"Qin Lie!"

Su Donghai clenched his fists and said viciously: "Qin Lie, what kind of hatred did you and I have in my last life, and you want to kill my Su family!"

"After you made me Su Donghai doomed, I made everyone in your Xiao family disappear from this world!"

"Qin Lie, there is a way to heaven and you don't want to go, but there is no way to hell, you come to cast yourself, do you want to fight? I'll accompany you!"

Su Donghai is furious now, Su Hexiang's death is enough to make him lose his mind, he just wants to smash Qin Lie into pieces!

Having said that, Su Donghai didn't stop for a moment, and walked quickly to the door of the Xiao family compound.

Henry Zhang saw that the situation was wrong, he quickly chased after him, stopped Su Donghai and said, "Brother Donghai, what are you doing?"

As he walked away, Su Donghai said, "Qin Lie killed my son, I will now go back and mobilize the power of the whole clan to send this fellow into the eighteenth hell and sacrifice my son's life with his blood!"

Henry Zhang heard this, his heart was definitely not right, he dispatched quickly, went behind Su Donghai with a big stride, climbed on Su Donghai's shoulder and said, "Brother Donghai, you must not act impulsively!"

Su Donghai shook Henry Zhang's hand, and said sternly: "Acting on impulse? You call this acting on impulse? Qin Lie even killed my only biological son, can I keep him alive until tomorrow?"

Henry Zhang hurriedly continued: "Brother Su, now the big match of the aristocratic family is right in front of you, it's been less than a few days, doing this will only ruin our plan!"

"The big plan!" Su Donghai said bluntly, "It's not your son who died, of course you can tell me what the big plan is, Henry Zhang, you can't control this matter, I need Qin Lie to disappear from this world today!"

Henry Zhang also roared: “Brother Su, my son Xiao Xingyuan was also lying on the bed because of Qin Lie, and now he is in a vegetative state and can’t wake up at all. Is his condition much better than Xiang’er? Do you think I don’t treat him well? Hate? I want Qin Lie to die more than anyone in the world!"

"Then why are you still hesitating?" Su Donghai said, "Don't bring your Xiao family army and mine to the Qin Lie gate?"

Henry Zhang grabbed Su Donghai’s arm and would not let him go no matter what.

He warned Su Donghai: "Brother Donghai, I can understand your feelings at this time, but you need to understand that the position of the two of us is not only the father of our son, but also the patriarch of this family. We shoulder the responsibility of the family. development and hope."

"I'll make it clear to you!" Henry Zhang said, "I have planned a lot for this family competition, and even spent decades of hard work, now the time is ripe, and it's time for me to close the game. .

If the plan goes well, I can guarantee that the current eight great families will be reshuffled, at least three of them will be destroyed, and a few of our families will be able to sit at the head of the eight great families, my Xiao family is number one, you Su Home is the second and third!

When our plan is completed, it will not be too late for you to kill Qin Lie. "

The Xiao family's plan was to destroy the Xuanyuan family. Xuanyuan Tianci was the puppet he sent in the past. Now Xuanyuan Tianci occupies a core position in the Xuanyuan family, and has the ability to destroy the Xuanyuan family with one blow.

He has been planning this matter for many years. He really doesn't want this matter to be bigger than before in the aristocratic family, and then disturb other families, so that his plans will all fall short.

This is also the reason why Henry Zhang can endure Qin Lie for so long.

After the war in South Korea, Henry Zhang saw the power of Qin Lie and knew that Qin Lie’s heritage already had the capital to compete with the super family.

He knew that once Qin Lie was moved, it was likely to cause chaos among multiple families.

Including the most important one, Ning Kun, is also in Qin Lie's hands at the moment, so he has been waiting.

Wait for the perfect moment.

He was fully prepared this time, and used all his methods in this great family competition in the magic capital.

Henry Zhang did not allow accidents to happen before that, which is why he stopped Su Donghai.

Su Donghai was in a fit of anger at the moment, unable to listen to persuasion, waved his hand and said, "Your big plan is your big plan, I want to kill Qin Lie is my business, why do I believe that you can carry the Su family to the top of the aristocratic family competition this time. The top three of the eight great families?"

Henry Zhangdao: “I can’t guarantee you about this matter, but Qin Lie is there, he was there before the big competition, and he is still there after the big competition, but it’s more than ten days later, you can’t bet on it for a moment?

Brother Su, I promise you, this time the family competition, no matter whether my plan is successful or not, after the competition, I will do my best to help you clean up Qin Lie, and then catch Qin Lie and send it to you. Get your hands on it! ! "

Henry Zhang was so excited that he quickly told Su Donghai all about it.

And his words, after all, persuaded Su Donghai to come down.

Su Donghai's body, which was in a hurry to leave, stagnated in place, and finally calmed down.

He looked back at Henry Zhang and whispered, "What you said is true?"

Henry Zhang sighed, nodded and said: "Brother Su, I told you a lot of my secrets, many of which are my family secrets, I have told you all these things, is it possible that you still don't believe me?"

"How sure are you that you can overthrow other families?" Su Donghai asked.

"Six points." Henry Zhang said, "I have worked hard for this and planned for decades. I don't want to ruin all my plans because of this."

Next to Kong Zhaohui, seeing that Su Donghai was so excited, he finally walked up.

But it was him who felt the most relaxed at the moment.

Started to make the Su family form an alliance to deal with Qin Lie, but as a result, Su Donghai pushed three obstacles there.

The result is good now. Su Donghai's son died, but Qin Lie killed him. He became the one who wanted to kill Qin Lie the most. This plot development is really dramatic.

As for Kong Zhaohui, after he inherited the Kong family, cleaning up the civil strife caused a great loss of family morale, and he also needed a way to restore the Kong family's vitality.

It is definitely a good choice to go along with the Xiao family.

First, the Xiao family has the same position as his own, and secondly, the Xiao family is indeed among the best in the power of the eight great aristocratic families.

In the end, he also symbolically helped Henry Zhang to persuade him a few words: "Brother Donghai, since Brother Xiao has spoken to this point, you should believe him, this Qin Lie wants to kill, when can he not be killed, but he must The rise of the family is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, just think about it.”

Henry Zhang and Kong Zhaohui persuaded Su Donghai together, and finally suppressed Su Donghai’s anger temporarily.

After all, they are patriarchs, and emotional control is their ability.

Su Donghai took a few heavy breaths, and finally looked at Henry Zhang and asked, "You promise that no matter the success of the family competition, you will help me deal with Qin Lie."

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