my hand. When the boat swayed, I accidentally spilled the wine. I'm sorry!"

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