Qin Lie was furious, if Chen Xiaoyu had any accident, he would turn the entire Su family upside down.

Moreover, as long as Chen Xiaoyu is safe, he will definitely cut Su Hexiang into eight pieces and chop them into meat sauce as soon as possible.

So what I have to do now is to find a way to save Chen Xiaoyu.

The three brothers that Jiang Lei brought with him just went out to do this.

In the current situation, the rope that tied Chen Xiaoyu was connected to the platform on the fourth floor through a pulley, and three people were watching the rope on the platform.

It means that if the rope breaks, Chen Xiaoyu will fall into the furnace below.

The same is true for the three people on the platform. Once they find that the situation below is wrong, they will cut off the rope with a knife, which is the key to threatening Qin Lie.

If you want Chen Xiaoyu to be safe, the first priority is to get rid of the three people on the platform.

In the workshop warehouse of the entire steel factory, there is only an iron staircase attached to the wall that leads to the adult platform above. The view from the staircase is wide and the entire workshop can be seen.

So it is almost impossible to climb from the stairs to the platform.

The opportunity now is to see if there is a chance to kill the three people remotely.

Jiang Lei and the three brothers just now did this.

Qin Lie is now going to stall the time.

Seeing that Su Hexiang was almost crazy, Qin Lie looked at him coldly and whispered: "Su Hexiang, I really want to know, when did our hatred become so serious?"

"Qin Lie!" Su Hexiang still said sharply, "I told you a long time ago, my Su family, I Su Hexiang are heaven in Longcheng! You don't know what's good or bad, you don't know how high the sky is, and you ride on my head, making me humiliated over and over again. .

You are just a hillbilly, a newly rising upstart, do you think what you have done is not serious enough, if you don't give me back my face, even if you go to hell, I will chase after you! "

"You can hit me," Qin Lie said, "but why do you want to influence the people around me!"

"Qin Lie!" Su Hexiang shouted loudly, "Don't pretend to be a gentleman in front of me, and tell you that you can't hurt your family. I tell you, this world is a winner and loser. As long as it succeeds, it doesn't matter what you do.

Anyway, history is written by the victors, as long as he succeeds, who cares if he is flooded now! "

"Okay, very good." Qin Lie said, "It's really the young master of the Su family, who can do anything. Do you know what the most likely outcome is for someone like you?"

"Qin Lie!" Su Hexiang said, "Are you going to start educating me again, I told you so early, today is my home court, I have already told you my request, do you want to take the bone or not? "

Qin Lie knew that Jiang Lei and his brothers would take a certain amount of time to control, and he still needed to keep dragging them.

"Su Hexiang, I think we can sit down and discuss these matters, there is no need to be so stiff!"

"I discuss your paralysis!"

Su Hexiang went crazy, pointed at Qin Lie and cursed: "Qin Lie, what tricks are you playing here, discuss, why did I make such a big move today to discuss with you!?"

"Liang Kun!" Su Hexiang shouted fiercely, "Show this young master that we didn't play with him!"


Liang Kun was one of the three people on the platform in charge of guarding the ropes. He was ordered by Su Hexiang and quickly untied the ropes tied to Chen Xiaoyu.

It was also at that time that Chen Xiaoyu swooped down from a position almost the third floor high, dropping almost two meters in height.

Qin Lie was instantly frightened, really frightened.


Qin Lie roared and told the people above to stop, but the people above didn't really want to kill Chen Xiaoyu for the time being. After descending about two meters, he grabbed the rope and tied it to the crossbar.

At first, Chen Xiaoyu was not far from the furnace, and was only three meters high. Now it has dropped by two meters. Now Chen Xiaoyu is only one meter high from the molten iron in the furnace.

The scalding heat burned her red, and she was covered in sweat.

If it goes on like this, without even falling into the furnace, Chen Xiaoyu and the two babies will die of dehydration.

Qin Lie gritted his teeth, his eyes almost tearing Su Hexiang apart.

It's just that Chen Xiaoyu's safety is really too important, and Qin Lie has to compromise with Su Hexiang, who has gone crazy: "Okay, I'll take it, I'll meet your requirements!"

"Very good!" Su Hexiang said loudly, "I just like someone who knows current affairs like you, kneel down."

Qin Lie gritted his teeth and had no choice. He looked at Su Hexiang and slowly leaned down. He first landed on one knee, and his whole body had already dropped halfway to the ground.

"Brother lie!"

"Brother lie!"

Chen Jinhu, Li Tianlin and other brothers persuaded Qin Lie from behind.

They are also gnashing their teeth now, eager to rush over to mash Su Hexiang into meat sauce.

But very helpless, Chen Xiaoyu is in their hands, because of this, everyone has no way to let go and fight.

How can I save Chen Xiaoyu?

Qin Lie really had no choice this time, one knee fell to the ground, then two knees fell, and he knelt on the ground.

As the old saying goes, a man has gold under his knees, and he kneels down on his knees to his parents. Even if his neck is broken, he must never kneel for others.

But in this situation, Qin Lie shoulders the life of Chen Xiaoyu and the lives of his two soon-to-be-born children. By kneeling, he is saving the lives of his family.

In the eyes of Chen Jinhu and the others, not only did he not lose his dignity, but on the contrary, he was more like a man who stood upright.

If you can do this for your wife and children, isn't that a man?

Chen Xiaoyu was hanged in the air, her expression was already in a trance, just seeing Qin Lie kneeling to an enemy for her, her tears still welled up in her eyes.

She is Qin Lie's lover, she knows very well how high Qin Lie's dignity is and how hard his waist is.

If it was the usual way, even if he put the gun on his head, he would not be able to kneel, but this time, in order to protect himself, he knelt down.

This action made Chen Xiaoyu feel her weight in Qin Lie's heart.

With this action, Chen Xiaoyu feels that he has no regrets in this life. Choosing this man will never change in this life.

The atmosphere of everyone on Qin Lie's side was so low that it froze, and everyone was holding a fire in their hearts. That fire was ignited by a spark. As long as this fire was ignited, it would definitely cause the power to destroy the world.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Opposite Su Hexiang laughed madly, as if he had won a big victory, he was arrogant!

"Qin Lie, you are riding a horse today!"

"I dream of this picture all the time, hahahaha, cool!!"

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