Qin Lie got the news and finally knew where he came from and why he left.

I finally know who my biological parents are and why they were sent away.

Xuanyuan Hao and Li Caiying didn't know about everything before and after. The Xiao family was the mastermind behind the scenes.

After knowing this, Qin Lie spent two hours digesting it.

For the past two hours, he did not turn a page.

It wasn't until two hours later that Qin Lie calmed down and continued to look down.

After all, knowing his identity, there is another very important thing, that is Qiu Bai's annihilation case.

Qin Lie continued to look back slowly.

After reading a few things later, Qin Lie realized that after Qi Yunshan sent him to his grandfather's house, he always worried about himself and always went back to Haitang Village to have a look.

Every time he saw that his grandfather was struggling, he would always put some money into his grandfather's account.

It's just that he didn't pay the money himself, but transferred it through an account called "Liu Zixing".

It should be noted that Qi Yunshan did not say that he asked Liu Zixing to help with the remittance, but said that he sent the money in the name of "Liu Zixing".

All in all, that money really belongs to Qi Yunshanhui.

At that time, Qi Yunshan had a Yunshan Trading Company in his hand, and he had a lot of money in his hand.

The three words Liu Zixing appeared frequently in his diary, and they were basically used to help grandpa and himself.

Then there are answers to these mysteries.

Quickly flipping through the content in the middle, it finally arrived in July 2005, which was the period when the twelve members of Qiu Bai's family were exterminated.

In the process, Qi Yunshan also experienced a lot, the decline of his career, marriage and divorce. Anyway, the period of 2005 was the low point of his life.

The career failed, the family broke up, and there was no child.

During that time, Qi Yunshan fell into a period of alcoholism for a long time, and he couldn't do it without getting drunk every day.

And his drinking finally got into trouble.

One day in the hotel, he saw the awards session of a certain competition on TV. The first place in that competition was Xuanyuan Tianci. Xuanyuan Tianci performed well and was called a genius boy.

He knew the inside story, but felt unhappy in his heart, so he spread nonsense in the hotel, saying that Xuanyuan Tianci was a fake, a puppet of the Xiao family, not worthy of such good grades and so on.

Then finally, after drinking, he slipped out of his mouth, and the matter reached the ears of the Xiao family. The Xiao family began to wake up, knowing that neither Qi Yunshan nor Yang Hui could stay.

Then came the slaughter.

The last diary in this diary is to record Qi Yunshan's fearful mood. At that time, he already knew that Yang Hui's family had been killed.

He himself also made a bold decision because of fear.

His last original words were as follows: "In order to protect this secret, the Xiao family will not let us go, now that Ahui is dead, it will be my turn next.

I'm sorry Ah Hui, but I also want to live, so the other identity I have been preparing for is useful, and I have a bold idea. "

Qi Yunshan's entire diary finally ended here.

Strictly speaking, it should not be all over. There are about four or five pages left, and I don't know why it was torn up. There are only a few residual chapters left, and nothing can be seen at all.

It should have been deliberately torn off by Qi Yunshan in order to cover up his whereabouts.

Qin Lie had an idea in his mind.

That is, Liu Zixing is another identity Qi Yunshan has always had, because he always said "in the name of Liu Zixing" when doing things, it seems that he just borrowed this identity, and this person does not necessarily exist.

But now Qin Lie met Liu Zixing in the textile factory, this person really exists.

There is a great possibility that Qi Yunshan made a disguise in order to escape the pursuit of the Xiao family, changed his face, and lived as Liu Zixing.

In other words, Qi Yunshan in the past is Liu Zixing now, and Liu Zixing and Qi Yunshan are actually the same person.

Why does Qin Lie think so?

Because just a few days ago when he infiltrated the Night Soul Base, he used a human skin mask to make a disguise, completely replacing himself with another person - Stark.

This technology is completely doable.

At the same time, he noticed that Liu Zixing had a scar around his face on the side, which was probably the scar left after his face change.

Including the end of the call, he said: This is all I owe you.

And his fear of what happened in the past can be corroborated.

But it doesn't matter, whether it is Liu Zixing or Qi Yunshan, he must use this identity to protect himself and avoid the pursuit of the Xiao family.

Now that the truth of everything is in front of him, there is no need for him to hold on to Liu Zixing or Qi Yunshan anymore, so don't disturb him for the time being.

Take a look at the timeline of the whole event, and all the truth.

The origin of the matter came from the familiar relationship between Yang Hui, Qi Yunshan and Xuanyuan Hao.

Then the motivation was that the Xiao family wanted to annex the Xuanyuan family by implanting a baby.

Because Yang Hui and Qiu Bai are famous doctors in Longcheng, they were invited by Xuanyuan Hao to deliver Li Caiying's birth.

After the Xiao family knew the news, they threatened Yang Hui with the life of Yang Hui's son Yuanbao, and asked Yang Hui to help exchange the baby, which is the classic civet cat for the prince.

In the end, Yang Hui was forced to agree to do this. At the same time, because she had a good relationship with Qi Yunshan and knew that Qi Yunshan also knew Xuanyuan Hao, she asked Qi Yunshan for assistance.

On the day of the delivery, Qi Yunshan had brought the baby given to him by the Xiao family to the backyard of Xuanyuan's family, and waited until Yang Hui's delivery was successful, and the baby was replaced.

This operation was successful, and the child arranged by the Xiao family became the young master of the Xuanyuan family, which is now Xuanyuan Tianci.

And because Qi Yunshan had a good relationship with Xuanyuan Hao, he didn't want to hurt Xuanyuan Hao's biological son, so he ran a long way and threw the child into a small fishing village, in front of an old man named Qin Derong.

That baby grew up and became Qin Lie now!

Therefore, Xuanyuan Tianci is the puppet of the Xiao family, and Qin Lie is the real young master of the Xuanyuan family.

Later, because of his bad situation, Qi Yunshan accidentally said something he shouldn't have said after drinking, which attracted the Xiao family to chase and kill him.

The Xiao family killed twelve members of Yang Hui's family seventeen years ago, leaving only Qiu Bai to escape.

By chance, Qiu Bai also came to Haitang Village to meet Qin Lie, and they became a master-apprentice relationship.

As for Qi Yunshan, he has either gone far away, or has made up his current Liu Zixing, until now.

For more than ten years, Qiu Bai has been tracking down the massacre of his family, and Qin Lie is also tracking down his life experience.

These two things finally come together at this very moment.

At the same time, all the contradictions were concentrated on the Xiao family.

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