After Guan Hai thought about it, he finally agreed to Qin Lie's request.

Finally, he told Qin Lie: "Well, since it is your own request, then I promise that I will not tell the owner of this matter until the day you decide to tell him."

"That's it." Qin Lie nodded, satisfied.

"I came here today to tell you about this, just to find a supporter in the family who can stand firmly on my side."

"Administration Bureau." Qin Lie finally said, "You are a senior member of Xuanyuan's family, and also my father's confidant. If the day of confrontation really comes, I hope you can stand by my side and help me testify."

"You can rest assured." Guan Haidao, "Even if you don't say it, I will definitely do it. Recently, I found something wrong with Xuanyuan Tianci, and I got too close to the Xiao family. Now that you say this, there are many problems. All have been answered, Xuanyuan Tianci can't get my support, I will definitely be on your side."

"Thanks." Qin Lie said sincerely, "My father is blessed to have you as an employee by his side. It is his blessing, and it is also my blessing."

"Young master has won the prize."

After chatting with Guan Hai to this point, the matter is almost settled.

When Qin Lie left, he left a nail shell for Guan Hai and asked him to extract DNA to compare with Xuanyuan Hao.

Anyway, Qin Lie did not forge a diary, and this identity is almost inseparable.

It's just that he now needs an iron proof, an iron proof that can prove his identity.

The DNA identification report is the hard evidence he wants.

Guan Hai said that he would get Xuanyuan Hao's DNA, including the DNA identification report, which would take about half a month to come out, and that time was not much different from the days when the family began.

This arrangement is just right.

He has already begun to make the final plan to destroy the Xiao family.

After looking for Guan Hai, Qin Lie left the Kyushu Bureau and went straight to another place.

Tonight, there is one more important thing to do, that is, to deal with Xuanyuan Tianci's private team.

According to the news from the Red Thorn last night, today Xuanyuan Tianci and the Xiao family are going to attack the place where Ning Kun is and grab Ning Kun from the villa.

Even with Yang Hui and Qi Yunshan's diaries, Xuanyuan Tianci's forgery of family files had become a trivial matter, and Ning Kun's importance was not that high.

But with Ning Kun around, the fact that Xuanyuan Tianci is a puppet must be more convincing.

Therefore, Ning Kun has to continue to protect. The most important thing is that Qin Lie wants Xuanyuan Tianci and the Xiao family to suffer a big loss.

At around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Lie went to Bruni's villa area to discuss tactics with Bruni.

The overall core tactic was the one discussed yesterday, please enter the urn.

After arriving, Qin Lie realized that Bruni had already made arrangements, and he didn't need to worry about it at all, he just needed to watch the excitement here.

In order not to make those who attacked Xuanyuan Tianci suspicious, Bruni deliberately arranged inspection posts outside the villa. Of course, these inspection posts are basically not the real armed forces, but those that Bruni spent a day in all over China. The terminally ill, almost incurable people found in the hospital.

These people would not live long, and Bruni asked them to be the patrol post. Even if they died tonight, their relatives would get a lot of compensation, and they would have no worries for the rest of their lives.

At the same time, they will also wear bulletproof vests, bulletproof helmets and other protective equipment. Whether they will die tonight is a problem.

And Ning Kun himself had long been moved to the next-door community, and was now lying in bed watching the live broadcast - the live broadcast of tonight's action.

In the room where Ning Kun was originally hidden, almost everyone had left, and a few terminally ill patients would still be arranged downstairs, still to confuse the public.

As for the second floor of the villa, there was absolutely no one there.

Bruni's armed forces have already been deployed in other villas around this villa. As soon as Xuanyuan Tianci's people arrive, break through the defense on the first floor and crash into the second floor, all the surrounding armed personnel will be dispatched as soon as possible. The outside surrounds the villa, and then kills everyone inside.

Hey, the whole arrangement fits perfectly, without a single loophole.

Bruni can even think of using terminally ill people to pretend to be defense personnel, which is simply too meticulous.

Sure enough, after Bruni arrived in China, Sun Tzu's Art of War in the past two months was not for nothing.

Qin Lie briefly checked Bruni's arrangement and felt that there was no problem. He played Landlord Fighting with Bruni in a villa next to him. This No. 2 character from the Cape family was deeply attracted by China's Landlord Fighting. Has become a master of fighting landlords.

That guy, who knows cards and counts cards, can play superbly, even Qin Lie, an authentic Chinese man, can't play him.

Feeling very relaxed, Qin Lie played with Bruni in the villa next to him until eleven o'clock in the evening.


At eleven o'clock in the evening, outside the Binhe Spring villa area, Zhou Shunrong led his team to wait outside the villa area.

Zhou Shunrong was the commander who attacked the villa area tonight. Their goal was to break through the target villa, find the target character Ning Kun from it, and kill him on the spot.

Zhou Shunrong used to be a soldier in the maintenance unit of the Huaxia Army.

However, he was not a good soldier. He had contact with many foreign mercenaries during the peacekeeping force, so he knew from their mouths that the benefits of being a mercenary were hundreds of times and thousands of times that of being a regular soldier.

People die for wealth, and birds die for food. After a certain job from an employer was completed and he received an income of one million US dollars, Zhou Shunrong was out of control.

Resigned from the army and became a full-time mercenary.

Because of his regular army background, he quickly made a name for himself in the mercenary world.

Later, his talent was discovered by the Xiao family, and then the Xiao family gave him a salary of 10 million a year to work exclusively for the Xiao family, and directly obey Henry Zhang.

Today, he and his subordinates came to carry out Ning Kun's mission.

He brought a lot of people today, his old subordinates, new subordinates, and other special armed forces sent to him by Henry Zhang, the total number came to as many as 200 people.

Although there is information that there are about 300 people protecting Ning Kun.

But today's mission intelligence comes from a reliable insider.

That is to say, they do it, and the other side doesn't know it at all.

The enemy is in the dark and we are in the dark, and they have their own advantages in this kind of special operations.

At that time, the first round of impact will cause the opponent to lose a large amount of strength. If you are fully prepared on your side, and the other side responds in a hurry, you will have an advantage in timing.

Zhou Shunrong has rich combat experience. In his opinion, he will definitely win this battle today!

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