After Qin Lie listened, Fan Wen went back and asked Situ Xuan: "Master, how can I help you here?"

Only then did Situ Xuan say: "We have basically figured out the situation on that island, and then found that Yehun's peripheral armed forces are quite sufficient."

"I don't know if they hired mercenaries or if they were given shelter by regular European troops."

"Anyway, on the outskirts of the island, we detected that there are a large number of troops guarding the night soul. The number of people is very large, and the defense is very strict. It is impossible to break through only by our strength."

"So we want you to bring someone over to help us break through."

Qin Lie listened without even thinking, and asked back directly: "How many people do you need?"

Situ Xuan said: "The more the better, the more people there are, the more certain we are."

"When is the action?" Qin Lie continued to ask.

"Just these two days." Situ Xuan said, "If you come here, we will wait for you, and the action can be set in three days."

"Okay." Qin Lie responded and said, "I will try to bring as many people as possible, and I will rush over as soon as possible."

"Okay, let's do this first."

After saying this, the two hung up the phone.

There are not so many conversations between men, and it is ok to clarify the problem.

Qin Lie hung up the phone, thinking about something.

It's only twenty days since he left the family's big competition. To be honest, it's best for him not to run abroad at this time.

But after hearing Situ Xuan's request for help, Qin Lie agreed without thinking.

After all, Situ Xuan is different from others, and Situ Xuan means different things to him.

As long as it was Situ Xuan's request, he would try his best to satisfy it.

As for Qiu Liyuan's training, since he came back from the United States, he has not stopped training for more than ten days. If he was told that it was Situ Xuan who asked for something, Qiu Liyuan should understand.

Then the things to do in the past two days are to help Murong Huanyu catch the spy. Once this is done, Qin Lie should lead the team to fly to Europe.

Notify Jiang Lei of this incident again, and tell Jiang Lei to let the Longyan team get ready. They have another mission to go abroad, and this mission may be more dangerous than the previous mission, so they should be mentally prepared.

After doing this, Qin Lie went all the way to Tang's house.


The Tang family's old house, in the garden in the backyard, is a circular open space at the center.

Around the open space, a total of twelve tennis launchers were densely placed, two more than the ten that Qin Lie accepted at the beginning.

And this request was made by Qin Lie himself.

Today is the presentation of the training results over the past ten days. Over the past ten days, Qin Lie has undergone various reaction training. According to Qiu Liyuan's requirements, he must be able to see six ways with his eyes and listen to all directions.

Now, it's time to look at the results of these workouts.

Everyone around is there, Qiu Liyuan, Tang Feng, Tang Zhenbei, Tang Hongxiao and even Tang Lingxue.

Because when Qin Lie came over today, he threatened to pass the last level. Not only did he have to pass the last level, he also took the initiative to increase the difficulty.

Others are interested, so naturally they come.

The weather is good today, the moon and stars are thin, and the faint breeze around him blows the corners of his clothes, like a master.

With his hands behind his back, he turned his head and nodded slightly to those who activated the tennis launcher.

Then, the servants of the Tang family who were in charge of the tennis launcher activated the launcher in front of them almost at the same time.

Soon, swish swish... swish swish... Those tennis balls flew out from the launch port.

It was densely packed, called rain.

And because of the error of the start-up time and the error of the instrument itself, the tennis balls fired by those machines are completely irregular, which further increases the difficulty of the test.

If it was put on Qin Lie, who came here on the first day, he would be doomed to be defeated in the first second.

But the Qin Lie at this time is no longer the him he was a dozen days ago, and the training effect these days is remarkable.

Feeling these tennis balls coming, he barely left the small circle under his feet.

He moved frantically in the small circle, his whole body seemed to have eyes, and he steadily avoided all attacks.

The most outrageous thing was that when the tennis balls behind Qin Lie passed, he still seemed to see them, hiding in the most precise position at the most precise time.

Some tennis balls even flew past his body, no more than one centimeter away from his skin.

But that's it, the seemingly thrilling, but actually calm operation made Qiu Liyuan very satisfied.

Qiu Liyuan kept stroking his beard and nodding, he couldn't ask for more from Qin Lie.

He originally thought that it would be enough to train Qin Lie to be able to dodge the test of about six to eight tennis launchers for more than ten days.

As a result, after half a month, Qin Lie not only did all this, but also exceeded the task.

The current Qin Lie seems to be in a state of embarrassment.

To this extent, it has met Qiu Liyuan's requirements.

At this time, Qin Lie's timing has no meaning. Qiu Liyuan knows that as long as he finds the feeling, there is no problem in hiding in it for a year or a half.

So after one minute of timing, Qiu Liyuan immediately stopped: "Okay, okay, you passed this test!"

The next people turned off the transmitter, Qin Lie made fists with both hands, and made a fierce gesture of celebration.

Tang Lingxue was also very happy to see it by the side, and rushed over like a fly.

He shouted, "Brother Qin, you are amazing!"

Tang Lingxue was excited, mainly because she saw Qin Lie's rapid progress.

He jumped up, hooked Qin Lie's neck with both hands, and wrapped his legs around his waist, not to mention how ambiguous the action was.

Qin Lie and Tang Lingxue had already met sincerely, but this action was nothing.

It's just that there are so many old men next to him at the moment, Tang Fengqiu Liyuan is all seven old people and eighty people, where can I see this.

"Cough cough!" Tang Feng coughed dryly, "Xue'er, what are you doing, do these actions in public, do you still know the word shame?"

Being reprimanded by Tang Feng, Tang Lingxue blushed slightly before jumping off Qin Lie.

But when it came to an end, Tang Lingxue secretly kissed Qin Lie on the side of the face and praised in a low voice, "Brother Qin, you are awesome, I knew you could do it."

Then he ran back and stood there obediently.

As for Qin Lie, he was naturally happy.

Ten days of hard work paid off, so he could move on to the next stage.

He stood still, looked at Qiu Liyuan respectfully and asked, "Elder, then I can learn your swordsmanship."

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