The thunder exploded, and the light of lightning illuminated the night sky. When Qin Lie's face hit Qin Lie, Qin Lie looked at Su Hexiang blankly, without any expression at all.

At this time, Su Hexiang was already lying on the ground and fell in a pool of blood.

Qin Lie looked at him indifferently, like looking at the corpse of a beast.

He was expressionless, even though he had killed Su Hexiang, he still pulled the trigger for the second time.


The gunshot struck, and the bullet entered Su Hexiang's head again.

This is not over, Qin Lie fired a third shot while walking towards Su Hexiang's body.

He walked all the way, fired a total of twelve shots, until the pistol ran out of bullets, he still did not give up.

Then, he grabbed the submachine gun in the hand of a team member, held the butt, and fired an unknown number of shots at Su Hexiang's head. Anyway, by the end, Su Hexiang's head had turned into a mess.

Qin Lie gave up after finishing the fire in his heart.

This is the fate of daring to touch his women and children!

Chop him into meat sauce, Qin Lie does what he says!

The other members of Longyan Squad watched and all gritted their teeth, sharing the same hatred as Qin Lie.

Su Hexiang's behavior is not authentic, he is insidious, and he acts in a rude manner. He did not take his body to feed the dogs, which is the greatest tolerance for him.

After Su Hexiang lost Chen Xiaoyu's bargaining chip, the rest of the battle was ruined.

The members of Longyan Squad rushed up and arrested all the rest of Su Hexiang.

More than 30 people, all fell into the hands of the Longyan team.

Su Hexiang was dead, and they no longer had the heart to resist. They knelt on the ground one by one, completely losing their heart.

Li Tianlin came here to report and asked Qin Lie, "brother lie, what to do with the rest?"

Qin Lie only answered Li Tianlin with one word: "Kill!"

Li Tianlin asked, "Kill them all?"

Qin Lie still answered very simply: "Kill all!"

Li Tianlin: "Will this completely anger the Su family and directly mobilize the power of the whole family to fight us?"

Qin Lie's expression was indifferent, and he said something that seemed unrelated to Li Tianlin's problem, but was closely related: "Eight great families have controlled an era, and it's time for this era to end!"

After saying this, Qin Lie stopped at the steel factory and walked to Chen Xiaoyu's side.

He helped Chen Xiaoyu to walk outside the steel plant, and simply said to Chen Xiaoyu, "I'll take you to the hospital."

After that, Qin Lie took Chen Xiaoyu to go outside.

Outside the steel factory, Chen Jinhu gave them two umbrellas, and the three of them disappeared into the rain all the way.

It was still raining heavily around, and the Red Star Iron and Steel Factory, hidden under thick clouds, was deadly silent.


Longcheng, at eight o'clock in the evening, in the discussion hall of the Xiao family in Longcheng, there are three middle-aged people sitting under the high Xiao family plaque.

On the leading chair of the head of the Xiao family, the contemporary head of the Xiao family, Henry Zhang, naturally sat.

On both sides of him, on the guest chairs, sits Kong Zhaohui, the head of the Kong family, and Su Donghai, the contemporary head of the Su family, on the other.

There is only one thing to discuss in three courts and three courts, and that is how to deal with Qin Lie.

The conflict between the Xiao family and Qin Lie could not be clearly explained in a single word for a long time.

The last war in South Korea has pushed the conflict between the Xiao family and Qin Lie to the top, and Qin Lie and the Xiao family have reached the point of endless death.

As for the Kong family, Kong Yunze was killed, and the previous head of the family, Kong Wei, was killed.

Kong Zhaohui used to handle the family's foreign affairs abroad, but now that Kong Wei died, he came back to inherit the family business.

Kong Zhaohui has just pacified the Kong family since he inherited the new head of the family, and he must do something to establish his own prestige in the family.

At this time, taking Qin Lie, the enemy of the family, is naturally the best choice.

Among the three families, only the Su family and Qin Lie are not dead enemies - of course, Su Donghai just doesn't know that his son has been chopped into meat sauce by Qin Lie!

In Su Donghai's eyes, Qin Lie just robbed him of the business of Shenzhou Weapons and the business of Super Steel.

He also just reluctantly ran over to join the Xiao family and the Kong family.

When the three of them were discussing the great family competition, how could Qin Lie be put to death?

"Patriarch Xiao." Kong Zhaohui told Henry Zhangdao, "I don't think this matter is that troublesome at all, isn't it just Qin Lie, and we still need the three of us to come over to meet in person.

The three of us each contributed a little bit, and each of us found a little bit of people, and went straight to the door and beat Qin Lie. He is a junior who has just risen, can he resist the attack of the three of us? "

Henry Zhang listened, sighed and said, "Brother Kong, this matter is far from simple."

"Tell me, if Qin Lie was really easy to deal with, my Xiao family would have dealt with him, and now we have to deal with Qin Lie, it seems that he is only dealing with him, but in fact it is dealing with all the forces behind him. ."

"The battle of South Korea, the two local groups in South Korea that I joined together strangled Qin Lie, but do you know how many people he called in within three hours?"

"The people from the Tang family, the people from the Cape family, and his own Longyan team, plus the two masters around him, one Situ Xuan and Qiu Bai, forced me back abruptly."

"The battle of South Korea ended in a win-win situation. This is not to mention the Murong family and the Shentu family among his allies, and recently he has been very close to the people from the Kyushu Bureau."

"You must admit that the current Qin Lie is indeed a character."

"I don't believe it!" Kong Zhaohui shook his head and said, "The Tang family, the Murong family, the Shentu family, and the Kyushu Bureau, I don't believe that these major forces will fight to the death for Qin Lie, they all have their own foundations, if we officially and Qin Lie formally When the war starts, I don’t think other forces will die to help him except the Tang family. With a Tang family, my Kong family can deal with it, and the rest of the things are not easy for the two of you to handle?”

When Su Donghai heard Kong Zhaohui's words, he immediately said, "Brother Kong, don't pull me when you are doing things. I am here today just to help you. I will not officially start a war with Qin Lie."

When Kong Zhaohui heard this, he immediately became angry: "Su Donghai, what you said is meaningless. If you don't do your best, what would you mean by participating in this today? Sitting on the mountain to watch the tiger fight, and enjoy the success?"

"Who said I can't do anything?" Su Donghai said, "If you guys get involved with Qin Lie, I can provide you with information and equipment. My Su family owns an arsenal, so I can still provide these things."

"Cut..." Kong Zhaohui murmured, "You still use these things, you really know what to do."

However, at this time, outside the lobby of Xiao's house, a servant of Su Donghai's men ran in in fear, crying and telling Su Donghai: "Patriarch, it's not good, it's not good, something big has happened. It's gone!"

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