There were no records of Qi Yunshan for the next few days. After the blank, Qin Lie saw November 2.

The diary for that day contained only a few lines:

Today, Ah Hui came to see me again. This is the third time Ah Hui has come to see me in the past few days.

She cried a lot today and begged me to help her.

Hey, I softened my heart and finally agreed to her.

Who made me like her so much, no matter in the past, now, or in the future.


ok, at this point, Qi Yunshan has already agreed to Yang Hui.

So come to the point of the day, 11/6/95:

I met someone during the day, I don't know that person, but I heard Ah Hui say that it seems to be from the Xiao family.

I finally found out that the people who threatened Ah Hui with ingots were the Xiao family.

The Xiao family gave me the baby they had prepared and asked me to find a way to bring it into the backyard of Haozi's house.

I waited in the backyard for a long time, and finally I waited for Ah Hui.

Ahui gave me Haozi's newborn baby, and I gave her the baby that Xiao's family had prepared, and exchanged the two babies.

It worked out and now the kids are still at my house and I don't know what to do with it.


Yang Hui's diary, coupled with Qi Yunshan's diary, almost recorded the entire process of replacing Xuanyuanhao's son, and from the diary, it was almost certain that the mastermind behind this was the Xiao family.

Of course, after this is confirmed, there is a more important point, that is, the whereabouts of the exchanged children.

Qin Lie came here this time mainly to see this.

Continue to scroll back to the next page.


I did something sorry for my brother yesterday, but after all, that is Haozi's child, I can't let him die like this.

So today I took the bus for a day, from Longcheng to Taidong.

Then I moved from Taizhou to a small fishing village called Haitang Village.

After inquiring in the village for a long time, I know that there is a good old man named Qin Derong in the village. He has never married a wife and has no children. I put this child in front of Qin Derong's room, hoping that Qin Derong can help Haozi raise this child well. Big.

Hey, I'm in a very chaotic mood today, I hope this matter will be completely over from today onwards.

Haozi, brother, I'm sorry for you, and for that child, I, the Uncle, are also sorry for you.

Ah Hui, Ah Hui, I have carried too many sins for you.


Seeing this, Qin Lie's heart was surging, tears were rolling in his eyes, and he had the urge to burst into his eyes.

In fact, seeing this, the thing he has been searching for in his heart already has the answer.

Even though he had already had such an expectation in his heart, his heart was still extremely shocked when the facts were really in front of him.

It can't be called shock, it's an extremely complicated feeling.

There was surprise, relief, relief, and an inexplicable kind of grievance.

Various emotions were surging in his body, making it difficult for him to calm down for a long time.

His tears were spinning, and he bit his fingers tightly, trying to calm himself as much as possible.

Only the effect is minimal.

He was sitting on a chair, and his body was lying on the writing desk, and he kept on relieving, and it took at least 20 minutes to relieve himself.

I finally have the answer. After more than 20 years of searching for the riddle, I finally have the answer.

It turned out that he was really the son of the Xuanyuan family. The only person he had ever met that day, the head of the Xuanyuan family, the powerful figure who left a deep impression on him, turned out to be really his father.

He was transferred from the Xuanyuan family on the first day of his birth, and he hadn't stayed with his parents for more than 20 years.

Xuanyuan Tianci's current position was originally supposed to be his!

He is the real eldest young master of the Xuanyuan family.

Qin Lie finally understood this since he saw Qi Yunshan take the transferred child to Haitang Village and put it in front of a man named Qin Derong.

Grandpa has never adopted another child, that child can only be himself.

And on November 7th, it also happened to coincide with his birthday.

In that instant, Qin Lie's 20-year-old images flashed through his mind like a movie.

I followed my grandfather, and my grandfather took me to beg for milk. My grandfather made a small wooden horse for me. Later, my grandfather fell out with the Qin family because of him.

After going to school, my grandfather worked hard, until his death, until he graduated from university, and everything after that.

Qin Lie never complained about the 20 years he had lived, he was just thinking, if he hadn't been replaced and he truly became the eldest young master of the Xuanyuan family, what would his life be like? Better or worse now.

"Xiao Family!"

Qin Lie slammed the desk heavily, almost smashing the desk.

He gritted his teeth, and his eyes were full of hatred: "Xiao family, if I, Qin Lie, don't destroy you all, my whole life will be in vain!"

If it hadn't been planned by the Xiao family, all this would not have happened, and Qin Lie's life trajectory would not have changed because of it.

So the culprit of all this is the Xiao family, and Qin Lie has hated them in his bones.

And Xuanyuan Tian gave this fake, which is basically a puppet implanted by the Xiao family into the Xuanyuan family.

In his own capacity, he doesn't deserve to enjoy that kind of life at all.

Qin Lie is a person who has been deprived of his life, which is why Xuanyuan Tianci is so closely connected with the Xiao family now.

Oh, because Xuanyuan Tianci was originally the Xiao family!

Henry Zhang was malicious, and even came up with such a trick to annex the Xuanyuan family.

Just imagine, if you don't discover all this, everything will go on according to the script arranged by Henry Zhang.

After Xuanyuan Hao abdicated at an old age, Xuanyuan Hao became the patriarch, then the Xuanyuan family would soon be annexed by the Xiao family, which was the most terrifying.

Originally, Qin Lie wasn't so disgusted when he saw Xuanyuan Tianci before, but now, Qin Lie just wanted Xuanyuan Tianci to die.

Including the Xiao family, everyone in the Xiao family should die.

Qin Lie clenched his fists tightly, his body burning with murderous intent.

This is what really belongs to him, and he has to take it back with his own hands.

The Xiao family and Xuanyuan Tianci, it is this family competition, he wants to send all these people to hell!

Qin Lie's eyes were grim, he had never been so determined to destroy a power.

This is the first time in his twenty-seven years of living, and his desire is now extremely strong.

Of course, Qin Lie didn't even think about telling Xuanyuan Hao about it now. After all, you are the only one who can read the diary, and you don't know if it's forged or not, so he went straight to Xuanyuan Hao and said that he was his son. Must think of himself as a lunatic.

This thing still needs a little process.

Of course, this process doesn't take too long, Qin Lie will complete it in the big competition of the aristocratic family!

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