This may be the moment when he is extremely close to the truth of his own life.

Although it may have nothing to do with Qi Yunshan, he declared that he had nothing to do with the Xuanyuan family's exchange case.

But Rao is like this, if this Liu Zixing can be found, wouldn't he still be able to find out his true identity?

Thinking of this, Qin Lie was extremely excited.

In order to confirm, Qin Lie continued to ask: "Is that account being used all the time, or is there a break in the middle?"

According to the rules of the bank, if an account is not used for a long time, it will be withdrawn by the bank.

Then re-use this account to the new owner.

If the account has a break in the process of using it, it is also possible that the account has already changed owners, and it is useless to find the current owner, so Qin Lie needs to figure out this.

Han Qi's answer gave Qin Lie a reassurance, he said: "Since I told you that he is using it now, it must mean that he has been using it until now. If there is a fault in the middle, it must be replaced. What are you telling you about?"

"That's great!" Qin Lie couldn't contain his excitement, and said excitedly, "In this case, this person can look for him. Where is he now?"

Qin Lie didn't want to delay for a moment about his life experience.

Fortunately, Han Qi's side is also very strong, and he has already done these investigations: "Liu Zixing has always been from Longcheng, and then he is still in Longcheng. He is now the owner of a textile factory, in the east of the city, are you going?"

"Of course." Qin Lie didn't hesitate at all, "wait for me at your office, and I'll drive over to pick you up right away."

Han Qi felt Qin Lie's urgency and did not refuse, but agreed directly.

Qin Lie put down the phone, went down to the underground garage, drove straight to Han Qi's office, picked up Han Qi and headed to the east of the city.

Han Qi brought all the information that might be useful, including the mobile hard drive that stores the data, and the photos of the transfer records.

The two of them drove for about fifty minutes and arrived at the destination of the trip.

Chengdong Industrial Park is one of the earliest industrial parks in Longcheng that Longcheng plans to put into construction. This area is all about light industries, such as textile mills, paper mills, furniture factories, plastic factories and so on.

After entering the park, I wandered around the park for a while, and soon found the target - Hongyang Textile Factory.

Before entering the door, he was stopped by the security guard. Originally, Qin Lie wanted to say that he was here to ask the boss about something, but the security guard refused to let him go. In the end, he could only find a reason to say that he was here to discuss business with the boss, so the security guard let them go. go in.

Then, a secretary received Qin Lie and Han Qi and took them to Liu Zixing's office.

It's just that Liu Zixing was in a meeting and never showed up.

After the two waited in the office for about two hours, Liu Zixing walked in from the door.

A man in his fifties, his hair has turned a lot white, and his brows are deeply wrinkled, as if something has been bothering him all the time.

On the side of his face, next to the temples, there is a deep scar that looks quite hideous.

But when he came in, his attitude was still soft.

I picked up two glasses of water for Qin Lie and Han Qi from the water dispenser, and then sat on the office chair and asked them: "I heard Xiao Ning say that you are here to discuss business with me, and the two are with us Hong Kong. Does Yang Textile Factory have any intention of cooperation?"

Qin Lie looked at him and told the truth.

"Boss Liu, in fact, we didn't come here today to discuss business with you. We have questions to ask you."

"Oh, are there any questions?" Liu Zixing said with a smile, "what's the matter, are you the police? I'm a serious businessman."

"Boss Liu, don't be nervous. It has nothing to do with what you are doing. We are not here to question you. I want to know something about me." Qin Lie said.

"Your business?" Liu Zixing was even more confused, "I don't seem to know you at all, do I?"

"I don't know, but..." Qin Lie said, "I found you through some channels. I'll talk about the details later. I just want to know, do you know Qin Derong?"

Unfortunately, Liu Zixing frowned for a while, and finally shook his head: "I don't know, I don't have this name in my mind."


Seeing Liu Zixing's bewildered expression, Qin Lie had no choice but to show evidence.

He first took out his grandfather's passbook, and then took out the photos that Han Qi had brought, which was the transfer record from Liu Zixing's account to his grandfather.

After approaching Liu Zixing, he said, "But boss Liu, look, this is my grandfather's passbook, which is what I just said about Qin Derong, and he has three remittances of 50,000 yuan, a total of 150,000 yuan, all from the same person.

Then this is the transfer record we investigated, the record 27 years ago, the record shows that the other party's account is you, Liu Zixing's account. "

"Boss Liu." Qin Lie said, "150,000 twenty-seven years ago is not a small amount. You should have an impression of this, right?"

When Qin Lie brought these things in front of Liu Zixing, Liu Zixing fell into deep thought.

His expression became more solemn than before, and after about ten seconds, his expression began to panic.

Qin Lie clearly felt his breathing start to speed up.

As a result, he did not answer directly, but instead asked Qin Lie: "How did you investigate these things?"

Qin Lie was still telling the truth, pointing to Han Qi behind him and said: "This friend of mine is a senior official of the Kyushu Bureau, it doesn't matter if the Kyushu Bureau has never heard of it, you just want to be an intelligence department, a secret service department, and the same as the FBI in the United States. nature.

Nothing they investigated was fake, and we took all the disks from the bank back then, and we couldn't fake the data inside. "

Faced with a lot of irrefutable evidence, Liu Zixing couldn't hold back.

A man in his fifties shouldn't be so flustered, but he just got a little out of control.

Suddenly inexplicably loudly said: "Why are you investigating these? Do you know that this is considered an invasion of my privacy, and who I transfer money to is my freedom, can these people in your Kyushu Bureau manage it?"

"No." Qin Lie quickly explained, "Boss Liu, don't get excited, we're not investigating this against you, it's just my own personal matter, I'm not my grandfather's biological grandson, I want to find out my true identity.

What I think is that the person who sent money to my grandfather twenty-seven years ago might know the truth about my abandonment. I came to you because of this, so don't get excited.

If you know anything, please tell me. "

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