"The same is true for the west side." Xing Tian said, "As soon as you go up here, you will see the virgin jungle. The bushes and trees in it are very deep. It is very risky to walk in. Then you enter in this direction. the city walls."

Situ Xuan finally concluded: "Actually, for now, the biggest difficulty is not how to fight after entering, but how to enter."

"Their building is very high and the defense is very strong, plus there are people defending it, it is very difficult to get in."

"That's why I said, why the current number of people should be said to be sufficient and not enough."

Xing Tian himself also said: "How to get in now is really a hassle. From the current point of view, the location on the west side is the best. Although there are also city walls, at least the jungle is hidden and can avoid the sight of the city walls."

"Just how to get in is still a hassle."

Qin Lie had been listening to Xing Tian and Situ Xuan's words and understood the current situation.

Looking at it now, it is indeed a problem how to enter this city wall. Who would have thought that Night Soul would set its headquarters in such a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

And this is something that can be seen from the outside. Who knows what other fortifications are inside the castle. Such a hasty attack is really hard to accept.

Including Qin Lie's side, after thinking about it for a while, he was also in trouble.

Touching his chin, frowning, not knowing what to do.

In fact, if the members of Longyan Squad and Yanwang Island were as high as Situ Xuan, it would not be difficult to climb the city wall.

But after all, not everyone is a master, and many people are not that strong. The city wall dozens of meters high is a curse to them. If there are enemies on the city wall, the casualties will become particularly large.

How to do this now? ?

As a result, just when the three of them had finished discussing and couldn't do anything, a voice suddenly floated over from the side.

He said lightly: "Everyone, if you are interested, can you listen to me?"

One sentence caught everyone's attention, and then, everyone on the scene turned their attention to the owner of the voice, who was none other than Tony Li who Qin Lie brought him from China.

The others were surprised. Neither Xing Tian nor Situ Xuan knew him and asked Qin Lie, "Is this your subordinate?"

"No, it's not." Qin Lie said, "It's not my subordinate, but it's probably useful."

After that, Qin Lie asked Tony Li: "Hey, what do you want to say?"

Tony Lee said: "If you want to really enter this island, neither the west nor the north is the best choice, and the best choice is still the south."

"Why?" Xing Tian immediately said, "We can't get up to the south at all, it's a rock cliff that is hundreds of meters away."

"Don't worry." Tony Lee said, "Listen to me slowly."

Everyone didn't speak, just looked at Tony Lee, waiting for Tony Lee's next words.

Tony Lee said slowly: "Let me tell you, the north and west sides seem to be easy to get to the island, but just landing on the island, it is very difficult to break into the inner city wall."

"The height of the city wall, and the people who are watching and defending on the city wall, I won't say any of these. The most important thing is that since the night soul took over the island, they thought of the day they were besieged."

"If you don't airborne or find another location to enter this city wall, it is impossible to attack from the front."

"Except for the difficulty mentioned at the beginning, those walls were all painted with conductive paint materials by Night Soul, and the whole wall was electrified, that is to say, in addition to the high and steep city walls, at the same time It's still a huge power grid, if it hits the city wall from both sides, it will only die ugly."

"Huh?" Xing Tian touched his chin while listening to Tony Lee's words, "How do you know these things?"

Tony Li didn't answer directly, but Qin Lie helped him to answer: "He was originally from Night Soul, and he was a character at the core of Night Soul. He has been in it for many years."

"What?" Xing Tian was instantly surprised, and said, "The person at the core of Night Soul, where did you find this person?"

"That's a long story."

Qin Lie saw how strange everyone was, so he could only slowly say everything he wanted to say.

Including the origin of Tony Li, and the matter that Murong Huanyu entrusted him to do.

Anyway, to sum up, this person is the core character of Night Soul.

Everyone listened, and the logical relationship was clarified.

Then he looked at Tony Lee again: "You go on, why is it relatively easy to get in from the south, there is no way out in my opinion."

"It's very simple." Tony Lee said, "The jungle on this island is connected from the west to the south, you can enter from the west, but you don't have to rush their defenses in the west, you can march along the jungle to the south, bypassing Those cliffs."

"Then in the south, because there is a cliff below, when Charles III built the castle, the wall here was very short, only about ten meters on average. This is one of them, and the other is that there is a drainage ditch here. The sewage for domestic use and the excess rainwater are all discharged from this canal."

"The opening is very large. The diameter of the canal is three meters, and it goes straight to the center of the castle. This canal is the easiest way to penetrate into the palace."

"Is there no fence?" Xing Tian immediately asked, "For such a castle, even the drainage channel should have fences."

"Yes!" Tony Lee said, "but do you think it's easier to deal with a city wall with a height of dozens of meters and a power grid, or it is easier to deal with a fence in a drainage canal, and I have another idea, it depends on whether you agree or not. "

Everyone was thinking about the credibility of what Tony Lee said, and finally found that his statement seemed to be really true and effective, and then they all began to refer to his words.

"What's your idea?" Xing Tian immediately asked.

Tony Lee said: "It's very simple, I'm still from Night Soul, and it's easy for me to enter the Night Soul headquarters."

"As long as we agree on a time, you will march to the canal with your people. I will find a way to touch the control center and turn on the switch of the fence. Your people can completely touch the castle from this canal, and then kill them from the canal. , blossoming directly from the center, the people of Night Soul will definitely not be able to carry it."

"Huh?" Xing Tian's heart was moved, don't say it, this is indeed a good idea.

But there are also problems.

As Tony Lee himself said, the idea is whether they believe it or not.

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